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The Lifeology Of Our Distant Origins

By on March 11, 2015 in Awareness

The Lifeology Of Our Distant Origins

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by Brad Olsen
Contributing Writer,

“All the achievements of mankind have value only to the extent that they preserve and improve the quality of life. The human future depends on our ability to combine the knowledge of science with the wisdom of wildness.”
–Aviator Charles Lindbergh in a 1967 Life magazine article


Who are we? Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? What is our true essence, and what is the human connection to other life? Such is the inquiry of “Lifeology,” also known as the study of all life. This definition is very broad and includes the seen and unseen realms, and an involved study of our long and storied history on this planet. This inquiry is conducted through the lens of the esoteric, where things are not always as they appear, and may be co-existing “beyond our senses.” Lifeology includes a study of the macro level as well as the micro, or as many great teachers have observed: “As above, so below.”

This image of the NGC 7293 Helix Nebula, or the “Eye of God,” was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The Helix Nebula is a typical example of a planetary nebula because it emerged as a result of the explosion of a sun-like star. Generally speaking, hydrogen gas is the most common component of the interstellar medium, also known as the vast space between stars and planetary systems in galaxies. Hydrogen gas in space exists primarily in its atomic and molecular form, and makes up huge clouds throughout the entire galaxy.

This image of the NGC 7293 Helix Nebula, or the “Eye of God,” was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The Helix Nebula is a typical example of a planetary nebula because it emerged as a result of the explosion of a sun-like star. Generally speaking, hydrogen gas is the most common component of the interstellar medium, also known as the vast space between stars and planetary systems in galaxies. Hydrogen gas in space exists primarily in its atomic and molecular form, and makes up huge clouds throughout the entire galaxy.

Life is mercurial and cannot thrive just anywhere. It requires fundamental ingredients to ensure perpetual survivability. On Earth, life needs three key conditions to survive: (1) atoms made up of chemical elements including carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, (2) water, (3) a source of energy such as sunlight. Nearly all life—from the first single-cell organisms on embryonic Earth to the complex creatures of today—is composed of organic materials. Matter is a general term for the substance of which all physical objects are made. Typically, matter includes atoms and other particles which have mass. Atoms of the four elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen combine with traces of other elements to produce the key molecules that make up the building blocks of our cells, the amino acids. Complex molecules of carbon bond with other elements, such as oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. Carbon is able to bond with all of these because of its four valence electrons. Secondly, life on Earth also needs a liquid like water where the organic elements can interact. The third key ingredient for life is a source of energy. Sunlight contributes photosynthesis and other life-giving properties beneficial to most of the life on this planet.


It is often assumed in astrobiology that if life exists somewhere else in the universe, it will also be carbon-based, but this assumption is referred to by critics as “carbon chauvinism.” Astrobiologists propose that asteroids, meteors, and space dust carry simple life forms, and spread them to a host planet upon impact. This dispersion of basic life forms in the universe is called “panspermia.” It is offered as an alternative to Darwin’s theory of evolution, which is still in the working hypothesis stage and has not been proven. Scientists studying the panspermia possibility point out that all life shares much of the same DNA and similar genetics occur between humans and plants as well as between humans and apes. These similarities are evidence of strong connections but not proof of evolutionary descendancy.

Prior to H0mosapiens, the majority of extinctions on Earth occurred naturally since it is estimated that 99.9% of all species that have existed are now extinct. In the present day there are some livestock animal species as well as human beings breeding in abundance, while many others are in decline, and some are on the brink of extinction. Much of the stress on flora and fauna is being impacted by humans, either directly or indirectly, in what today can be called an “animal genocide.” The United Nations Development Program reported that “Every year, between 18,000 and 55,000 species become extinct. The cause: human activities.” It is clear the manner in which humans currently live on the planet is unbalanced and unsustainable. Even the lives of the majority of humans is out of balance with an increase in cancer and stress-related illnesses. Species extinctions are at an all time high, caused by mismanagement of the planet’s ecosystems by humans. As stewards of the planet we have failed the animal kingdom, upset the biological balance and, in the process, failed ourselves.


Scientific measurements have revealed that the Earth has a measurable pulse, or a “heartbeat,” in the atmosphere. It is called the “Schumann Resonance” which pulses between the Earth surface and the bottom of the ionosphere. It vibrates at approximately 7.8 cycles per second. This rate is right between the Alpha and Theta brainwave levels for humans, which has been described as a carrier wave for “consciousness at rest.” This is a state of deep but alert relaxation and intuitive attunement. It is the same rate for horses, dogs and cats. The Schumann Resonance has a wavelength so powerful it circles the Earth in a matter of seconds and passes effortlessly through concrete.


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To put it all in context, just consider we are currently residing on a 4.5 billion year old spaceship. It is a self-sufficient, organic, and very complex spaceship. We are orbiting a power source that is a million times larger than planet Earth. There are over 200 billion more power sources, quite possibly with habitable planets like our own, within our neighboring group on this side of the galaxy. There are 40 more groups in the singular region of our galaxy. Our neighborhood is moving at two million miles per hour to an object that is 150 million light years away. In our Milky Way galaxy alone there are over 50 billion planets. If even if 1% of those are in their system’s “Goldilocks zone,” then there are 500 million planets in our galaxy alone capable of supporting life. In the cosmos, lifeology (the study of all life), takes on many different dimensions.


Humans are the dispensers and recipients of the karma we create in the world. Life is not static. It will go on with or without humans. Life is eternally dynamic, forever creating and pushing forward. We are all eternal beings continuously on the pathway of endless unfoldment, always evolving just a little bit more each time around, both physically and spiritually. We are never less, but always more. We are not asleep and unconscious, but alive, awake and aware. There is something within each of us that sings the praises of eternity. Listen to the song within yourself. Tread lightly and create a minimal impact.

Humans have been blessed and cursed with a fertile imagination, viewing ourselves as separate from the animal kingdom. Where animals rely on instinct, humans rely on their feelings and “intellect.” Our mastery of the physical world makes our role as stewards of the planet even more apparent. We humans are assigned as the top species today, for better or for worse, largely responsible for the preservation of almost all living organisms. The fragility of life and the awesome power of nature coexist in precarious balance.

All living organisms are energy producing machines. When you look at a picture of the human body with infrared technology, all you see is radiating heat. This is a Kirilian photograph of a leaf clearly emitting heat.

All living organisms are energy producing machines. When you look at a picture of the human body with infrared technology, all you see is radiating heat. This is a Kirilian photograph of a leaf clearly emitting heat.

Humans must increase their sensitivity and cooperation with the natural world. All life is interrelated, no matter how remotely. We are just one animal connected to another, one part of the other, in a complex web of interdependence. Buddhism and Hinduism teach reincarnation, both within the animal kingdom and with people. Contained within this construct, animal spirits will one day evolve spiritually to incarnate as humans. All people once lived as animals according to certain esoteric traditions, and perceptions are now changing to reflect this understanding. In December, 2012, an international group of prominent scientists signed The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness, proclaiming support for the concept that animals are conscious and aware to a similar degree to humans. Their list of conscious animals includes all mammals, birds, and some encephalopods like the octopus, which have exhibited the capacity for remembering.

In the end, egalitarianism for all life must reign over capitalism. A world treaty must be created where all humans are granted equal rights and the practical sharing of resources. Hoarding of anything must become a crime. With this model all living creatures are granted equal rights to exist. Even the planet Earth itself has rights. In such a world treaty, abuse of the Earth will be a serious crime to be tried in a world court. Article 3 of the UN Human Rights Declaration already reads, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.” The UN should pass a declaration of rights for all living forms of life on Earth. Someday it will be obvious to people that all life is connected, and it may come first from the quantum activists. After all, if we are made of atoms, then a scientist studying atoms is veritably a group of atoms studying themselves.

© 2015, Brad Olsen for In5D. Reprinted with permission from the book “Modern Esoteric: Beyond Our Senses (The Esoteric Series)ir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1888729503” by Brad Olsen,

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