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Your New Reality – New Codes Of Light

By on October 28, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

Your New Reality - New Codes Of Light

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by Bartek Indygo,
Guest Writer,

Not so long ago I wrote an energy forecast for autumn, and just a moment ago I took a look at it to remind myself of what was flowing through me then. All of that is unfolding now. Step by step, everything materializes, but honestly, as I mentioned in the previous article, I did not think that it would be so soon!


The energies that are reaching  us are becoming more and more intense, literally everything that could be buried deeply in the waters of subconsciousness now flows to the surface of the Consciousness.

More and more awareness is coming, and if you have been doing your own individual work so far, you probably start to experience better connection with the collective consciousness field, access first-hand information from the Source, you are in constant contact with your Higher Self, you change your perception of the world around you, you experience ‘energy surges’ often felt on the physical level literally as switching cables in your head, drilling in your head, squealing / ringing / rumbling and a whole range of other sounds…


There are lots of symptoms of both early and advanced, but they all have a common denominator – to draw your attention, or your currency at the energy level WITHIN.

Literally everything is changing. You start to notice more and more things / people / situations / places that cease to resonate with you completely (probably my favorite word meaning simply “to match” ;)).

Everything is energy that constantly vibrates at different frequency levels, and these frequencies carry specific information that you interpret with your heart (for fans of mind and balance between heart and mind – scientific research clearly shows that the heart is the most developed energy center both for sending and receiving electromagnetic impulses – HeartMath Institute And as we are talking about the heart, it is worth moving this topic too.


The very basic building block of the universe is energy. We can divide energy into a high-vibrational one based on Love, and vibrating at low frequencies energy based on Fear. Unconditional Love is the strongest modality of Love energy, often cold as a scalpel, the Truth. Not any kind of ultimate truth. Your own Truth.


Affirmations, energy work – this is also a very important part of the process, but how long will you be healing  yourself after each short circuit at work, after quarrels with close relatives, after each and every situation you choose someone’s good over your own? Understand that work at the level of subtle energy, subconsciousness, or consciousness must be followed by taking action on the physical plane too. As long as you do not start to make changes to your everyday life, do not be surprised that you are experiencing a steady decline and you cannot stay in the state of five-dimensional awareness for longer time. If you feel that your work is decreasing  your vibration – answer the question – what am I still doing there? The same applies to all other areas of your life.

Consider. You do something to make someone feel good. As long as there is an internal consent for it, everything is OK, but if you do not have it, do not be afraid to say NO. Here, again, we are returning to the physical level… work at the energy level is extremely important and powerful, but instead of healing and harmonizing your energy, it is worth to say NO. You have the right to do it, you have the right to be in harmony with yourself. Every time you do not do it, you do not feel good later on. Admit that it is so. It does not matter if it concerns someone very close to you or just an ordinary friend. At the energy level, each of these situations has the same value – the value of the quality of your vibrations…

It is time to realize that we are starting to repair the world from ourselves, from giving ourselves this Unconditional Love first, only then we can give it outside, or rather, the more we give it to ourselves, our ‘outside’ tunes in to that particular frequency and also transforms to a self-sufficient energy level when it comes to the vibration of Love. Then Love ceases to be for you an ‘external need’ that someone should provide you with for some mysterious, unknown reason. Learn to give yourself Love. Vibe with Love. You will start to get even more Love. Yes, it’s that simple J


Everything is your mirror reflection. What you are experiencing is suited to your current energy, or to the energy you sent outside earlier. You attract not what you dream about, but what your field vibrates with. Each ‘low-vibrational’ event in your life is also your projection.

Yes, the law of attraction works in two ways – I know that it is nice to boast about pleasant manifestations like extra energy in the form of money, a wonderful partner, or generally designing yourself a whole life and transition to the reality in which it is real – but it is very important to take responsibility for each, even this low-vibrational manifestation. This allows you to become even more aware that it is no one else but yourself who creates your experience.

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I know that the most difficult thing is to realize certain things and putting it down to curses, spells, or other convenient forms of escape from yourself is much easier and gives almost instant illusionary relief, but when you have to remember that as long as you do not do it you will be in the loop repeating the same lesson over and over again. Everything – ugly weather, friends, an illusion presented in the media – everything is responsible for it, not just you. Because you can do it tomorrow, in a week or at some undefined, future time.

Understand, however, that in the universe there is this CAUSE >>> EFFECT law. When you keep doing the same all the time, without introducing new, beneficial patterns, all the time you will receive the same results that you have at the moment.

If you’ve already managed to transform most of your patterns by lighting them with the pure light of your Consciousness, welcome among happy people. If not, I suspect that you can now be experiencing more and more tensions every area of your life in which you do not treat your own truth seriously, making it your NO.1. Always.


New codes of light (that is, energy with very high vibrational frequency that flows to us from the Sun and also from the center of the galaxy – take a look at this article from that I quoted some  time ago) in a very, sometimes even intense way, in some of us have just only activated, and in others in turn, expanded the energetic capacity in the areas of the Heart, the Third Eye, and often also the Sacred Chakra levels. The integration of these codes often requires us to devote more time to each other, grounding (not only at the level of the energy of balancing your Root Chakra, but most importantly at the physical level through e.g. contact with Nature).

An extremely important element of the whole integration process is, of course, the diet. You are in 75% made of water, so remember to drink as much as possible. Water with flint, or diamond water, works very well. They are very susceptible to programming (yes, water can be programmed to bring a specific vibration during its consumption, just to remind you – vibration is the information that your body absorbs at the physical level).

The remaining part of the diet, if you are not yet on pure light one ;), is also very important. There is no doubt that fruit is the food that carries the highest vibration, but it is you approach that has extremely important part in the whole nutrition process. Instead of looking at it as a hard labour through which you have to go accompanied by desperate cry over what you are leaving behind, focus on exploring the sea of opportunities that just opens up before you! You enter a completely unknown, new, extremely interesting world. Take a look at the change as a discoverer of the new land. Enjoy it. With live food you can work at the energy level too. There will certainly be more about that in the near future.



And finally, a short information – we are going through lots of changes in Universe Of Light, we are flowing all the time on the wave of energy of the New Paradigm. Our team is expanding, and soon there will be more information on our Facebook fanpage about that.

In connection with this, our logo has also changed which now is much more vibrating to what stage we are at. As I mentioned in the energy forecast, cosmic families now join together on Earth to support the Gaia’s transformation process at the collective level. Lotus flower visible on the previous logo has just entered the most beautiful stage of its development – it began to flourish.

Wish you the highest vibrations possible,



About the author: I am an enthusiast and practitioner of multidimensional development which is a perfect combination of personal and spiritual development, and most importantly brings very quick and tangible results in everyday life. In my practice I combine knowledge in the fields of cognitive science, psychology, parapsychology as well as quantum physics and quantum mechanics while working at the levels of the subconsciousness, consciousness, superconsciousness, and subtle energies. I actively support and propagate the New Paradigm based on Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness combining my true passion with business.

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