6 GREAT Reasons Not To Watch The News
The news used to provide a positive function for society. Before the internet and smartphones, the nightly news provided the only connection that many people around the world could have on a consistent basis. Today, we are much more connected, and the news is no longer necessary. Beyond that, the news has evolved over the years to become a medium that lowers the quality of our collective vibrational energy.
It is important that all people try to stay as positive and optimistic as possible. The Law of Attraction brings to us what we are thinking about, feeling about and acting on. Unfortunately, by plugging in each night to watch the news, many of us are unconsciously allowing the mainstream media to lower our vibrations. These lower vibrations bring us realities that are based on anger, anxiety and fear.
To explain this further, I’ve outlined 6 good reasons not to watch the news:
6 GREAT Reasons Not To Watch The News
1. Violence: A good portion of the nightly news is allotted to violent events. Riots, murders and wars are always top stories in the news. Watching and hearing about the most horrific things that happened today will undoubtably make you feel angry, sad or anxious, all of which are lower vibrational emotions.
2. Financial woes: It is hard to be upbeat and positive about your wealth and abundance when you hear that the Dow is down 100 points, there is a mortgage crisis and unemployment is on the rise. Even if these things are true, nothing good can come from fixating on them.
3. Natural disasters everywhere! The news focuses on drama, and one of these dramas revolves around natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis. Yes, these things happen, but for one to happen to you is extremely rare. There is no reason to feel fearful every night at 6 because there was a natural disaster on the others side of the planet.
4. Materialism and consumerism: A large part of the news focuses on promoting consumerism, highlighting the newest gadgets and consumer trends. As with other aspects of the mainstream media, this focus on materialism and consumerism has encouraged many people to follow the herd by spending beyond their means, and has helped to entrap them in a “debt mentality.”
5.Voices of impending doom: If you listen to the voices of the newscasters, you will hear that their voices tend to be urgent and alarming. The simple sound of a newscaster’s voice can put you a little on edge.
6. Water cooler conversation: In an effort to be friendly and make conversation, a lot of us will talk to friends, coworkers or neighbors about what we saw on the news the previous night. This is really terrible for our vibration because at this point we haven’t just watched the upsetting news story. Now, we have now internalized the negative message, formed our own opinions about it and are actually spreading these lower vibrational thoughts to other people. Fortunately, if you stop watching the news you’ll quickly get into the habit finding other things to talk about, and these “news conversations” will fade out of your life.
As you can see, making the choice to watch the nightly news subjects you to a number of things that will lower your vibration. The content of the stories that are presented and the way that we react to them create a cycle of lower vibrational thoughts, feeling and actions. If you are trying to raise your vibration, watching the news isn’t going to help.
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As a final thought, some people worry that if they don’t watch the news they won’t hear about important things that they need to know, but this simply isn’t true. We live in a day and age where information spreads like wildfire, so if there is something that you really need to know trust that this information will find you through the internet, social media or conversations with others.

So unplug yourself from the negativity. Spend time each evening doing something that makes you feel good, like talking to your family, reading or going for a walk. Instead of ending your day worrying about all of the things that have gone wrong in the world, you’ll end your day on a high note.
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In5D Addendum
Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com
7. State Sponsored Propaganda – It’s been proven that the White House and the CIA will provide ALL the major news networks with propaganda designed to cultivate your opinions on specific subjects.
8. Commercials – Do you enjoy being (literally) programmed into what you should eat, wear, drink, etc… through the commercials?
This is why we never see an introverted person on TV ads because it shows the wrong message to those in power as they discourage people from looking within. Every ad shows some extrovert with his or her group of friends living the fictitious life that you should be living (through their eyes). And these people have above average looks and portray success, which subconsciously tell us that we are not good enough the way we are and if we want to be successful, beautiful and have friends like them, then we need to purchase whatever product they are selling. Does this sound ridiculous? It is, yet many people fall for this ploy, otherwise the commercial would not exist.
Image: Pixabay
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