The Sacred Geometry Portal Of Transfiguration
by Meg Benedicte,
Contributing Writer,
“On Tuesday, March 20th the Equinox occurred at 0 degrees Aries, when day and night are equal length. The Equinox Singularity exits in zero point energy – the balance point between opposing forces. It is a rare moment of galactic equilibrium, the gate is opening to infinite potential.
The order of the fractal-holographic universe resembles a field of infinite possibilities, pulsing in a wellspring at zero point singularity. It repeats on all scales, from spiraling galaxies to quantum subatomic particles. Energy pulsates an inexhaustible supply in perfect equilibrium found in vacuum singularity, within spinning vortex energy.
Limited to the 3 dimensions of form, researchers throughout history pursued the ‘holy grail’ that would unlock untapped potential. Nicola Tesla famously claimed, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” Decades later, Marco Rodin discovered that 3, 6, 9 revealed the basis of vortex mathematics. 3 and 6 represent each side of yin/yang and 9 is the “S” curve between them.
Embedded within Metatron’s Cube are the 5 platonic solids that act as the internal organizational structures of molecules in natural crystals. They correspond to the 5 elements in nature that form into the shapes of compressed atoms: 1) Tetrahedron (triangle) = plasma (“fire”), 2) hexahedron (square) = solid (“earth”), 3) octahedron = gas (“air”), 4) icosahedron = liquid (“water”), 5) dodecahedron = ether.
Emanating from zero dimension and zero volume, the pulse of singularity activates a swirling torus continuum of energy. Encoded within Metatron’s Cube is the double star tetrahedron (merkaba), the creative geometry of toroidal momentum. The 12 spiraling cones or pillars vibrate with 12D harmonics that radiate outwards, forming a spiraling vortex around source consciousness. The 12 vectors also meet inwards at zero point singularity – connecting us to infinite dimensional grid programs of universal holographic realities.
With greater understanding of the ancient mysteries of alchemy, we now have the opportunity to accelerate human evolution at a rapid pace. Utilizing the creational template of Metatron’s Cube enhances the formation of ordered vortex phenomenon and the subsequent materialization of the torus merkaba as a hyperdimensional vehicle to access the quantum field of infinite potential.
It is my soul mission to share with you the sacred geometry portal of transfiguration. The possibilities are limitless! It is a sacred gift from god/dess. It is our ticket home! When activating the Quantum Vortex around your aura, you have unlocked the medium that transfers higher consciousness into physical matter.
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2018 is the year to shed layers of density, time compression and trauma. In the continual pulse of zero point singularity, allow the painful past and the fears of the future to collapse into the eternal Now. Dissolve away all remnants of suffering, as you rise into your light body merkaba. As you unlock the restrictions of matrix overlay grids, your soul descends into your body, heart, mind. You are in the ascension process of deeper soul embodiment.”
Meg Benedicte
Copyright (c) 2018 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
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