Dr Simon Atkins – September October 2015 Market Crash Get Out Your Money
This is blunt and humble advice: get your money OUT of the (Stock) Market, because there is very likely going to be a crash — soon. Market crashes have occurred every 7 (seven) years — like clockwork — in September or October — since 1966!! Yes, there have been market crashes in 1966, 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994, 2001, 2008 and now …? Could September – October, 2015 be the next major stock market crash? As the planet awakens at an accelerating pace, more individuals can see through the corruption and lies. This video shows the connections, tells where to look for the upcoming signs, and gives solid direction. Something big is coming, and you can be prepared by being “in the know”.
Image: Pixabay
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