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Energy Shifts!!!

By on April 25, 2019 in Astrology, Energy Updates with 0 Comments

Energy Shifts!!!

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by Aluna Ash,

Energy Shifts!!!

The Sun is at 0° Taurus, beginning it’s conjunction to Uranus at 2° in Taurus while Squaring Aquarius- Uranus natural ruler.


This means change in:

Your foundation, material & spiritual resources, your values, where you focus your time/energy, your belief in your own ability to manifest, your desires, changes in relationships & whether or not they are in alignment with your true Soul integrity. This can trigger abrupt exorcisms for many as the Kundalini & higher consciousness is integrated.

The Purge. The frequency on this planet is about to shift. Make sure you ground yourself right away if you start feeling like your tripping, this energy can do that.

Can also trigger headaches & ear ringing.

The Sun shines the light on where it transits- so here it is Taurus (The USA’s 6th house of work, service, routine, health/illness) The Sun shining the light on Uranus, which is a transmitter for the dog star Sirius brings strong psychic impressions through the Cosmic mental plane that is dispersed through our Sun.

For many, this is direct omniscient access to the Higher Mind. The Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus while Pluto is at 23 degrees in Capricorn conjunct Saturn AND the South Node/Ketu in Capricorn— is MASSIVE.


Old structures will begin collapsing in a more physical/3D way.

The Soul is going through a conscious shift with Pluto at 23 degrees Capricorn and about to station retrograde at this degree of the Masculine archetype/the conscious mind- which will cause an integration of the higher Consciousness coming in through the collective unconscious and the unconscious mind of each individual.

This is an intense karmic time for many… depending on your sign & karma (fixed, mutable…)

We also have a wave coming in through our Sun around this time! This can trigger change & surprise that will be released as we move closer to the 11th moon cycle, The Spectral Serpent Moon- beginning May 2nd. This is where we have our Soul & life detours to release whatever is holding us back from being our authentic selves.

Whatever you need to free yourself from- now is the time.

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(I’m posting the May Astrology Horoscopes & Transit for each Zodiac sign on soon)

Aluna Ash

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