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Tag: inspiration

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast April 10-16, 2017

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast April 10-16, 2017

By on April 10, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Hillory Skott, Contributing Writer, April 10-16 The Moon is full in Libra, the sign of relationship on April 10, 2017. Is it time to partner up? Or to cut the ties. Endings are just beginnings do what needs doing. It‘s the last week of Venus retrograde too. What have you learned about your relationships? […]

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What Is True Love?

What Is True Love?

By on February 26, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Neda The Mystic, Contributing Writer, With the month of Valentine’s Day coming to a close, something inside many of us is still burning with fiery passion inside, longing to know if we are with “The One” or are we are on our way to “The One?” Guess what, Cupid Eyes? You’ll never find “The […]

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Politics, Soul Ages And The Bifurcation Of Worlds

Politics, Soul Ages And The Bifurcation Of Worlds

By on November 15, 2016 in Awareness, Spiritual Awakening

by Kim Hutchinson, Contributing Writer, Preface: I wrote this article to help people who are unhappy with American election results. I hope it helps to bring you peace and understanding. The Election Wednesday morning when I awoke to news of Donald Trump’s ascendancy to the position of President of the United States my first reaction […]

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Law Of Attraction Basics: 9 Steps In The Art Of Joy

Law Of Attraction Basics: 9 Steps In The Art Of Joy

By on October 10, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

point was the richest person in America, who commissioned Napoleon Hill to write “Think and Grow Rich” in 1937 to celebrities today that credit their success to Law of Attraction.

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27 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Nikola Tesla

27 Life Changing Lessons To Learn From Nikola Tesla

By on August 19, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Known as the genius that lit the world, Nikola Tesla inspired nations to come together in the name of peace and science. And he also inspired me to write this post. As a visionary far ahead of his time, Nikola Tesla has become for me, a source of inspiration and great wisdom. And today I would like to share with you 27 of the many lessons I have learned from this incredible man.

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5 Obstacles On The Spiritual Path

5 Obstacles On The Spiritual Path

By on November 10, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

I’d like to share five things that can distract us from the path, so we know what to look out for and what can hurt us.

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Is Fate Predetermined?

Is Fate Predetermined?

By on September 24, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Some people say fate is like destiny, because we cannot change it. I say people who believe that they cannot change fate lack the knowledge and wisdom to understand what life and reality are.

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Dolores Cannon – In The Midst Of Chaos

Dolores Cannon – In The Midst Of Chaos

By on September 2, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Below is an excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s “Convoluted Universe”, Book Three, in which the QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy) participant, dubbed “Anne”, describes the Human Evolution changes we are experiencing now. Keep in mind while reading this, that this book was published in 2008.

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Why Do So Many On The Spiritual Path Feel They Are Not Good Enough?

Why Do So Many On The Spiritual Path Feel They Are Not Good Enough?

By on August 30, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Max and Lana guest writers for Everyone on this planet understands that being human involves moments of self-doubt, hesitation, and/or wondering if we are “good enough” to reach our goals and fulfill our desires. However, for “light workers” or those on the spiritual path, these feelings are often more pervasive, intense, confusing, and […]

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Reveal Your Life’s Purpose by Asking These 15 Questions

Reveal Your Life’s Purpose by Asking These 15 Questions

By on April 29, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Stevie P  You came here for a reason, didn’t you? You can feel it in the depths of your being. Your life is inconceivably meaningful. You arrived on Earth for a purpose. What that purpose is, you have to uncover (and create) yourself. It’s an epic quest from cradle to grave, and that’s what […]

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The Veil Is Thinner Than Ever

The Veil Is Thinner Than Ever

By on March 17, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Wes Annac I enjoy writing reports about enlightenment, but some of the advice we’ve been given by spiritual teachers from the past isn’t quite relevant to the present. Depending on which teacher you listen to, the veil was much thicker when they shared their teachings with the world. We’re capable of achieving a lot […]

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