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Are YOU a Starseed?

By on January 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Are YOU a Starseed?

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by Ginny Marston,

Are you a Starseed?


Starseeds are beings that have experienced life outside of the universe on other planets and in non-physical dimensions other than the earth, although they may have had previous lifetimes on earth. There are 3 categories of star seeds:

  • Typical Starseed: Had preparation lifetimes and may have lived 5-50 times on this earth.
  • Old Soul Starseed: Has had hundreds of lifetimes on earth, these are our guardians of the earth.
  • New Starseed: Many who have had no lifetimes on earth. These include some of the Crystal and Rainbow Children.

Traits of Starseeds:

  • Difficulty fitting in, not being able to relate to people, an innate loneliness and want to return home.
  • Shy and introverted as a child. They are creative and enjoy spending their time playing make-believe rather than playing with other children.
  • Highly intelligent and inquisitive. Fascination with learning but if they feel the information is mundane, they will tune it out.
  • Often diagnosed with A.D.D. or even Bi-Polar Disorder due to the dramatic mood swings because of their sensitivity to the world around them.
  • Often had imaginary friends and created a fantasy world to explore their own minds.
  • Around the ages of 5-11, they may have experienced a paranormal experience with shadow figures or ghosts.
  • Feel more comfortable communicating and being around animals and nature.
  • Due to their sensitive nature, they often choose careers that involve healing.
  • Have difficulty deciding what to do with their life as nothing on this planet makes sense to them.

Physical Traits of Starseeds:

  • A strange tendency to bruise easily.
  • Strong bodies that heal easily after an injury.
  • Sensitivity to extremes of hot or cold temperatures.
  • Many have very acute hearing and are very sensitive to sound.
  • Eccentric or intense eyes, any color hair with a reddish tint.
  • Have an extreme sensitivity to medicine, alcohol, or drugs with a high risk of dependency. The more awakened the Starseed becomes, the less likely they will become dependent.
  • They are more “night” oriented often staying up late and sleeping in. They feel a sense of peace when night falls.

Do you recognize many of these characteristics? If you have, you may have or be experiencing a Starseed awakening that may make you question if you are losing your mind.

Do not be alarmed as these are the signs that you may be experiencing:

  • Feeling over stressed with an intense energy – Your body is now adjusting to a much higher vibration and slowly will adjust.
  • Feeling disoriented – You are not in 3D anymore and are in the process of moving into higher dimensions.
  • Increased pains or aches in your body – Your body is clearing out any blocked energy, cleansing you while your vibrations increase as you go into higher dimensions.
  • Waking up in the middle of the night – Your body needing to take a rest from your dreams as there is so much going on in them you need a “time out” to rejuvenate
  • Becoming sensitive to your environment – Not enjoying loud noises, large crowds and for some, TV or certain foods.

Starseeds more than any others on the planet have an inherent soul purpose to be of service in love, light, and truth for the evolution and ascension of Earth. They are here as guides, watchers, builders, and anchors. As a Starseed, you are approaching a time when the blissfulness of your inner states suggests that release is impending. While others around you may not know what is occurring, you will be in the forefront to show others who have not walked this way before how ascension is accomplished.


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Are you a Starseed?

Love and Light.

Ginny MarstonAbout the Author: Hello, my name is Ginny, author at I am originally from Long Island, NY but now live in beautiful Florida. I am a Registered Nurse, a healer by nature. Having worked in trauma, I have been with those at the time of passing as well as given comfort to their families. As a child and teen I exhibited special gifts but they faded as my life journey went to raising a family and having a career. It wasn’t until my Grandmother, and then Father, passed that I yearned to be able to see and speak to them to ensure they were at peace and to tell them the things that I wished I had when they were here on Earth. On October 10, 2016, I tragically lost my youngest daughter, Christina. This led me to ‘go down the rabbit hole’ with my grief, pain, and the empty place in my heart only Christina could fill. The note that I laid with her was “You will never be alone as at the time of your death a piece of my heart died with you.” Many of my spiritual friends began to reach out to me, I began to look for signs she was still here with us, and channeled my energy to go back in time to renew my gifts so that I could not only speak with Christina, as I had with my other passed love ones, but to also learn more about her new journey. Christina’s and my journey are just beginning and I hope to share not only my journey with her but how you too can connect with your loved one. 

Image: Pixabay

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