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The Highest Vibrational Energy

By on June 25, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Highest Vibrational Energy

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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing writer,

The Highest Vibrational Energy

The energy intensity has been turning upward a few more significant notches recently, from where we were before. This is to no surprise to you and it shouldn’t be. We are waist-high in energy and it is going to only continue further until we are submerged into the “thick of it” absolutely. We have talked about how it is going to make you feel. Other wayshowers/Lightworkers/channelers have prepared you and are preparing you every step of the way as of what to expect and how to best prepare yourselves.


Each beautiful soul has the gift of wisdom to share with you and each one has stepped into their own heart and soul “roles” of mission work. Kudos to those who have heard the call and have jumped on-board to their heart’s true calling and destiny. It’s not an easy easy path to walk. And this entire Ascension path will have its ups and downs for sure.

I’m not talking to anyone or any soul group specifically. I am talking to ALL souls. No one is singled out and ALL souls both individually and collectively, have their specific role to play in this Ascension process. Whether you have been on this journey for years or whether you are newly awakened to every and all possibilities before you, you are just as special and important as anyone else. We ultimately come together in Unity for similar heart and soul desired wishes and commonality for peace, love, abundance, and joy.

There is a constant reminder that Everything happens for a reason. Even if you don’t understand “why” at the time, you will reach an epiphany shortly after. Friends, family, or loved ones may fall away from your life. This happens if the relationship becomes toxic or emotionally draining. You can’t uplift yourself if you are held back in these ways. For this reason, the Universe steps in for your highest good and all of the lower vibrational drama will begin to fade away into the background of your life…

LOVE is the highest vibrational energy!! It is the ONLY energy that is the absolute truth of your heart and soul being. Anything and everything that does not come from a place of love is being healed and transmuted. This can be upsetting for some and painful for others. Each experience, although similar, is tailored for each soul in what they are here to let go of and learn from. Don’t judge others!! You should never judge another unless you have walked endlessly in their shoes.

Remember that we all have our own unique, yet similar stories to tell. And this energy is asking you to find your voice and also display your gifts. It’s time to speak your truth and allow your birth-rite gifts to surface to the world without fear of judgement and ridicule. That’s why YOU are also being asked not to judge others. Because you have similar fears and setbacks to let your own Truth out. That perhaps this same judgement and ridicule will apply to you when you feel brave enough to open up for the very first time and beyond.


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Be prepared that when and if you do, others who are not yet ready for the words you speak or for the actions you are taking, will fall away from your life. Some permanently and some temporarily. The temporary detachments are because they weren’t ready to walk with you on the same path and keep up the same momentum as you. They may, however, catch up quickly and reacquaint with you at a later time when they are ready. You will have discernment in your heart as to whether or not their energy is “healthy and mature” enough to let back into your life.

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You are making magnificent shifts and strides within yourself. Have you looked in the mirror lately and told yourself, “I love you?” If not, please do!!

Love yourself and see the value in all that you are doing to not only move yourselves forward, but how you are supporting everyone else to do the same❣️

Love to you ALL,


About the Author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath, Lightworker, and TwinFlame who enjoys writing Spiritual and Inspirational messages to encourage the Collective towards Self-Love, Soul-Empowerment, and Higher Consciousness.

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