3 Simple Ways To Enhance Your Intuition
by Bartek Indygo,
Contributing Writer, In5D.com
Intuition is very often associated with a kind of supernatural power to foresee the future, which is available to those chosen ones only. This conviction itself is, in fact, one of the factors which block your access to it. Intuition, inner guidance, your true self – there are many terms to describe this phenomenon, but all of them refer to one and the same thing, your own voice which guides you towards the most desired experience. Of course, the effects of working with intuition are entirely up to you, however one can be safely said – each of us has access to it and we can develop it.
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift
and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant
and has forgotten the gift.”
– Albert Einstein
3 Simple Ways To Enhance Your Intuition
The phenomenon of intuition can be compared to the muscle tissue – when we do not exercise, it disappears. What is more, there are many factors, that jam this inner voice, interfere with it, or simply negate its existence. Luckily, as I mentioned before, intuition is like a muscle and we can exercise it. Here are several ways how to do it.
Our reality is as we perceive it to be. Our beliefs are like filters through which we see the surrounding world. A filter named ‘Intuition Does Not Exist’ is simply blocking your access to intuition, preventing you from making a good use of it. To get access to your intuition, you need to wrap your head around the fact that intuition exists, and that you can use it anytime you want. Together with time, this thought will transform to a strong belief.
As intuition is not something that can be measured, making notes of what your gut tells you is a very useful technique here. When your rational mind wants to take charge and starts to negate what your intuition told you, you have some reference point and physical evidence of what you experienced.
A significant jammer of your intuitive skills is the omnipresent torrent of information on both TV and the internet. On the top of that, there are also vibrating and buzzing mobiles, text messages, and other applications constantly bothering you with some notifications. This torrent will be present and, at least for the time being, you will not eliminate it completely, but you can distance yourself from that. Remember, it is only you who decide whether you read, listen, or pay attention to certain things.
The energy fast is a kind of complete break away from receiving any information from the external world. Yes. A COMPLETE BREAK AWAY. Lack of contact, even with those closest ones lets us see our relationship with them, but most importantly, with ourselves, from a much higher perspective. Ideally, I recommend at least a seven day long stay in the woods with a total cut off from the world. However, if there is no opportunity for that, you can conduct a similar procedure while living in a city. A week without television, internet, cascade of information – even those good ones. It gives you a chance to establish a better connection with yourself, with all that is within in form of either thoughts or your emotions. Just after a couple of days you will notice that together with disappearance of any cords with the media that you might have had, the level of your inner peace and harmony starts to rapidly increase. All in all, what we are presented with in the mass media brings mainly fear by presenting the world as a place of never-ending struggle with omission of the high-vibrating, based on love side of life. The energy fast from external world is not enough itself, and this is why the next point is so important.
After having dealt with the external noise we can now focus on ourselves. At this point, you may realize how much of this noise is still present in you, how much you have soaked through. At the early stages after the break away your mind may literally go mad, as it is left without its fodder. Just stay aware that it is a completely normal procedure. Instead of giving in to the mind’s demands start to observe yourself and try to identify all that has been acquired, what is within you but has no direct relation to you. Yes, you can say, that e.g. political and economic situation influences us directly – it does, but we do not have any direct impact on that. Getting carried away by waves of social discontents usually ends up only with a higher level of frustration of the participants. Fighting the old you still feed it with your own energy, in such a case with low-vibrational, but still energy.
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The best way to silence the mind is meditation. Yes, I know that you heard it about a hundred times, that you gave it a try a couple of times, but as it did not bring any immediate effects you abandoned it. Take it easy, give yourself more time. Try to find a couple of minutes a day to listen to some relaxing music and just concentrate on controlling your breath. Technology may turn out to be really helpful here. There are numerous guided meditations available on YouTube, where the lecturer will literally hold your hand and tell you exactly what to do, step by step. There will be some guided meditations appearing on the Universe Of Light YT channels as well in the near future.
Apart from those three techniques which I mentioned, there are multiple other ways to enhance your intuition. Important thing in the whole process is also taking care of yourself on the physical level. I mean decalcifying your pineal gland. If you want your intuition to work properly I highly recommend cutting out fluorine. To speed the decalcifying up you may always use some of the natural, herbal methods.

Another aspect that needs to be mentioned while developing your intuition is the third eye chakra, Ayna. By focusing on and visualizing it you balance it making it work harmoniously. While working with the third eye chakra it is beneficial to supply yourself with lots of indigo color.
To be able to work effectively, even with a well-developed intuition, you will need courage to follow it. Hearing your intuition will not serve its purpose if you will not start using it on the physical level. The voice of intuition may start giving you seemingly irrational hints when you trust it but it always leads you to the places where you can find spiritual growth for the highest good of your soul.
Bartek Indygo
http://universeoflight.xyz | https://www.facebook.com/bartek.indygo
Image: Pixabay
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