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What Kind of Energy Are You Attracting?

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What Kind of Energy Are You Attracting?

by Jennifer Cleveland,
Contributing Writer,RaisingYourVibration

What kind of energy are you attracting? We are all creating an energy flow from our thoughts constantly whether we are being mindful of it or not. Fear can be a fierce creator of negative energy in our lives if we don’t become willing to witness where we choose it over love. When we are in a state of love it feels natural to offer blessings, be generous with our time and to speak positively. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to make sure you’re making enough room for positive energy flow in your life!

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1.) Are you meditating upon waking?

Starting your day off in prayer or meditation allows us to focus on what we are grateful for, set intentions and simply become present. Apply this powerful practice daily for a positive vibe throughout your day!

2.) Do you feel the need to control?

Despite our best efforts to control everything the truth is the Universe is orchestrating the show! Resisting the natural flow of things only causes stress that in response creates negative energy in our life. The sooner you make peace with surrendering the sooner you’ll start to be at peace and allow positive thoughts to flow.

3.) Are you taking enough down time?

With today’s “glorification of busy” mindset it can feel almost impossible to find the balance between moving our body and finding down time! Downtime is a powerful tool to guide us into our hearts, heal and detox our bodies, and gain insight into our ideas and creativity! Make the shifts necessary to schedule a little rest and relaxation.

4.) Do you love and accept yourself just as you are right now?

The way we feel and talk about ourselves is ultimately attracting the energy we will receive from others. Focus on all the qualities you love about yourself by making a list…add to it everyday!!!

How did you do?? What kind of energy are you pulling in? Where can you eliminate stress and allow positive thoughts to circulate?

About the author: Jennifer is a licensed stylist, performer and yoga guide. She’s always had a passion for being physically active and exposing the light in others. Follow Jennifer on Instagram @Zennylynn or check her out on Facebook!

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