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“THE HOUR” Has Arrived – A Water Message From The Hopi Elders

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"THE HOUR" Has Arrived - A Water Message From The Hopi Elders

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,

As we transit out of the Age of Pisces (water sign) and into the Age of Aquarius (air sign), I find the following Hopi message quite intriguing.  I’m a triple Libra (air sign). This means my sun, moon, and ascendant are all in Libra.

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While the Age of Aquarius is an AIR sign, it’s also portrayed as a man bearing a pitcher of WATER. One must ask about the mixture of AIR and WATER in this sign. Water is a mutable energy and can represent a solid, liquid, or gas.

A Message From The Hopi Elders

by The Elders Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation,

“You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.

Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.

Here are the things that must be considered:

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader. This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift, that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personal. Least of all, ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves!

Banish the word “struggle” from your attitude and your vocabulary.

All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we have been waiting for!”

– The Elders Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Nation

After posting a video on a dream I had about 3 massive tidal waves, I received NUMEROUS confirmations on both the video and article of people having the same or similar dreams.

THREE Massive Tidal Waves Are Coming And It's Not What You Think! #tidalwave #psychic #in5d

As I mentioned, water is a mutable energy and in this dream, it’s a WAVE of ENERGY that is coming. The first two waves will converge and will create something magical. I had a vision of what will happen: White light will FLOOD the planet and the only thing you’ll feel is complete unconditional love for everyone and everything. All 3rd dimensional worries will be completely gone. You can find out more in the article, “THREE Massive Tidal Waves Are Coming And It’s Not What You Think!“.

Not only did we receive numerous confirmations on the tidal wave dream, we are receiving MANY reports of people having dreams about water, in general, whether it’s a swimming pool, a river, etc…

The Hopi’s message implies water as well.  I have no time frame on when these tidal waves of energy will arrive, but based on other people having the same or similar dreams, I’d say it’s sometime in the very near future.

Are the Hopi are telling us, the time is NOW?

What are your thoughts?  Please comment below!

Sending you all infinite Love & Light,


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About the Author:
Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and Zentasia.  He co-owns In5D Club with his beautiful wife, Ali. You can find every episode of “The BIGGER Picture with Gregg Prescott” on Bitchute while all of his In5D Radio shows are on the In5D Youtube channel. He is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Please like and follow In5D on Gab,  In5D TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Rumble, Twitter, and  In5D on Facebook!/

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