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Upgrades On All Levels Happening Now

By on June 26, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Upgrades On All Levels Happening Now

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by Jelelle Awen,
Contributing Writer,

The intensity of the energies in the outer cosmos are undeniable in their impact on the INNER cosmos. I spent many hours in meditation/float/drift and sleep space recently, connecting in, UP, and out. I couldn’t really DO anything else, so it was a surrendered into the ‘here but NOT here’, space yesterday for me. I have been in service of love with others mode for awhile, so the going within felt wonderful. My guides were a constant presence, offering comforting energy, ‘working on’ me, and showing me what they would like me to share and bridge to you as you undergo your OWN individual processes of ascension and awakening to your sacred humanity during this intense upgrade phase.


Yes, it’s an ‘upgrade’ phase. UPgrade to remember what you have put in purposeful shadow about your soul’s experiences in all the projections for which it exists and lives in the Now. UPgrading to feel that rather than ‘past lives’, ALL these soul energies impact you Now and are ‘bleeding’ more and more into your present life. Unexplainable emotional reactions, karmic clashes (especially with romantic partners), those dramatic surges that your mind can’t track or fix to ‘this life’ reasons……..THIS is the soul coming through and showing you some of your stories as they live and breathe in your Metasoul line.

Timelines are becoming more transparent, meaning less delineation between the ‘current’ one that you are living and the others that share the same Metasoul source as you. I have experienced my life in this multidimensional way for many years, yet still, it is amazing to me how THIN the boundaries are becoming (not that there ever really WERE any boundaries). In every moment, I am feeling into what is ME this life and what are Metasoul sister aspects reactions and SOUL realities coming through. This is not too difficult for me as I have cleared so much of my emotional body parts (stuck energies) from this life and other lifetimes, YET it could be very challenging to sort it out if this a newer experience for you. I’m wanting to validate that it is crazy making at times to feel these surges and energies that don’t feel like YOU, yet they are from SOMEWHERE else, some OTHER time or era or planet even. This can show up in very intense dreams too where you may even wake up sobbing or feeling very deeply.

Wanting to UPgrade, too, is your emotional body. Your emotional body may be anchored by undigested experiences from this life AND other lifetimes (the emotional body spans timelines, I’m beginning to feel there is a shared emotional body for the entire Metasoul line!) This lack of digestion of traumas and woundings leads to the formation of what we call in SoulFullHeart “parts or aspects”. These parts are mostly conditioned and connected to 3D frequencies, and create personas, masks, projections around you and AS you. Who you THINK you are may, at this moment, may LARGELY be these persona aspects until you differentiate and separate from them. The wonderful opportunity in this is that you BEcome your authentic self more and more as these layers are felt and integrate.

UPgrading too is your carbon-based body to contain and BE more and more light. Your body may be ‘kicking into’ something that is not quite understandable or trackable by your mind right now. You may be feeling extreme sleepiness too and sleeping much more than usual right now or really wanting to. More diet adjusts as certain frequencies contained in foods no longer match the fuel that your body most wants and needs. It is shifting from needing food at ALL perhaps at some point, living more on light and love energies. I am back to a mostly eating fruit phase to ‘clean out’ again and allow for lighter digestion, which seems to help as the body is going through so many upgrades. Muscle tensions and soreness (especially in your head and neck) can flare up, along with head pains as the pineal and pituitary glands become more active. This is a guided meditation that I did offering soothing of ascension body symptoms that may help with the surrendering process around the body changes related to ascension:

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For your chakras, UPgrading means functioning at a higher vibrational spin, new color spectrum, more crystalline feel and energy to ALL of them. As the ascension chakras are becoming more activated, new frequencies are coming in from the Stellar Gateway chakra (about two feet above your head), your Star Chakra (one foot above your head), your Clausal Chakra (behind your head) running down your main chakras and to your earth chakra (about a foot below your physical feet). This energy flow creates a 5D sacred human column, a ‘violet print’ (higher vibe than a blueprint) for your 5D energetic body. I’ve been shown pictures of this, yet it is difficult to describe in words. You can visualize your auric field as a very bright violet white tree, with branches expanding up, reaching up….and then, the trunk as your body with roots then extending down to connect with Mother Gaia.


Surrendering to this UPgrading process is BEing open to NEW experiences of reality. To let go of the mind’s need to understand and track all of it and the ways that it manifests in your life. To reassure the parts of you that may be fearful or resistant to the transformation process. Your body/heart/mind/soul are leading the way here, along with increasing merging with your Higher Self. You can trust that you are in VERY good hands and hearts here as your Angelic and Star BEing aspects/guides/family are helping out, witnessing, and supporting the process as well. You don’t even have to consciously connect to ANY of that, it is just happening organically as it is meant to right NOW during this phase of BEcoming Infinite Love in Sacred Human form!

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Jelelle Awen About the author: Jelelle Awen is an Emoto-Spiritual Teacher, Sacred Feminine and Sacred Union Facilitator, Soul Scribe, WaySHOWer, and Co-creator and Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of Sacred Human, Arising Wonder: Ascension Through Integration Of Your Emotional Body And Your Spiritual Awakeningsir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B071W6YXD9 and Keep Waking Up!: Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyondir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B06XS9JKD9 . Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

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