Tag: Sun Sign

Were You Born On A Cusp?
Your Sun sign represents the sign of the zodiac that the Sun was in at the time of your birth. The Sun rules willpower and ego. It is the core of your potential and uniqueness as an individual – who you are and what you are about. The main direction and focus you want your […]

Growing Apart – It’s Not Your Fault
by Camille C., Contributing Writer,In5D.com Have you ever noticed that after a break-up, tendency is always to blame someone? Blaming yourself or blaming your partner. Even more insidious, some people will try to convince you that it takes two to fail and you are both responsible. Rest assured, it’s no one’s fault. Astrology teaches us […]

Your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Ascendant Sign – Just What’s Going on Here?
The short answer is: Your Sun sign describes your basic ego, your Moon sign describes your emotional inner self, and your Ascendant describes the facade you show the rest of the world.