Tag: starseeds

Starseeds And Our Human Origins
What is a starseed? Better yet, who is a star seed? If you trace the origins of human lineage, you end up with a plethora of questions. We were seeded here from various star nations. In this premise, genetic and ethnic diversity is explained. It also covers the differences in our blood types, such as Rh negative, Rh positive, A, B, AB and O blood types.

As We Raise Our Frequency, There Is No Need For Protection
by Kim Semetis, Contributing Writer, In5D.com As We Raise Our Frequency, There Is No Need For Protection Once we reach the fifth dimension and higher we no longer turn to anyone and anything outside of ourselves for protection because we know that we ARE the UNIVERSE. In the third and fourth dimension we may send […]

Summer Solstice – Sun In Cancer: Giving Thanks And Honoring Yourself
Happy Solstice! The Solstice becomes exact on Friday, June 21 at 11:54 AM EDT (15:54 GMT). It is of course the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.

This Week In Astrology – Full Moon In Sagittarius
by Hillory Skott, Contributing writer, In5D.com This Week In Astrology – Full Moon In Sagittarius The Full Moon in Sagittarius June 18 at 1:31 am PST shuttles us through the Galactic centerGalactic center. Now we can expand beyond our previous mindsets, we can step away from self imposed limitations. Watch how fast things change. Sunday […]

It’s Time, Starseeds!
Starseeds are beings that heard the call from Earth from a council that oversees this planet. They are here to stop the lower consciousness from destroying itself and all its creation.

Awakening To Autism
What is Autism? Well that depends on who are you asking. The internet will have their definition. A parent will have their definition. A teacher will have their definition. A medical professional will have their definition. A service provider will have their definition. So whose definition is correct? Who knows Autism best?

New Earth News – The Release Of The FISA Memo And Our Transition Into The New Earth
When it comes to ‘channeled information’ I would always advise discernment. There may be aspects of that channeled material that is coming from the channel’s own subjective thoughts and ideas and truly accurate channeling needs to be as objective as possible.

Starseeds, Star Beings, Ethereal Beings: Imprints Vs. Past Lives And Previous Reincarnations
by Olga Star, Contributing writer, In5D.com As we are shifting into higher dimensions, more and more of us are realizing about our past existences, our true nature as well as receiving glimpses and feelings that we may feel related to Lemuria or Atlantis or Ancient Egypt. Many of us feel strongly about our previous reincarnations […]

Your Ability To Remember Who You Are Has Just Been Restored
Remember who you are has been repeated over and over in our awakening in order for us to begin standing in the power of who we are. Many people have been able to use various tools and methods to achieve this understanding. However even many of the awakened humans have had a difficult time because of the matrix control grid. There has always been a plan to activate remembrance, and this plan was just activated to the next level.

Are We Having A Collective Precognitive Memory Of Going Home To The Stars?
Many people feel like earth isn’t their home, as if they are visiting here in this incarnation from another planet. Is this a premonition of what is about to come?

Peace Can Solve The Problems Of Earth
by Angel V. Ornedo Jr. Contributing Writer,In5D,.com “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” One of Sananda-Christ Beatitudes is a secret of graduation of earth to galactic partnership with our spiritual guides. When we think and work for PEACE and we can attain this everlasting desire of man on earth […]

2017 To 2025 – What To Expect In This 9 Year Cycle
Humanity has entered a most pivotal period in Gaia’s history. The earth year of 2017 is known to many cross galaxies to be the pedestal of change.

Starseed ‘Proof’ And Changing The 3D
How do I know if I’m Starseed? Where’s the ‘proof’? Here’s a look at what the word ‘Starseed’ may mean – why ‘proof’ is relevant (yet completely irrelevant) and how as Starseeds we can work together to change the collective 3D Consciousness. by Naomi Cook, ‘Nurse Naomi’ – Founder of Project Starseed www.projectstarseed.com Contributing Writer,In5D.com […]

False Light And Living Light – How To Tell The Difference
Some of the visuals us lightworkers receive are so explosive, I woke up this morning STUNNED!