Transformative Angel Message For The Week #21
by Elise Cantrell,
Contributing Writer,
Transformative Angel Message For The Week
The time has come. The wait is over. What you have been asking for is now at hand. All that is left to do is allow it to come to you. Release all resistance. Your destiny moves towards you as you move towards it. The only thing that slowed the process down was your own fears, your own doubts, your own feelings that you are not deserving, your own resistance. As you relax into trust, what you are seeking moves more quickly into your sight. The way is opening up now. It is time to let it in. We want you to have it. This is our dream for you. Your joy is ours!
You have chosen the sacred way. You have stepped foot on the path of love. You have awakened to the love that you are, and you have remembered that you always belonged to love.
Unconditional love uncovers the hidden doorway and the path opens. On the sacred path of love, all is provided for you. You no longer struggle to receive that which you desire, because when you move through the world as love, all comes to you.
Your heart is the compass showing the way! The gateway was always there within you waiting to be opened. Love is the key that opens the lock. Unconditional love is the catalyst that changes all outcomes. You manifest what love wants for you. The good life is inevitable. Abundance is inevitable. Some of you call this 5D, we call it alignment with who you are. Love is the true awakening.
When you realize you are love, then everything you create is formed by the powers of love. Pure love is the manifesting energy that flows as effortlessly as blood flows through the veins. Out of Unconditional love is born a purified wisdom which has the power to transform your entire reality. Let love move through you like a river. Only pure love can liberate you from your enslavement. Let love show you what “healing” can feel like. As you soften and allow the movement of love to flow in you and around you, effortlessly your new life shall begin.
We welcome you through the open gates to walk the way of love.
About the author: Elise Cantrell is an author, teacher, healer, wife and mother. She has authored 6 books in the mind, body, spirit wellness genre including her award winning book 40 Days to Enlightened Eating. Elise has a master’s degree in education, is a ERYT 500 yoga instructor, Ayurveda Practitioner, and owner of Shining Lotus Yoga and Wellness in Kohler, WI. Elise has communicated with angels telepathically and through automatic writing since she was a child. She passionately strives to inspire everyone towards their best and highest self through living and teaching a variety of lifestyle and healing practices.
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In5D Addendum
Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,
Angel messages are a powerful tool for those seeking guidance and spiritual enlightenment. These messages come to us in various forms, such as repetitive numbers, synchronicities, or even through direct communication with angels. The messages can be interpreted as signs of love, protection, and encouragement. By paying attention to the signs and messages, we can open ourselves up to the divine guidance and support that surrounds us.
To receive these messages, it’s important to quiet the mind and tune in to our intuition. One way to do this is through meditation, which allows us to connect with our angels and receive their guidance. Angel messages can also be received through divination tools such as angel cards, which provide specific messages and guidance. Whatever form the message comes in, it is important to trust in the guidance we receive and allow it to guide us on our spiritual path.