Ascension Rollercoaster Exhaustion
by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing Writer,
Change has been knocking on your door more often than not lately. Did you answer it? This past eclipse season was the energy boost you needed in order to change both within and without. It was also available to help you heal from past wounds or damage that needed your attention. This does not mean that the opportunity for change or healing has been lost. It is an on-going process. Every individual has their own level of growth and expansion to work towards. Please be patient with yourself and others as we are all experiencing this purge in all aspects of our life. Since we are all inter-connected it’s a good idea to receive love and support from others and you can lean on one another as needed.
If you are exhausted from riding the “Ascension Rollercoaster,” you can always step off temporarily and give yourself a much needed break and rest. At this time, you can step away from your life to evaluate where you are and where you want to be/go. Just keep in mind there are no limitations, so remove the words: “I can’t” from your vocabulary. You can begin practicing your manifestation skills at this point to bring about desired change. Speak with intention, visualize, and use gratitude to thank the Universe for whatever it is you wish to do or receive as if you have already received it. This sets the energy in motion.
There is the reminder that whatever it is you desire to manifest, has to be with good and pure intention and to be the best for everyone and everything involved. The good news about this is that we have reached a point whereas vengeful actions and ill intention will only return to the sender with this same level of lower vibrational energy. This has always been the case with energy and attraction but as we are increasing our soul frequency and vibration even higher, the “timeframe” for this boomerang effect of energy is rapid and will become almost instantaneous. This is to push us all out of the negative energies/programs and keep us moving forward and onward towards love, joy, peace, and unity.
I know that the energy has been intense and most of you have been through a lot already. It is easy to enter the victim mind-set when all that no longer serves you falls away from your life. It can feel as if all of these changes are some sort of punishment. There is nothing farther from the truth. Remember that anything that transpires in your life is meant to bring you positivity and joy. Anything that you are holding onto out of fear, will continue to move out of resonance with you until it gets to the point where the discomforts of remaining the same will far outweigh any fears of changing it. This is when you will elevate yourself in leaps and bounds on a soul level onto your projected pathway.
When you begin to feel the low energies of depression, sadness, fear, anger or grief, it is good to express your emotions and then release them as you heal. An effective way to increase your mood or energy level is to replace the lower dense energies and emotions with appreciation. When you express gratitude for everything in your life, you will generate more of the same since the energy you send out, all gets attracted back to you. One powerful way to do this is to keep a “gratitude journal” and jot-down anything and everything that you are thankful for, on a daily basis. Read your list out-loud if you wish. It has been wisely stated before that: “gratitude is the vitamin for the soul.” This necessary vitamin will work to uplift your heart and soul exponentially.
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You can also use daily affirmations to uplift yourself or as manifesting tools. My father taught me an affirmation at a young age that I use daily. The example of this is:
“Every breath I draw into my body brings the strength and healing of the Universe and of Mother/Father God. The pure white light of Source energy flows through me like a virtual torrent: cleansing, healing, energizing, rebuilding, and replenishing every cell it passes through.” …
This can be your opening affirmation and you can add to it and tailor it to your specific needs or desires. You have the ability to create your own or I know there are others you can use that are available and best fits you.
Be proud of yourself for having come so far so quickly. Keep moving yourself forward in love, joy, and gratitude. ?
Love to ALL of you,
About the Author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empathic Lightworker who enjoys writing Spiritual and Inspirational messages to encourage the Collective towards Self-Love, Soul-Empowerment, and Higher Consciousness.
Image: Pixabay
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