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What Is The Fifth Dimension?

By on April 6, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Bartek Indygo,
Guest Writer,

What is The Fifth Dimension? Before you continue reading, close your eyes and take a deep breath in, …six, seven, eight, slowly breath out. Repeat this two or three more times. Welcome J, we can start the journey.

There was a lot written, spoken, and channeled about the Fifth Dimension as a new reality where we, as humans will be living when the transformation of our planet comes to the end. More and more people, who were not even interested in things like personal, spiritual, or multidimensional development, are now spontaneously receiving messages regarding this simultaneously opening up for this new dimension of existence.


Ascension To The Fifth Dimension

Despite the fact that there are subtle differences in those messages, most of them are based on the same assumptions, which are described below.

The Fifth Dimension is a completely new level of reality, which is built on unity consciousness, love, harmony, gratitude, and sympathy. The Fifth Dimension is everything that carries a high frequency, what is devoid of low vibrations.

How is that supposed to be in theory?

Let me point it out:

  • people living in the space of heart, in full harmony and at peace, experiencing unity with all, that is, our planet, the universe;
  • total blackout of fear, full trust in divine plan unfolding;
  • abundance program available for all humanity, living in equality, justice, and mutual respect;
  • full awakening of all beings to consciousness of self, as a multidimensional, energy, light beings.

I know, it all sound as an idyllic story but such states are being experienced by more and more people every day in the whole world. Changing themselves, they start to affect their immediate surroundings with their energy rising its vibration at the same time.

Think, we are all made of the same energy – if everyone fully accepts and loves themselves, he will also love and accept every other being. We are all connected.


When Will The Transformation Take Place?

Reality that is experienced by you depends on no one else but you., on the way you perceive it, what perspective you take. It is created by you, with your every thought, emotion, action. When all of that happens in full truth and harmony with yourself, with your inner guidance, you adjust to that reality becoming its part.

To get there, you need to do a big clean-up within. I said to get there, but it is definitely not about any particular place, it is all about state of being. Rising vibration of our planet makes the whole process of letting go of what may be limiting and slowing you down faster, however it is you shape the details of it.

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You can either still run away from yourself, looking for the reasons of your destiny in the external world, or look within, heal those aspects of you that need healing, and adjust to the vibration of the New Earth.

Not all beings have decided to transform at this time. Some of them are transforming without even being aware of that. All in all, it is amazing that when you are conscious of that, you experience it with your whole being, you become a part of it, and when it happens, you start to flow, smoothly, in full harmony, without any tensions and blockages. You are free. You are flying.


Bartek Indygo |

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