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Your Spirit Guides Are Here For You

By on September 24, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Your Spirit Guides Are Here For You

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by Kari Samuels,

There’s Some Epic Energy In The Ethers

You’re shedding layers and growing faster than your eyes can perceive. When you’re going through such rapid changes, it can feel super scary! Perhaps you feel there’s no one to talk to about what’s happening inside of you (of course you want to give the impression that everything is fine!), or perhaps you feel that you have to do things yourself and you’re the only one who can help you.


The good news is, you have more help than you think! You have Spirit Guides who are with you every day supporting you, loving you, and cheering you on. Of course, they’re directing you on your path too – that’s why they’re called GUIDES!

Spirit Guides aren’t serious like you might think. They are light and fun (and oh so heavenly, really!). When you’re feeling down about your life, it’s nice to know your Spirit Guides perspective of how they see you. If only you viewed yourself this way!

Here’s a glimpse of how your Spirit Guides view you:

You Are Beautiful Inside and Out

Spirit Guides see you as the divine being you are – filled with light, beauty, power, grace and love. We tend to be critical of our physical appearance, focusing on what is not perfect or “pretty”. Truly, if you looked at yourself and with the eyes of the divine you would see only beauty.

Every Choice You Make Is The Right One

Your soul is eternally evolving. There’s no “right” or “wrong” in the spirit realm. There are no regrets. Each experience leads you joyfully on your journey toward love. With every choice, you are learning something new. Your task on Earth is to free yourself from fear and negativity to gain more compassion and love. Even if you experience something that seems challenging at the time, your soul is growing and expanding in immeasurable ways. Honor your journey. Bless every step.

You’re The Perfect Age To Live Your Dreams

You’re never too old or young for anything! If you were meant to experience something sooner, it would have happened. If you’re meant to wait, you wouldn’t feel the desire to do so now. Everything happens in divine and perfect timing. There are a multitude of spiritual lessons that prepare you for each experience. Some lessons are integrated in this lifetime, some occur over many lifetimes. Wherever you are now is exactly where you need to be!


It’s Light Up Here!

Why so serious? When you’re fretting about the small stuff you’re Guides are trying to get you to lighten up! That’s why when you’re feeling sad or confused you’ll find yourself crossing paths with an adorable puppy, or happily chirping bird. It’s to lighten your energy! (And yes, your Guides orchestrate that for you). What you’re often worried about on a grander scale is not going to harm you. Usually, your problems FEEL a lot bigger than they are. Next time you feel worried or scared, ask your Spirit Guides to give you a bird’s eye view of your life, and you’ll realize things are pretty good after all!

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Your Life Has Meaning

How often do you find yourself worried about wasting time, or regretting a bad decision? In the spirit world, there’s no such thing as time,  or a mistake. Your life’s purpose is not about your career or job, it’s about how much love you’ve experienced. When you judge yourself or your life, you are denying your divinity. Remember, every experience you have brings you further on your path toward enlightenment whether you are aware of it or not. If you recognize how much you have grown spiritually, you are honoring yourself as the beautiful divine being that you are.

Doors Are Always Open For You!

Your life is a journey of wonder and magic! When you find yourself stuck at every turn, it’s because your Guides are trying to show you that you are on the wrong path. It’s as if you were entering a one-way street and you see, “do not enter” signs. Usually, when you feel stuck, it’s because you’re afraid to pursue your true desires. Your Spirit Guides know your potential and want to help you every step of your journey. Trust that they are there for you. Believe in yourself and your dreams. You have more support than you realize.

Learn more about Kari HERE!


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