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The Veil Is Thinner Than Ever

By on March 17, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

The Veil Is Thinner Than Ever

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by Wes Annac

I enjoy writing reports about enlightenment, but some of the advice we’ve been given by spiritual teachers from the past isn’t quite relevant to the present.


Depending on which teacher you listen to, the veil was much thicker when they shared their teachings with the world. We’re capable of achieving a lot more in terms of consciousness exploration than when a lot of spiritual teachers were in their prime, and this is a liberating thing to realize.

The veil’s a lot thinner than it used to be, and all it takes is a small meditation to realize that we can glimpse a higher state of consciousness pretty easily.

Exploring our consciousness gets easier with every year that passes, and all we need to do is show a little effort to glimpse things that might’ve been unheard of in some spiritual teachers’ heyday.

We don’t need to follow all the strict and rigid rules that were dictated by people who found enlightenment when the veil between the material and the spiritual was stronger, and for the most part, we can chart our own path; expand our consciousness in our own way.

Meditation is a great way to explore the etheric abyss, but we don’t have to be rigid about it to glimpse spirit. We can make our own meditation, and by that I mean we can find things that help us expand our consciousness without having to sternly meditate.

There’s nothing wrong with dedicated meditation, and I’d recommend finding a place to sit in silence and contemplation every now and then, but the difference between now and before is that we don’t have to.


We can meditate in whatever way works for us, and a lot of people use music to calm the mind and get to a place beyond the physical senses. Music is one of the best ways to meditate, and whether we listen to it or play it, it’s a helpful tool in the expansion of consciousness.

Other people use things like writing to meditate, and while writing isn’t as potent of a way to access spirit as music or direct meditation, it still connects us with a higher aspect of our consciousness, which, if we stay connected with, we can allow to speak through our writings.

Instead of hearing from a lone spiritual writer, you could hear from their inner voice without realizing it (or without them realizing it). One of the benefits of the decreasing veil is that we can use creativity to bridge the gap and connect with spirit in a potent way, and we might as well take the opportunity.

No matter how you like to express yourself, you can use creativity to elevate your awareness and help others understand that we live in an innately spiritual world.

You can use the creative inspiration we’ve all felt at one time or another to connect with your inner voice and let it speak through you, and while channeling is pretty popular right now, I think writing can become the new channeling if we let it.

There’ll always be people who want to communicate with entities in higher realms, but those of us who are more passionate about maintaining a connection with our inner voice (and subsequently, the universe), can deepen this connection with every spiritually inspired thing we do.

It’s safe to say that most conscious musicians pick up on their inner voice when they write music that’s inspired by spirit, but again, it doesn’t matter what creative avenue we use to connect as long as it works for us and we diligently pursue it.

I honestly think the pursuit of creativity will connect us with a higher aspect of our consciousness, and with how much the veil’s thinning, it stands to reason that creativity, which has always been a potent way to connect, will help us transcend the veil and express the spirit in an unhindered way.

The only thing that stops us from connecting is our unwillingness or hesitation, and we’ll have to be confident in ourselves and the things we’ve come here to do if we want to maintain a potent creative and spiritual connection.

Self-confidence is important if we want to all-out diminish the veil that stands between us and a higher perception, and everything seems to get easier when we’re confident in ourselves.

Together with an open mind and a flowing heart, self-confidence will ensure that we use our creativity to consistently tear down the barrier between us and that omnipotent aspect of our consciousness that can flow through us and amaze us (and everyone else).

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We’re all creative powerhouses who are capable of enlightenment, but we have to realize it before we can do anything significant. We have to realize that we’re in a great position to raise the collective vibration, and in my opinion, collective ascension will result from creativity, meditation and spiritually inspired activism.

I think this is the great secret the hippies touched on in the sixties and seventies. They realized that creativity, activism and a direct exploration of our consciousness could enlighten the world, and some of them are still on a journey to elevate the planetary consciousness with those three things.

The hippies got it right for the most part, but admittedly, some of them got lost in the stereotypical ‘sex, drugs and rock n roll’.

We’re the new generation, and we can correct whatever perceived errors were made by the awakening generations before us while integrating the things they got right into our attempts to raise our consciousness.

The beatniks, the hippies, the Rastas and every other counterculture group that came to us in the fifties, sixties and seventies had touched on something that we can now expand, and expanding it will get easier as the veil becomes thinner and we’re eventually left with no obstacles in our way.

As we grow closer with spirit, let’s remember to embrace the creative and meditative practices that are aligning us with it and raising the collective vibration. Let’s keep in mind that we don’t have to meditate for hours on end just to get a potent glimpse, and we can write articles, paint pictures or play music to weaken the veil.

We don’t have to follow all the rigid rules we’ve been given about enlightenment, and we don’t have to renounce the whole world. We can embrace the world without being corrupted by the aspects of society that hold us back, and we don’t get anywhere by avoiding any aspect of reality, lower or higher.

We have to integrate and accept the lower, darker aspects of reality before we can enjoy anything higher, and this requires us to embrace everything about our existence on this planet.

Collective enlightenment is possible, especially right now, but those of us who’ve become aware will have to work (and play) hard to create it. We’ll also want to take some time in quiet, contemplative stillness every now and then. Creativity is one of the most potent ways to align, but direct meditation still takes the cake.

Above all, we have to remember to empower ourselves and, again, have confidence in our ability to complete the tasks at hand each day. We’re capable of anything we’re willing to believe we’re capable of, and only when we stop ourselves do we fail to achieve anything significant.

No matter what we do, we have to believe in ourselves or it’ll all go south. With, faith, self-empowerment and the recognition that we don’t have to follow someone else’s rules, our spiritual evolution will be a breeze and we’ll enjoy everything we do to awaken the world.

I envision a world where every empowered person is willing to follow their passion, and we’ll have to create this world if we want collective enlightenment.

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