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Search Results for 'Sean McCleary'

The Evolution Of Consciousness On Earth

The Evolution Of Consciousness On Earth

By on December 28, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Evolution Of Consciousness On Earth: Consciousness is contained everywhere in existence in the form of frequency vibrations contained within light and dark energy. Consciousness and higher frequency vibrations generate light energy and consciousness and lower frequency vibrations generate dark energy.

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Human Consciousness: The Evolutionary Basis For The Condition It

Human Consciousness: The Evolutionary Basis For The Condition It

By on December 16, 2019 in Science with 0 Comments

The union between human consciousness, which has been generated over a long period of time, is due to the evolution of consciousness and the evolution of love.

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The Science Of Love, The Evolution Of Consciousness, And The Higgs Field

The Science Of Love, The Evolution Of Consciousness, And The Higgs Field

By on October 13, 2019 in Science with 0 Comments

The Higgs field is a combination of the source that introduced this universe and the identity of the universe itself; similar to what DNA represents in living organisms. The Higgs field is the catalyst which absorbs and retains the most powerful degree of evolutionary development and activity from the source that introduced this universe and the evolutionary development of the universe itself.

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Quantum Level Consciousness

Quantum Level Consciousness

By on August 23, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Soon, the human race will reach a much greater understanding of how thought in the form of consciousness everywhere and love are the primary forms of energy which generate evolutionary development in the entire universe.

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Remarkable Changes Through Quantum Entanglement

Remarkable Changes Through Quantum Entanglement

By on August 15, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Quantum Entanglement – There are very powerful and remarkable changes emerging now with planet Earth and the universe and soon the human race is going to experience a very powerful change in the structure of reality as we know.

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MILLIONS of Black Holes Discovered In The Milky Way Galaxy!

MILLIONS of Black Holes Discovered In The Milky Way Galaxy!

By on August 8, 2019 in Science with 0 Comments

The article titled “Black Hole Shock” is about the recent discovery of millions of black holes in the Milky Way galaxy. Scientists observed these and proposed that these black holes are slowly draining the Milky Way galaxy of matter and energy.

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Why There Were Recent Holes Discovered In The Milky Way Galaxy

Why There Were Recent Holes Discovered In The Milky Way Galaxy

By on June 14, 2019 in Science with 0 Comments

Why There Were Recent Holes Discovered In The Milky Way Galaxy – There was some very powerful activity discovered recently by scientists who study cosmological activity in the universe. It was theorized that these “bullet like” holes that ripped through the Milky Way galaxy could have been the result of dark matter.

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An Explanation Of The Space-Time Vortex Around Earth

An Explanation Of The Space-Time Vortex Around Earth

By on May 30, 2019 in Science with 0 Comments

Einstein’s theory about a space-time vortex surrounding planet Earth is something that NASA has been working on that I would like to explain.

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How This Universe Was Introduced

How This Universe Was Introduced

By on May 26, 2019 in Science with 0 Comments

Earth is located in a region of space and time which is 13.51 billion years old. The universe was introduced around 13.8 billion years ago. This means that Earth has experienced the evolutionary activity contained within space and time in the environment which is associated with the early formation and introduction of the universe with the expansion and acceleration of the universe itself.

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How Consciousness And Energy Facilitate Evolutionary Development

How Consciousness And Energy Facilitate Evolutionary Development

By on May 19, 2019 in Science, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In gaining a better understanding of the universe, the human race will gain a much greater perspective on how consciousness influences evolutionary development and activity. Life on Earth contains both consciousness and energy and are representations of universal evolutionary activity as a whole.

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Why The M-87 Blackhole Is Spewing Energy Towards Earth

Why The M-87 Blackhole Is Spewing Energy Towards Earth

By on May 15, 2019 in Science

The image of the M-87 blackhole was just discovered recently. Now there were powerful bursts of energy discovered by NASA being transferred through the universe towards Earth. I am going to explain why this is happening but first it is important to understand some information about the evolutionary development of the universe and black holes themselves.

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What Happens With The Experience Of Death?

What Happens With The Experience Of Death?

By on February 27, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening

by Sean McCleary, Contributing Writer, Death is a natural process of the environment on Earth that living organisms go through consistently. There is almost 9 million different species of life here and globally death is happening everywhere within fractions of a second. Earth is located in the Milky Way galaxy and time and space here […]

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DMT, The Pineal Gland And The Experience Of Death

DMT, The Pineal Gland And The Experience Of Death

By on January 22, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

DMT is a chemical found in the body that is also used recreationally as a hallucinogenic among people. It has been the subject of scientific research on why this particular chemical exists in the body. Scientifically, DMT affects the consciousness through the transmission of chemicals in the brain.

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The Science Associated With The Introduction Of Good And Evil Into The Universe

The Science Associated With The Introduction Of Good And Evil Into The Universe

By on December 27, 2018 in Science

This article was removed at the author’s request. For more articles by Sean McCleary, click here. In5D PATREON: See our In5D articles the day before they’re released, AD FREE, on Patreon for a minimal donation! Follow In5D on Patreon, Telegram, Twitter, Bitchute, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Truth Social @greggprescott

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Where Stonehenge Came From And What Happened With The Evolutionary Development Of Human Beings

Where Stonehenge Came From And What Happened With The Evolutionary Development Of Human Beings

By on December 16, 2018 in Science

by Sean McCleary, Contributing Writer, Stonehenge has puzzled people for a long time and has been an ancient mystery. I do work in evolutionary cosmology and a big part of my work involves planet Earth, the human race and why life exists here the way that it does. What has been a big question for […]

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The Higgs Field, The Universe And The Experience Of Life And Death

The Higgs Field, The Universe And The Experience Of Life And Death

By on December 1, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

This article was removed at the author’s request. For more articles by Sean McCleary, click here. Image: pixabay In5D PATREON: See our In5D articles the day before they’re released, AD FREE, on Patreon for a minimal donation! Follow In5D on Patreon, Telegram, Twitter, Bitchute, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Truth Social @greggprescott

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Evolutionary Cosmology

Evolutionary Cosmology

By on November 26, 2018 in Science with 0 Comments

Infinite Consciousness made a decision to introduce this universe into its structure over 13.8 billion years ago. What happened was Infinite Consciousness combined the two frequency vibrations together in a more powerful way than what had already existed within itself with an evolutionary design concept to form this universe.

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How Subatomic Particles Affect Consciousness

How Subatomic Particles Affect Consciousness

By on November 10, 2018 in Science

Subatomic particles were introduced with this universe as evolutionary building blocks within space and time. I do work in metaphysics and the focus of my work is the evolutionary development of the Cosmos, planet Earth and all life on Earth through a process known as the Paradigm Shift.

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