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31 Signs You’re Being Visited By The Supernatural

By on February 3, 2023 in Enlightening Articles with 0 Comments

31 Signs You're Being Visited By The Supernatural

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Recently, I have been feeling an increased presence of energy in my life, as if the Spirit World is trying to communicate with me. I can’t help but feel like the Spirit World is sending me signs, trying to tell me something important. Whether it’s a feeling of being watched, a dream that feels more like a memory, or a sudden insight that comes out of nowhere, I truly believe that the Spirit World is trying to reach out to me.

Why is the Spirit World trying to contact me?

The spirit world may try to contact you because they believe that you have a special connection to them and the spiritual realm. They may be seeking to guide you in your life, provide comfort and clarity during difficult times, or even reveal important messages for you to interpret. The spirit world may be trying to reach out to you because it senses that you are open and willing to listen. It may also be a sign that your spiritual journey is gaining momentum and that the spirit world wants to be a part of it. Whatever the reason, the Spirit World is likely trying to contact you because they believe you have something special to offer.


Another reason the spirit world may be trying to contact you is because you have the potential to be a powerful force for change in the physical world. They may be seeking to give you the spiritual guidance and insight you need to become an even stronger force for good. By connecting with you, they may be able to provide encouragement, strength and support to help you reach your goals. The spirit world may also be trying to provide you with an understanding of the unseen realms and the power they hold.

Ultimately, the spirit world may be trying to contact you because they see great potential in you. They may be trying to help you unlock your spiritual gifts and discover your true purpose in life. They may also be seeking to provide you with the knowledge and understanding you need to better understand the spiritual realm and its influence on the physical world. Whatever the reason, the supernatural are likely trying to contact you because they believe there is something special about you that can help make the world a better place. as we are all connected to the spiritual realm. When the Spirit World tries to contact us, it is often to provide guidance and assistance. Our guides, ancestors, and other spiritual entities are trying to reach out to us to offer us insight, direction, and support.

The Spirit World may be trying to contact us for a variety of reasons. It could be that they see we are going through a difficult time and need extra help and understanding. They may also be trying to give us an important message or warning about something that could affect us in the future. The Spirit World could also be trying to help us open up spiritually. By reaching out to us, they can provide us with the tools and guidance needed to tap into our intuition, expand our awareness, and connect more deeply with our spiritual essence.

Are you hearing voices? Do you feel a temperature change? The following are 31 shocking signs that you’re being visited by the supernatural.

31 Signs You’re Being Visited By The Supernatural

1. Strange lights appearing in your home

If you have been observing strange lights in your home, it could be a sign that the spirit world is trying to contact you. This could be a sign that the spiritual realm is trying to communicate with you, so be open to the possibilities. Pay close attention to your surroundings and look for any other signs that the spirit world is reaching out. If you are feeling a sense of peace and calmness, it could be a sign that the spirits are around you. Be sure to remain open to the possibility of a spiritual connection and be aware of the subtle changes in your environment.

2. Unexplained, noises, knocking or tapping sounds

This type of communication is often a sign that the spiritual realm is attempting to reach out to you and relay messages of guidance or advice. Pay attention to the noises and whatever feelings come up as a result. You may want to take some time in a quiet space to meditate and open yourself up to receiving any messages that the spirit world may be sending your way.


3. Feeling of being watched

It could mean that a spirit guide is trying to reach out and offer you guidance, or it could be an ancestor from the past sending you a message of love and protection. Pay attention to your intuition and take time to connect with the spirit world. With an open heart, you may find that you are able to receive the message that is being sent your way.

4. Unusual coincidences

This could be in the form of number sequences, messages from strangers, or even random events that seem to be more than a coincidence. It’s important to pay attention to the signs that the supernatural are sending you because they are often messages of guidance and reassurance. By being mindful and present with these coincidences, you may be able to receive the messages and learn more about what the spirit world is trying to tell you.

5. Electronic equipment malfunctioning

This is their way of reaching out and trying to get your attention, so that they can send you messages and make their presence known. Pay attention to these signs, as they could be a way for the spirit realm to guide you on your path. Be open to the possibility that you are being contacted and stay alert for further signs.

6. Dreams with spiritual or prophetic messages

Dreams can be a powerful way for the spirit world to communicate with you, and these messages can often have a deep and profound meaning. Pay attention to any symbols or imagery in the dream as it could be a sign from the spirit world. It is important to keep an open and receptive mind, and to take note of any recurring dreams. These could be signs from the spirit world that you should take some kind of action or follow a certain path.

Also seeTop 40 Dream Symbols, Interpretations, And Their Metaphysical Meanings

7. Feeling of presence of an unseen being

Your spirit guides and angels are trying to connect with you to give you messages of guidance, comfort, and protection. It could also be a sign that a loved one from the Other Side is trying to make contact with you. Be sure to pay attention to your intuition and the subtle signs that the spirit world is sending you. Open yourself to the possibility of connecting with the supernatural and your loved ones.

8. Unexplained smells

Whether it be a familiar scent that reminds you of a loved one or a scent that you can’t quite place, it could be the spirit world’s way of communicating with you. Pay attention to your environment and the subtle messages your intuition is sending you; you never know what the Spirit World could be trying to tell you.

9. Seeing shadows in the corner of your eye Shadowy figures in your peripheral vision

The spirit world is often known to present itself in ways that are subtle and hard to detect. Seeing shadows in the corner of your eye could be the spirit world’s way of trying to get your attention and let you know that they are here. Pay attention to the shadows and see if any other signs appear that could give you more insight into why the spirit world is trying to contact you.

10. Feeling of being touched

This could be a gentle touch to your shoulder or a light brush against your arm. This is a sign that the spirit world is close to you and wants to connect with you. If you feel comfortable, invite these spirits into your life and open yourself to the possibility of a spiritual connection.

11. Hearing voices or music when no one is around

Your spirit guides are trying to communicate with you, so be open and receptive to the messages they are sending. It could be a warning, an advice, or a sign that something important is about to happen. Most importantly, remember to stay grounded and centered in your spiritual practice and be open to the divine guidance coming your way.

12. Unexpected wind or temperature changes

Tapping into the subtle, energetic vibrations of the spiritual realm is not always easy, but when the spirit world is trying to get your attention, they may manifest as unexpected wind or temperature changes. Pay attention to any physical sensations or signs you experience, as they may be a sign that the spirit world is trying to reach you.

13. Objects moving or disappearing

This could be a spirit trying to get your attention and is trying to communicate with you. Pay attention to these occurrences and observe which objects move or disappear as this could be a sign from the supernatural.

14. Sudden mood changes

Spirits are trying to get your attention and make sure you are aware of their presence. Pay attention to any feelings of uneasiness or a chill you might experience, and make sure to stay open and receptive to any messages from the spirit world.

15. Animal behaviour changes

Animals are often considered to be more in tune with the spiritual realm than humans and may be trying to send you a message through their behavior. Pay close attention to any changes in their behaviour and be open to any messages they may be trying to convey.

16. Objects appearing out of nowhere

Your spirit guides are trying to send you a message or provide a sign to help you on your life’s journey. Pay close attention to the objects and the circumstances surrounding them. Many times the objects may have symbolic meaning that can provide insight into what the spirit world is trying to tell you. Take time to meditate and listen to your intuition to help decode the messages the spirit world is sending you.

17. Apparitions or ghosts

These supernatural occurrences could be a way of communicating with you, guiding you on your spiritual journey, or even delivering a message. It is important to pay attention to these signs and take time to interpret their meaning. Acknowledge the presence of the spirit world and be open to the possibilities of communication and guidance.

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18. Psychic impressions or knowing things you shouldn’t know

Your spirit guides are trying to communicate with you, or that a loved one in the spirit world is trying to reach you. Tune into your intuition, and pay attention to the signs and symbols presented to you. If you feel compelled to look into something or explore a certain path, then it could be a sign from the spirit world. Listen to your intuition, and follow it.

19. Unusual experiences with technology

Take the time to be still, meditate, and listen to what the spirits may be trying to tell you. You may also find that attuning yourself to the energy of the supernatural can help you to open up to the messages they have for you.

20. Feeling of being emotionally drained or emotionally charged

It could be that you are feeling emotionally drained or emotionally charged in order to alert you to the presence of spiritual forces. If this is the case, take some time to really connect to your spirit guides and allow them to help you understand the message they are trying to send you. Trust that their intentions are good, and that they are here to help you on your spiritual journey.

21. Psychic readings or dreams that come true

Your spirit guides are attempting to send a message for you to explore your spiritual gifts. Pay attention to your dreams, meditation, and intuition for further signs and guidance.

22. Sudden onset of allergies or sensitivities

Your body is attempting to attune to higher vibrations or energies, as an invitation for you to open your awareness to the spirit world. It could be a sign that your spirit guides and higher self are trying to reach out to you, so try to take some time to focus on your intuition and listen for any messages or guidance that may come through.

23. Unexplained marks or bruises on your body

A spiritual being is trying to make contact with you, or it could be a sign that a spiritual being is trying to warn you about something. If this is the case, it is important to take the time to listen to your intuition and pay attention to the signs. Spend time meditating and connecting with the spiritual realm to see what messages they may be trying to convey.

24. Out of body experiences

Out of body experiences can be triggered by a variety of things, such as meditation, trauma, and even physical or emotional shifts. It could be a sign that your spiritual journey is in need of attention. Pay attention to your dreams and meditations, as they may be trying to provide you with guidance from the spirit world. Be open to the possibilities of the spirit world and trust your intuition as you explore this connection further.

25. Strange symbols or messages in your dreams

These symbols and messages could be an attempt to pass along an important message or to show you a sign of guidance. Pay close attention to what the symbols mean to you and try to interpret their meaning. If you can’t make sense of the symbols, you should consider seeking guidance from a spiritual advisor or a psychic to help you understand their significance.

26. Cold spots

The spirit of a loved one or a higher is trying to give you a message. Pay close attention to your surroundings and be open to the possibility of spiritual communication. Follow your intuition to guide you through this process, and remember to stay grounded and centered as you explore this new experience.

27. Unexplained visions

Your visions may be a message from your spirit guides, angels, or an ancestor. It is important to pay attention to these signs and try to interpret the meaning of the messages. It could be a warning, an affirmation, or a sign of an upcoming event. Trust your intuition and take action on any insights that come to you. It is never too late to connect with the spirit world and receive guidance and healing.

28. Hearing unexplained noises or footsteps

The spirit world often communicates with us through subtle signs and symbols, and these sounds can be a way of telling you that they are trying to connect with you. As you listen to the noises, try to be open and receptive to any messages that the supernatural may be trying to convey. You can also try meditating or praying to open yourself up to guidance from the spiritual realm.

29. Unexplained phenomena

It could be a message from your spirit guides or from a deceased loved one. Pay attention to your surroundings and notice if anything out of the ordinary is happening. It could be a sign that the spirit world is trying to get your attention and establish a connection.

30. Premonitions or prophetic dreams

The spirits of loved ones who have passed away are trying to communicate with you. They may appear as angels, or even other beings from the other side. Paying close attention to your dreams, as well as any strong feelings or sensations you may experience, can help you to understand the messages being sent to you from the spirit world. It is important to be open to the possibility of receiving messages from the spirit world, and to take the time to listen for their guidance and wisdom.

31. Bird feathers

The graceful and gentle flutter of bird feathers in the air may be a sign from the spirit world that angels are near. These delicate feathers can be seen as a reminder to stay open to the possibility of divine guidance and love. Every time a feather passes by, it’s a reminder of the connection between the physical and spiritual realms, and of the power of angelic guidance. May we all be blessed by the presence of angels, and take the time to honor and appreciate the beauty of their feathers.

Embracing Our Connection with the Spirit World

The spirit world is always around us, and they are often trying to reach out and connect with us. All we have to do is be open to their presence, trust our intuition, and be willing to embrace our connection with the Spirit World. When we do, we can experience a deep connection with the divine and with the loving energy of the supernatural.

Ultimately, the spirit world is trying to contact us to help us on our spiritual path. By connecting with us, they can provide us with the support and direction necessary for us to reach our highest potential. They are here to remind us that we are never alone and that our spiritual journey is a collective effort that we can share together with the spirit world. They will always be here to help us on this path, guiding us every step of the way, so that we can grow and evolve into the best version of ourselves.

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Image: Pixabay

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