Tag: transmute

As This Energy Intensifies
As This Energy Intensifies – Most of you Lightworkers and Forerunners have gone “first” in this Ascension process of trial and error so that you are experts in the knowing in your heart of this energy, how it works, and that you are the creators of your own reality based on the thoughts/perceptions that you choose.

Today’s High Pitched Frequencies: The C Sharp (C#) is a “cusp” frequency found between the D Major (sacral chakra) and the C Major (root chakra), so it carries both of these frequencies.

The Importance Of Sovereignty
by Stephen Buck, It is said that you have the innate ability and right to take control of your life and manifest it in accordance to your highest potential. Free will allows us the gift of self expression and governance; it is, arguably, the very essence of what it means to be a sentient human […]

11 Ways To Relieve Spiritual And Psychic Burnout
Are you feeling like you are DONE and just want to go home? There are several reasons spiritual burnout is occurring right now. Energetically, we have received many waves of energy that are wiping out all that does not serve us. As we shift timelines and frequencies, we may feel a disconnect from our bodies. Now is the time to make the changes necessary to adapt to the new energies and to learn how to take better care of ourselves.

6 Ways Non-Conformity Can Create Chaos
Some people are born rebels. Other people awaken to non-conformity later in life and try to buck the system. The trick is to balance your actions to where you do not find yourself back to square one, deeper within the prison.