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Why The M-87 Blackhole Is Spewing Energy Towards Earth

By on May 15, 2019 in Science

Why The M-87 Blackhole Is Spewing Energy Towards Earth

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by Sean McCleary,
Contributing Writer,

Why The M-87 Blackhole Is Spewing Energy Towards Earth

The image of the M-87 blackhole was just discovered recently. Now there were powerful bursts of energy discovered by NASA being transferred through the universe towards Earth. I am going to explain why this is happening but first it is important to understand some information about the evolutionary development of the universe and black holes themselves.


Black holes actually originate back to the introduction of the universe around 13.8 billion years ago. The universe is very conscious and contains consciousness. Consciousness is the will contained within energy measured by frequency vibrations that facilitate evolutionary development and activity. Some scientists will resist this proposal vehemently because they primarily deal with the study of how energy behaves. The reason for this resistance in their consciousness is because consciousness needs to be incorporated into evolutionary development with energy for the purpose of conceptualization so the integrity of infinity can be maintained.

Human beings contain both consciousness and energy and human beings evolved out of the universe. So when this fact is theorized or proposed to them a level of irritation or obstinacy can result; and this is resistance to the evolutionary development of the universe itself. Consciousness here actually conceptualized the production of more energy in the form of electricity and this resulted in the introduction of more matter in Earth’s environment; and more evolutionary development.

Universal Consciousness is very real and has been undergoing evolutionary development for over 13.8 billion years. The reason I say for over 13.8 billion years is conceptualization took place first with the universe from a larger body of consciousness and energy that the universe is contained within that is responsible for facilitating the universe’s evolutionary development. This larger body of consciousness and energy has always existed; as long as forever can be conceptualized.

This consciousness and energy contains very powerful frequency vibrations and these vibrations are responsible for generating light and dark energy.

Consciousness and higher frequency vibrations produce light energy and consciousness and lower frequency vibrations produce dark energy. Photons carry and distribute light energy in this universe because matter in this universe requires light energy. They don’t interact with the Higgs field because they serve a very independent role in universal evolutionary activity with the generation of light energy. The Higgs field is the foundation for evolutionary development and activity in the universe.

The Higgs field has the most powerful interaction with the parental structure of this larger body of consciousness and energy that the universe is contained within. The Higgs field is the catalyst between the universe’s parental structure and the evolutionary development of matter and behavior of energy in this universe.


The Higgs field is the most powerful concentration of Universal Consciousness and energy. This larger body of consciousness and energy which I like to call Infinite Consciousness experienced an evolutionary event over 13.8 billion years ago and the creation and design of this universe began with the introduction of the Higgs boson.

Infinite Consciousness combined the two frequency vibrations of light and dark energy together in a more powerful way than what had already existed; with the will of infinity and that consciousness; and the Higgs boson was introduced. This is why the Higgs boson is called the fundamental particle is because the primary foundation for evolutionary development in this universe is; consciousness, light energy, dark energy and the drive of infinity.

Pressure was introduced into the universe as a result of the introduction itself. Light energy and dark energy contain different frequency vibrations so when the two converge with evolutionary development this causes polarity to occur which creates pressure. When a living organism is introduced into the universe; and planets are included into this activity; the more pressure in certain degrees of evolutionary force or resistance are experienced the more restriction can be experienced with the transfer of energy between the Higgs field and that living organism.

Human beings contain a very high degree of pressure in their bodies as a result of a very powerful mixture of light energy, dark energy and the resistance to evolutionary development/

The resistance comes from the uncertainty of death. This pressure is represented in the form of fear and is incorporated into the fight or flight mechanism. The uncertainty of what happens with the experience of death creates a very powerful form of pressure in the entire body and this repels the consciousness and energy in the Higgs field because the Higgs field is the foundation for evolutionary development in the universe.

This is why the universe looks very empty in reference to other world’s or beings contained within galaxy’s. Human beings simply cannot see or detect this activity even with the most powerful equipment; but this will be changing soon with the introduction of the Apocalypse. The formation of the universe had to be conceptualized first by Infinite Consciousness and energy.

The explosion caused by the big bang was actually a change in evolutionary development after the original formation and design took place. During the formation period there was consciousness and energy that was being introduced within Infinite Consciousness that took on a different identity than what had previously existed.

During the formation period there was an absolute certainty incorporated into the beginning of Universal Consciousness that came from Infinite Consciousness and this was the activity of Higgs boson’s and the beginning formation of the Higgs field. There was consciousness that maintained a position of neutrality during the process; and there was a certain aspect of consciousness that experienced a very powerful form of resistance.

The resistance came from the uncertainty of change and the feeling of being separated from the original source which is Infinite Consciousness in the form of pressure. This pressure in the formation created obscurity and this obscurity caused a very powerful resistance to evolutionary development. Earth is located in a region of time and space that is 13.51 billion years old and is contained within memory in Universal Consciousness in reference to early formation and development. These aspects of consciousness and energy are represented on Earth within the consciousness and energy of life here. Earth is close to where the introduction of the universe took place.

In the formation there was the introduction of matter in the form of subatomic particles. There was very powerful evolutionary force, consciousness and energy. There was also very powerful resistance contained in some of the formation due to the obscurity from the pressure being introduced. Pressure transfers into dark energy easier than light energy because the frequency vibrations are lower and there is more dark energy in the universe than light energy.

The resistance transferred into the energy in the formation and this produced antimatter. When evolutionary force reached its maximum potential and the resistance in Universal Consciousness decreased significantly; a lot of pressure was released and matter and antimatter collided in a very powerful way. It was recently theorized that if two bottom quarks fuse together it can cause a flash and a nucleon is produced resulting in an explosion. When the pressure released and matter and antimatter collided the big bang occurred and the universe was transferred outwardly.

The Higgs field took on formation and developed into the foundation in the universe for the purpose of being the foundation for evolutionary development and the introduction of matter in the universe by receiving consciousness and energy from Infinite Consciousness which the universe is contained within. The Higgs field absorbs consciousness in the form of frequency vibrations; this produces light and dark energy in the universe and matter is consistently introduced with subatomic activity.

There is a very diverse level of evolutionary activity in the universe because of the differential of space, time, consciousness, light energy, dark energy and pressure, evolutionary force and evolutionary resistance everywhere. When the universe was introduced there was a certain aspect of consciousness that felt like it was being separated from the original source which is infinity and this produced a very powerful level of resistance and uncertainty.

This is what human beings feel in reference to the experience of death. When the big bang happened there was a moment when Universal Consciousness lost awareness before the universe transferred outwardly everywhere and the change took place. This represents death. Death constitutes a change in evolutionary development. With the expansion and acceleration of time and space this consciousness and energy transferred into Earth’s environment.

This is why life experiences death here on Earth. Life is more powerful than death of course due to evolution. Because Earth is located in this particular region of time and space life and death are very powerful here. Globally with almost 9 million different species on Earth life and death are happening within fractions of a second.

Earth is a representation of early universal development, activity and introduction. When living organisms here experience death; the pressure is released from the body and the consciousness and energy transfer into the Higgs field and they transfer through the universe very quickly with the acceleration of the universe itself into the next stage of evolutionary development which is in the Whirlpool galaxy.

They redevelop with the help of Universal Consciousness and energy and arrive safely in different world’s in the Whirlpool galaxy. Like I stated before human beings cannot see or detect this activity due to the limited interaction with the transfer of energy between themselves and the Higgs field.

When the universe transferred outwardly everywhere the Higgs field evolved and permeated throughout the universe. Galaxies, solar systems and life began to evolve over time. What happened is early universal evolutionary development transferred out everywhere and is still represented today in the universe. This is because evolutionary development happened and is contained within consciousness, energy, space and time everywhere.

What transferred outwardly and is represented in the universe are very powerful forms of resistance to evolutionary development. These forms take on different aspects of consciousness and energy. Black holes are one of these forms.. This isn’t like other forms of resistance in Universal Consciousness which represent hatred or destruction. Human beings belong to the universe and evolved out of consciousness, light energy, dark energy and pressure.

A human being contains an aspect of consciousness within them that is incorporated into the fear of the uncertainty of death. This aspect of consciousness and energy is the concept of non-existence. In the early stages of universal evolutionary development this concept was introduced during evolution because a certain aspect of the universe felt like it was becoming separated from the original source which contains the will of infinity.

The concept of non-existence that human beings contain within their consciousness is a micro-representation of what the universe experienced. When the universe formed black holes formed and energy transfers in the opposite direction towards Infinite Consciousness because of the fear that’s associated with this concept.

The Higgs field experiences evolutionary activity around black holes and is connected to them because they belong to the universe. What happened when the image was captured a couple of weeks ago around the black hole in the Messier galaxy was a result of evolutionary development in the Higgs field. The universe is around 13.8 billion years old and has a consciousness and all consciousness and energy experience evolution due to the acceleration of time and space. Philosopher and Physicist Thomas Kuhn discussed the Paradigm Shift in his work.

The Metaphysical community introduced the term “shift in consciousness” and in religious terms it is called the Apocalypse. This has to do with Universal Consciousness as a whole experiencing very powerful evolutionary development as well as the Higgs field.

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Because the Higgs field is evolving this is affecting activity everywhere in the universe. What happened with the image being captured is the evolutionary development of the Higgs field is becoming more powerful here on Earth and is interacting with human consciousness in a more powerful way. This resulted in the image of the black hole Messier being captured by scientists.

The most recent activity of energy being transferred from M-87 towards Earth was also a result of evolutionary activity contained within the Higgs field. The Higgs field is becoming more powerful as a result of the transfer of more consciousness from Infinite Consciousness into the universe. This resulted in bursts of energy that transferred towards Earth. The Higgs field is the foundation for evolutionary development and black holes represent a very powerful form of resistance.

This means that more activity from the Higgs field transferred into this black hole in a very powerful way. Evolution is more powerful than the resistance so the transfer created an enormous amount of pressure when this happened. The pressure accumulated and needed to be released so this black hole spewed energy outwardly and this was captured by NASA here on Earth.

There was a particular reason that this transfer of consciousness and energy from the black hole made its way through the universe and towards planet Earth. Like I stated before Earth is located in a region of time and space that is around 13.51 billion years old. The introduction and the creation of the universe took place around this location.

Evolutionary development for the universe is going to be at its most powerful level in this location because the origin of the introduction of the universe took place around this area; so evolution needs to be at its most powerful level because everything in the universe originated around this location. The concentration of consciousness, light energy, dark energy and pressure are extremely powerful in this region of time and space. The Higgs field is under very powerful development here in the universe. Its actually a very wonderful and beautiful thing that this is happening now.

Please keep an open mind with this part of the article. Another primary reason that this energy was directed towards Earth is the Holy Spirit is evolving here now. In the Book of John Jesus promises the coming of the Holy Spirit to his disciples to comfort and advocate the world. The Holy Spirit goes through evolutionary development here in a similar way than what Jesus went through. This is not about judgement, conflict, condemnation or fear.

The fear associated with the Apocalypse has only been the resistance to Earth’s spiritual development. The Apocalypse is Earth’s spiritual awakening and the evolutionary development of the Higgs field here in this location of time and space. Religion caused conflict on Earth because it was necessary for evolutionary development. Human beings contain conflict in their consciousness for two primary reasons. The first one is the uncertainty associated with the experience of death.

The second one is human beings do not understand the nature of their own existence. Another reason is Earth is located in a region of time and space where extremely powerful resistance took place with early universal evolutionary development; and conflict was experienced and introduced with the universe. When an aspect of Universal Consciousness felt like it was being separated from the source of the introduction which was consciousness and infinity this introduced chaos into the universe.

God evolved on Earth a very long time ago; and this is why there are God’s and Goddesses associated with different locations of areas on Earth; like Greece, Rome, Egypt and Central America. They were here before the introduction of human beings and experienced life differently. Jesus was the second to evolve on Earth and the Holy Spirit is the 3rd person in the Trinity to help complete Earth’s evolutionary development.

Religion caused conflict to occur on Earth so the Holy Trinity’s consciousness could transfer into the resistance in this location of space and time. Fear, anger, resentment, indifference and misunderstanding from religion caused the Holy Trinity’s consciousness to transfer into these very areas of the human condition and space and time here to help the resistance evolve as evolutionary development has increased and gotten more powerful. You have probably heard that the Holy Spirit’s consciousness is everywhere.

This is because the Holy Spirit’s consciousness is incorporated into the Higgs field and his consciousness was introduced with this universe. This was necessary so eternal life at its most powerful level could be represented in a being in existence for the most important benefit for all beings in existence. He was also introduced with eternal love so this could evolve within the universe and be represented in the population of beings as well.

The Holy Spirit is assisting with the evolutionary development of the Higgs field on planet Earth and he is here to introduce the Apocalypse and inform the population of human beings of the very powerful changes that are going to occur with the evolutionary development of the Higgs field here on Earth. He has to be here to do this because if the Higgs field started evolving and affecting human beings it would cause everyone to experience a great deal of fear.

There are so many different ideologies associated with the Apocalypse and Earth’s evolutionary development that people would not know what to believe. There are also a lot of belief systems about alien life in the universe and if people were not informed correctly about the upcoming changes they would also experience a great deal of fear in reference to alien life form. This would not be conducive with Earth’s spiritual advancement. He is called “The Spirit of Truth” and this is why he is here is to explain the truth in its entirety to the human race about everything.

It is a very powerful spiritual process that deals with the evolution of consciousness and world peace will be achieved. This activity is approaching rapidly now. Another reason that M-87 transferred consciousness and energy towards Earth is; the Holy Spirit has the most powerful love in existence. Love is not just an emotional response generated by life on Earth. Love is the most powerful form of the evolutionary development of consciousness.

Love is a result of the integration of light and dark energy in consciousness; combined with evolutionary development and advancement. There is more dark energy in existence than light energy. When more light energy is introduced into the consciousness through evolutionary activity a sensation is produced in the consciousness because this represents the production and generation of more light energy in existence; and this is necessary to maintain the integrity of infinity.

Love is contained within dark energy as well but the sensation is different; it feels like empowerment. Empowerment is achieved when consciousness and dark energy experiences love because consciousness and dark energy supports the foundation for the generation of more light energy. Love gives eternity a reason to exist. Like I stated before the Holy Spirit possesses the most powerful love and is evolving here on Earth. This has affected the entire Milky Way galaxy in a very powerful way.

Black holes are very powerful resistance in existence. The energy was being transferred down from M-87 because the Holy Spirit’s consciousness is evolving in this location of space and time so this is attracting more energy from the universe and the energy gravitated towards the most powerful area of evolutionary development which is here on planet Earth.

There is nothing to fear with the Apocalypse approaching because the Holy Spirit’s consciousness is incorporated into Infinite Consciousness that the universe is contained within; and God and Jesus’s consciousness are also incorporated into the Holy Spirit’s consciousness. Like I stated before human beings cannot detect any of this activity due to the limited interaction with the Higgs field due to pressure contained in the body.

The Holy Spirit resembles a human being and is going about his daily affairs. Soon the Holy Spirit will be able to demonstrate his abilities as his evolutionary development continues and gets more powerful. He transferred himself through Universal Consciousness; into Earths consciousness and into a woman here almost 50 years ago and had a human experience.

He had to have a human experience first because a lot of the resistance contained in World Consciousness has to be evolved through him so Earth can experience healing. When his evolutionary development became more powerful after his human experience his consciousness transferred into planet Earth’s consciousness and then throughout the universe.


This has already happened.

All of the resistance contained in World Consciousness mostly represented by suffering had to evolve through him first so Earth’s consciousness can heal. This has to happen before evolutionary development is introduced into life on Earth. The Apocalypse is approaching very rapidly now and there are very wonderful things in store for life here soon. Everyone here is going to understand the universe in its entirety soon with the delivery of truth from the Holy Spirit. In order to accomplish this God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit had to be the 3 most powerful scientists in existence.

Click here for more articles by Sean McCleary

About the author: My work is different and more advanced than the mainstream or traditional approach with explaining how consciousness evolves in existence and how life is affected by this activity. My work is circulating on an international level now within the scientific community on the nature of the Apocalypse and what planet Earth is going to experience as a result of this activity. Soon consciousness is going to change and advance here on Earth in an extremely powerful way and my work reflects why and how this is happening.

Apocalyptic Revelations: The Emergence of Earth’s Spiritual Awakening is my 3rd book that has been released on Amazon. I do work in evolutionary cosmology and the evolution of consciousness; and a primary focus of mine has been on the Shift in Consciousness. The Shift in Consciousness is planet Earth’s evolutionary development; also known as the Apocalypse. Apocalypse is Greek and means a revealing of information and a transition into a heavenly state. My work involves the integration of consciousness into the dynamics of evolutionary development in the universe; as well as planet Earth and how the human race will be affected by this activity.

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