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Tag: spiritual knowledge

The Importance Of Sovereignty

The Importance Of Sovereignty

By on February 10, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Stephen Buck, It is said that you have the innate ability and right to take control of your life and manifest it in accordance to your highest potential. Free will allows us the gift of self expression and governance; it is, arguably, the very essence of what it means to be a sentient human […]

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Getting Through The Dark Night Of The Soul

Getting Through The Dark Night Of The Soul

By on July 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

The dark night of the soul is a process many spiritual seekers go through at some point in their lives, I being one of them.  The dark night is not mentioned that much in spiritual texts and teachings.   A lot of the times, we are being told to be happy, raise your vibration, look to the light, but none of this will be lasting until you have loved the dark.

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The Hidden History Of Lemuria

The Hidden History Of Lemuria

By on May 16, 2015 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

by Germane Through Lyssa Royal Germane, a group consciousness energy, states that “his” orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional level. The term “germane” in the English language means “significant relevance” or “coming from the same source”. Germane therefore chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither […]

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Native Elders Reveal Centuries Of Extraterrestrial Contact Lore

Native Elders Reveal Centuries Of Extraterrestrial Contact Lore

By on March 11, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

For ten days in June, the Yankton Sioux Reservation on the windswept high plains of South Dakota was a gathering place for indigenous tribal leaders from around the globe and hundreds of Native and Euro-American listeners. The occasion was the Star Knowledge Conference and Sun Dance, convoked by Lakota (Sioux) spiritual leader Standing Elk in response to a vision. The vision showed that Native American spiritual knowledge about the Star Nations was to be shared. This Conference also fulfilled ancient Hopi and Lakota prophecies.

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Which Of The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Did You Experience?

Which Of The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Did You Experience?

By on January 19, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Kim Hutchinson Contributing Writer, Awakening to your full potential Spiritual seekers who are on the path to re-enlightenment tend to fall into one of the following seven categories. A person can go through these levels in almost any order. That’s because we all awaken in our own way, at our own pace. For instance, […]

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