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18 Ways To Know If You Are A Starseed

By on March 7, 2015 in Enlightening Articles, Indigos with 0 Comments

18 Ways To Know If You Are A Starseed

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Do you think you might be a star seed? Learn 18 ways to find out!

by Sara Starfire, 
Contributing writer,


Like most self proclaimed psychics, I’m a little unusual. My whole life I’ve been a bit different, and have never really felt like I fit in, no matter where I was. I’ve lived in Sweden, the United States, and Hawai`i (yes, I know Hawai`i is part of the U.S.), and no matter where I go I can’t seem to find a home. I’ve always changed my hair styles through cutting, dying, bleaching, and darkening. I have tattoo’s, piercing’s, and love to move. I’ve recently been going through another consciousness shift where I’m starting to tap into my mediumship abilities. It’s been a very eye opening experience.

When I was a small girl, you could usually find me watching Unsolved Mysteries upstairs in my bedroom. I especially was attracted to E.T. abductions, and earthbound spirits. I was shy and kept to myself when I was younger. I had very few friends because of my social awkwardness. I tended to have one good friend back then. As I grew up, I started having a few more friends and starting adding to my social circle. When I was nineteen, I started coming out of my shell. I started going to parties. Drinking, smoking pot and cigarettes weren’t unusual for me at the time. I wonder as a grown adult now, if I continue to do these things so that I don’t regress back to my childhood shyness.

Lately, I would rather stay indoors, than go out to parties, or social gatherings. I’m absorbed in learning in things, and have been engrossed in giving readings and healings.

I’ve had some personal experiences that I won’t share on the world wide web. But those experiences I feel helped shaped me into who I am today. There was no “one” event that changed me. I was being guided to find this part of myself. I didn’t have the support to explore this side of me as a child. I suppressed it, and chalked it up to believing what everyone else was saying. I was “weird”. It’s a bitter pill to swallow as a child to have these realizations. Because I am empathic, no one needed to tell me I was weird, although a lot of them did, sometimes I could just feel it coming off of them.

So, how do you handle those feelings of being different or weird?

I’m not sure if you ever fully except that you aren’t going to fit into the mold of society. I’m not even sure if you can let go of those feelings of insecurities that haunt you from your childhood. I do know with some exploration that you might start to wonder if you’re even from this planet. As I’ve been doing my own research lately, I started practicing Astral Travel. Last night I had my first successful astral travel. In my travels I visited a green/ turquoise looking planet. It was liquid, and fluid. Easily manipulated through just touching the air in front of your face. When I asked where I was, my guides said, “Andromedan”. Instantly, I knew this is where I came from.


When I woke up this morning, I was a bit zonked and had forgotten about my little journey last night. It wasn’t until half way through my first cup of tea that I remembered my astral travel. This is actually a big deal for me to travel to another planet. Usually my fear pulls me into places I never want to journey. But with learning to control my thoughts, I made a major breakthrough last night. So this morning, I did research and found characteristic traits on humans who have incarnated from other planets. I was actually pretty blown away by the findings.

To be honest, I’m not sure how all of this is settling with me. My left brain is saying that I’m crazy, while my intuition is telling me otherwise. I feel that this is right. There is actually comfort in knowing this, yet sometimes, I can be my own worse enemy. In any event, if you have been feeling a bit out of touch with yourself most of your life, perhaps this link can help you.

Related: Which star system did YOU originate from?

18 Ways To Know If You Are A Star Seed

1. A constant feeling of not fitting in. Being teased from an early age. Never quite feeling that you fit in.

2. A longing to fly, or do a lot of traveling. Having that feeling that you want to go home.

Related articleDo You Dream About Flying Or Going Home?

3. Changing your outward appearance. Changing hair color, style, style in clothing: I feel all of this is a way for us to try to figure out who we are.

4. Dreams or encounters with E.T.’s. Feelings of encounters with extra terrestrials.

Related articleDo You Dream About UFO’s?

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5. Love of Sci-Fi films and television shows. X-Files, Medium, Unsolved Mysteries anything having to do with the spiritual and unusual.

Related articleTop 10 Time Travel Movies Of All “Time”

6. Actual love of science and spirituality as it is one. Believing that science and spirituality can coexist.

7. You abhor violence of any kind. Whether it’s movies, television, world events, or personal events. If there is any indication of violence or confrontation, you are out of there.

8. You’re a natural healer and channeler. You love to help people and animals and will go out of your way to do so. You’re often working as a psychic, or healer.

9. Though you are helpful, and sweet, you also have a cool exterior. You are very guarded of who you let into your close circle.

10. Fascination with certain star systems or planets.

Related articleWhich Star System Did YOU Originate From?

11. Social awkwardness. Putting your foot in your mouth. Awkwardly feeling like the conversation is over, but not sure how to continue with your dialog.

12. You not only love to have the latest gadgets in technology, but also learn how to use them quite easily. You’re a quick learner.

13. You have a fascination with ancient pyramids, temples, and ruins.

Related articleWhat If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?

14. You are a bit aloof and ungrounded. You tend to live your life daydreaming. It’s hard for you to focus on mundane tasks.

Related article25 Ways To Get Grounded!

15. You are a workaholic. Even on your day’s “off” you are still working.

16. You believe that angels are actually visitors from other worlds.

Related article21 Essential Angels Of The Highest Angelic Realm

17. You have a strong sense of claircognizance. Or knowing. You know things before they happen, and you feel like information is continuously being channeled through to you.

18. You love to learn as much as you love to teach.

I hope that as you are discovering yourself more and more, that you can find a way to live with your “abnormalities”. I personally have found over the years that it’s a beautiful thing to think and feel different. We are all creations of God, and all have a special purpose on this earth. Being a Starseed doesn’t mean that we are anymore, or less, special than someone who is an incarnated angel. It just gives you a bit more understanding of why and who you are.

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What’s your star system heritage?

Happy Journey!

Image: Pixabay

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