The Diamond Portal
by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing Writer,
The Diamond Portal has opened, and for those of us Lightworkers known as the “ground crew,” this is good news. The Ascension pioneers and Wayshowers are discouraged, exhausted, and lost. This Cosmic energetic boost is much needed in order to give us this last fighting power we need to push through the darkness. Last minute purging and clearing is still taking place. Emotions are as if you are riding a rollercoaster, and “your life” may feel heavy to you as if you are walking in deep sand.
Perhaps you may even feel as though you might be introduced into “quick sand” and everything is coming to a “head” or culmination. With this you feel as though you are trapped, stuck, or that everything is vibrating quickly around you, and yet, your hands are seemingly tied, so it’s coming apart in slow motion, “swallowing you whole” as quicksand would eventually…
Don’t be discouraged. These are fears coming up for you to recognize, heal, and release. Fear is the opposite of love so don’t choose this destiny and outcome for yourself, when your heart and soul are craving so much more.?
The Dark side feels the pressure of annihilation and it is very threatening to their existence with eons of control. They are “upping the ante” so to speak, and attacking us directly and indirectly. The LIGHT VS DARK battle is completely real… I personally have been heavily under attack for several months.
I have smudged and blessed my home. I am not afraid at all. Even upon hearing sinister laughter in response to my suffering, it only made me stronger and willing to fight harder. Love. Kindness. Forgiveness. The higher vibrational energies are how we bring ourselves back into power and break free from the shackles of fear.
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With the Diamond Portal, it brings the much needed and prayed for Divine Intervention. It is here now to give you the energy and encouragement to beat your own obstacles and personal fears. Remember your divinity and that the life you deserve and desire, is only waiting for your courage to firmly grab ahold and make it a firm projection in your reality.
You have the soul power, and I believe in you! ❤
Much Love,
Adeana M. Slater
About the author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath and Lightworker who enjoys to write spiritual and inspirational articles in her free time. She is a single mother of four children and full time Registered Nurse.
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