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Tag: spiritual journey

New Moon In Pisces  The Third Eye & The Dream World

New Moon In Pisces The Third Eye & The Dream World

By on February 18, 2023 in Astrology with 0 Comments

New Moon In Pisces February 19/20, 2023: Creating Art; The Dream World; Honoring All Emotions; Stepping Into Nonduality

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22 Potential Bumps In The Road That Could Easily Delay Your Spiritual Journey

22 Potential Bumps In The Road That Could Easily Delay Your Spiritual Journey

By on February 13, 2023 in Enlightening Articles with 0 Comments

By exploring the reasons why your spiritual awakening has come to a screeching halt, you can gain a deeper understanding of what’s holding you back and learn how to make the necessary shifts to reignite your journey.

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21 Proven Ways To Unlock Past Life Memories

21 Proven Ways To Unlock Past Life Memories

By on February 4, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In this article, we will discuss 21 ways to remember your past lives and provide resources to help you on your spiritual journey.

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31 Signs You’re Being Visited By The Supernatural

31 Signs You’re Being Visited By The Supernatural

By on February 3, 2023 in Enlightening Articles with 0 Comments

Recently, I have been feeling an increased presence of energy in my life, as if the Spirit World is trying to communicate with me. I can’t help but feel like the Spirit World is sending me signs, trying to tell me something important. Whether it’s a feeling of being watched, a dream that feels more like a memory, or a sudden insight that comes out of nowhere, I truly believe that the Spirit World is trying to reach out to me.

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11 Mistakes I’ve Made On The Spiritual Path

11 Mistakes I’ve Made On The Spiritual Path

By on January 28, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As I embark on my spiritual journey, I have come to realize that I have made several mistakes along the way. These mistakes have hindered my progress and kept me from fully experiencing the richness and depth of the spiritual path. From not setting clear intentions to ignoring my physical and mental health, to focusing too much on the destination and not enough on the journey, these mistakes have taught me valuable lessons and have helped me to become more aware and mindful in my spiritual practices. In this article, I will share with you the 11 mistakes I’ve made on my spiritual path and the valuable lessons I’ve learned from them.

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Your Goal In Life Is Not To Be Happy

Your Goal In Life Is Not To Be Happy

By on May 5, 2022 in Spiritual Awakening

The biggest hurdles, in a spiritual journey, are the ones we learn the most from (EXPERIENCES!!!) That’s what life’s all about, that’s why we’re HERE! The good, the bad, the ugly are all experiences that we’ll bring back to Source.

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So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends

So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends

After experiencing your spiritual awakening, did you noticed a change in your relationships with other people lately?  Is it sometimes difficult or awkward to talk to others about spiritual awakening topics? 

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7 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Awakening Has Come To A Sudden Stop

7 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Awakening Has Come To A Sudden Stop

By on July 2, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

No matter your level of conscious awareness or the level of spiritual enlightenment that you have attained, there will come a time on your spiritual journey where you know and feel that you have made great internal progress and then suddenly… nothing.

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Receiving Visions!

Receiving Visions!

By on June 20, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Blair, Contributing Writer, Receiving Visions! Visions are sometimes a part of the spiritual journey. For me, visions sometimes occur while I am asleep, but they have a much different quality than dreams. It is difficult to describe the difference, but you know it when you experience it. Visions are sharper, almost 4 dimensional […]

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17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

By on June 10, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We’re entering a new spiritual awakening paradigm of thought which is exponentially gaining momentum.  People are waking up and are facing their biggest fears, only to find out that this reality is a dream inside of a dream.  In other words, we never die and our waking lives are merely a reflection of the subconscious mind which always brings us our biggest obstacles and fears in order to overcome these obstacles and to grow spiritually.

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5 Signs In Recognizing Your Twin Soul

5 Signs In Recognizing Your Twin Soul

By on June 6, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flames with 0 Comments

5 Signs In Recognizing Your Twin Soul – Twin souls have gone through many reincarnations and lifetimes on earth and throughout the universe, so when they do meet again, the soul recognizes and the synchronicities light up, just like spark and passion combined, a feeling of familiarity. If you need insight and direction to know if you have come across this person, here are some tips.

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How To Find Your Life Purpose

How To Find Your Life Purpose

One of the most common questions I hear is, “What is my life purpose?” To be honest, the answer is right in front of your nose! According to the late Dolores Cannon, “The side effect of doing something you love… what you’re supposed to be doing, is perfect health. When you’re in tune with what you’re supposed to be doing, you don’t get sick.”

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5D Earth: Will Some People Get Left Behind?

5D Earth: Will Some People Get Left Behind?

By on December 19, 2017 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In spiritual and metaphysical conversations, many people are talking about 5d Earth and whether people will get left behind or not.  This speculation has caused great controversy among many people within these fields and this article will most likely continue the speculation.

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Are You A Galactic Warrior?

Are You A Galactic Warrior?

By on November 30, 2017 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

There are two types of Lightworkers: One is all about ‘Love and Light’ and the other is the ‘Galactic Warrior’ who fights in the name of ‘Love and Light’.

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Was There An Event Or A Specific Day That Began Your Awakening?

Was There An Event Or A Specific Day That Began Your Awakening?

By on October 5, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, That’s a tough question for many of us! As a child, I rebelled against a lot of things, but the one thing that stands out the most is organized religion.  It never felt right to me.  Not that it’s wrong to be religious because some people […]

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