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Transformative Angel Message For The Week #25

By on July 9, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

Transformative Angel Message For The Week Angel Message For The Week

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by Elise Cantrell,
Contributing Writer,

Transformative Angel Message For The Week

Life is love. When you are living in love, in all areas, you are living the life the way it was designed to be experienced. There are many distractions, distortions, projections, and false expectations which pull you away from the underlying structure of love that is the framework for all of life. At its very essence, love is the basic platform upon which all life was built. However, artificial overlays have been implanted into the perfect human design which have confused and perverted the very essence of human existence and its underlying purpose which is only love.


Despite all of the ways you are led away and astray from love in this “genetically modified” version of reality, the way to transcend the false projections and paradigms misleading you into suffering, is to in all things to return to love. Return to love again and again, every time you find yourself astray from your true nature. Your identity is love. You will know you have fallen away from your very essence by experiencing anything that is in contrast to love. When you experience fear, anger, war, suffering, doubt, judgement, hate, frustration, sadness or illness, you have drifted away from love that you are. These situations are merely guideposts that serve as reminders for you to reevaluate your existence in such a way that causes you to revert back into alignment with love.

When you are in alignment with love, you are in alignment with yourself and your creator, and hence you are free. Love is always there for you, with you, in you, and around you, for it is your very foundation. You are hard-wired to always find your way back to love. In fact, you are never separated. Any sense of separation from love is only an illusion or delusion (false projection) created in your own mind. Love will never forsake you. Our message to you today is to remember and believe that “life is love” and love is the only direct path to your heart’s deepest desires. The way home is love. By existing from love and choosing from love, you are designed to find your way. That which is not love is what leads you astray. The limitless version of you is your own personal expression of unconditional love. When you live there, you are eternal, you are powerful and you are home.

“Rise and Shine!”

Elise CantrellAbout the author: Elise Cantrell is an author, teacher, healer, wife and mother. She has authored 6 books in the mind, body, spirit wellness genre including her award winning book 40 Days to Enlightened Eating. Elise has a master’s degree in education, is a ERYT 500 yoga instructor, Ayurveda Practitioner, and owner of Shining Lotus Yoga and Wellness in Kohler, WI. Elise has communicated with angels telepathically and through automatic writing since she was a child. She passionately strives to inspire everyone towards their best and highest self through living and teaching a variety of lifestyle and healing practices.

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In5D Addendum

Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,

Angel messages are a powerful tool for those seeking guidance and spiritual enlightenment. These messages come to us in various forms, such as repetitive numbers, synchronicities, or even through direct communication with angels. The messages can be interpreted as signs of love, protection, and encouragement. By paying attention to the signs and messages, we can open ourselves up to the divine guidance and support that surrounds us.

To receive these messages, it’s important to quiet the mind and tune in to our intuition. One way to do this is through meditation, which allows us to connect with our angels and receive their guidance. Angel messages can also be received through divination tools such as angel cards, which provide specific messages and guidance. Whatever form the message comes in, it is important to trust in the guidance we receive and allow it to guide us on our spiritual path.

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