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The God Spark Energy You Seek

By on December 17, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

The God Spark Energy You Seek

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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing writer,

To leave the specifics out, those who care most and follow this specific timeline of the Bible: we are in the thick of “Revelations.” We have been soul battling those opposing the Light for years recently, but eons before this. These battles have been fought throughout history but never recorded or spoken of.


Your entire history as you know it to be is falsely written and exclaimed. Very little of it is true. And it’s even more fabricated as time has gone on. Religion is the biggest illusion because most of humanity are inundated and preoccupied with doing the “right thing” as expected and ordained as being the truth, but it is farther from it.

All of these expectations come from organizations who are making money and a profit off of you. You are the believer and are willing to hand over your money in order to support more of these same illusions that are not serving the collective but are only making those prosperous as long as they are collecting this $$, if that makes the most sense.

These same problems exist and there is no such thing as sin, so you are trying to buy this same freedom that is your birthright and that is your true destiny all along. In the interim, you turn over your hard earned money to your church of choice expecting a miracle or that God will see your good deeds and bless your life.

I will tell you that there is little truth in this. The truth is that this God spark energy that you seek after, is in ALL of you. So try as you might, you cannot turn blame on any higher part of yourself that you are, which is of God and is a part of YOU, as your soul, and then expect a miracle to come to pass as a result.

Well you can… you can do anything you wish to do. But if your desire is to heal yourselves and move forward in this Ascension process you will be guided by your heart to act or react as you need to. And you Will do just that. To place blame or judgement is no longer supported by the energies.

You are held accountable in all ways and actions. The energy you send out into the Universe will get attracted back to you. This has nothing to do with the Religious pretense of Right VS Wrong. Again, it is a part of who you are. So blaming your creator or higher aspect for this nuance or that becomes a mute point.


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You cannot choose to point the finger at anyone for any short comings. We are SLOWLY moving into this energy of Truth now, but prepare yourselves for this is where we are headed and why we are going there. The truth is you have the ability and capability to transform your life completely and absolutely in every shape and form. There are no limitations in this goal, but the fears and expectations that might cloud you as you move yourselves forward.

This is not to discourage you from acting or reacting from the heart energy but for you to feel any and ALL truth within and move yourself as you desire to. In a sense you are taking your own power back. And in an even more creative sense, you have the ability to shape and mold this new Earth any way you want. It takes positivity, love, joy, intention, and emotional response in order to make a complete difference.

Similar to molding creations out of clay, putty, or play-doh. It is in your hands!!!

  • How do you wish to create?
  • What do you intend to make?
  • Are your thoughts/desires for humanity and the betterment of ALL?

How about focusing on that.

Work your own personal magic with the properties of Energy and see how best you are able to create. Two or more coming together in pure intention and for the service of humanity will always manifest in very short time frames. That’s why it is most encouraged for you to do so!

Go for it!!

You can make amazing creations in these ways. YOU can and you WILL.

Blessings to YOU and to US as a whole,


About the AuthorAdeana M. Slater is an Empathic Lightworker who enjoys writing Spiritual and Inspirational messages to encourage the Collective towards Self-Love, Soul-Empowerment, and Higher Consciousness.

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