Ascension vs. The Event
by Teri Wade,
Contributing Writer,
The Event is spurred by physical action and Ascension is spurred by personal, internal evolution.
The Event is the banking collapse, a currency reevaluation, and the disclosure of non-human intelligence and it’s extremely advanced technology.
Ascension is the shift in consciousness getting away from polarity more towards unity often described as in dimensions. Moving away from fear to a more love based existence.
The Event will initiate the end of human slavery on this 3D Earth. This Event will begin with a massive blast of energy from our Central Sun, this Event will alter it all. Each one of us will face it without warning. This moment is made to impact our view of life as we know it.
We have been preparing ourselves for this moment with the awareness of many revelations and not knowing it. This has been and continues to be our show. We wrote it and we are acting in it while watching ourselves.
This shift means freedom for Earth and Humanity. We hold the answer key…always have. But, remember the ones that are resisting this change by still holding onto those religious, societal beliefs etc. are going to have the hardest time with it. You must let go of everything you’ve been told to be true, it’ll make the transition much easier for you.
Click here for more articles by Teri Wade!
Image: Pixabay
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