Tag: spirit
Abundance Meditation – Why Do We Worry About Money?
Why do we worry about money? This is because we are human and this is human nature. We will all do this at times; so lets look at some tools we can work with to move these fears into a better feeling place.
Drunvalo Melchizedek: Unity Breath Meditation
The Unity Breath meditation is one of the most beautiful and important meditations on Earth, as it is the beginning of all indigenous sacred ceremonies and the beginning of all levels of ascension. This is the meditation of exactly how to connect with Mother Earth and Father Sun from your heart.
How To Develop The Four Primary Skills Of All Meditation
Emancipation or freedom from slavery and bondage is ultimately what the human spirit craves. From the perspective of your spirit, slavery encompasses how the attachments in your life—such as sex, material items, money, power and all that they bring—prevent you from being free. Bondage has to do with the ways in which your ego (or collection of identities) and your karmic loops bind you into the reality you experience, and thereby limit your human growth. So the question is: How can you free your spirit and, in so doing, realise your human potential?
Chakra Balancing
The chakras are portal or structures which help to channel and integrate subtle energy into the physical body. The body has 7 primary chakras but over 2,000 secondary ones which help to direct and hold the integrity of our 3 main elements – mind, body and spirit.
Add Crystals And Stones To Your Meditation Practice For An Enlightening Experience!
I have always loved crystals. I love to be surrounded by them, I love to hold them in my hands and place them on Chakra points during meditation, and I especially love to wear them. When I was young and broke, I remember saving my change in a jar until I had enough money to buy a piece of raw amethyst from a little shop in Woodstock, NY!
The Walk-In Soul Experience
Did you ever feel like you were not yourself or as if your personality and interests changed literally overnight? If so, then you might be a walk-in! Walk-In Souls – Book Excerpt from, “Hidden Mysteries: ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools and Ascension” by Joshua David Stone Walk-ins are soul extensions, or personalities, who take over the […]
10 Tips For Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is the process of inner awakening and becoming conscious our inner being. It means the rising of the consciousness beyond the ordinary existence, and awakening to some Universal truths. It means going beyond the mind and the ego and realizing who you really are.
Quotes On Spirituality From Albert Einstein
Spirituality quotes from Albert Einstein: 1. I want to know God’s thoughts; the rest are details. 2. Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind. 3. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail […]
The Veil Is Thinner Than Ever
by Wes Annac I enjoy writing reports about enlightenment, but some of the advice we’ve been given by spiritual teachers from the past isn’t quite relevant to the present. Depending on which teacher you listen to, the veil was much thicker when they shared their teachings with the world. We’re capable of achieving a lot […]
She had the soul of a gypsy
she had the soul of a gypsy, the heart of a hippie, the spirit of a fairy… In5D PATREON: Click here to help support our work thru Patreon. Your support is greatly appreciated!!! Follow In5D on Patreon, Rumble, Telegram, Twitter, Bitchute, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Gab, and Truth Social
Spiritual Leap Of Faith
by Kim Hutchinson guest writer for In5D.com The theme of owning one’s power keeps coming up in my healings, readings and conversations. As a response to encouraging people to stand in their power, I am frequently met with unbridled fear. Never have I had so many people in such crisis over the same issue. This […]
TRANSCRIPTION: Total Recall By Indigo Child Matias De Stefano
Narrator: How does the universe work? Does good and bad exist? Do we really know all of humanity’s history? How did the Human Being appear? Does God exist? What is the Spirit? What is going to happen in 2012? Who are the Indigo children? Did Atlantis exist? Where do we come from? Where are we […]
Twelve Principles For The New Reality
by Owen Waters Contributing Writer,In5D.com The New Reality brings with it a new vista of awareness. In order to operate successfully in the new environment, you need to apply the new principles which come with this expanded view of reality. Such knowledge empowers you to awaken to your newly expanded potential and manifest it with […]
Twelve Signs Of Your Awakening Consciousness
1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the “Christ seed” awakens within. This too shall pass. 2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes […]