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ENERGY UPDATE – For Those Masters Who Are Ready – Our Jigsaw Puzzle Has Come Together!

By on April 29, 2017 in Energy Updates

ENERGY UPDATE - For Those Masters Who Are Ready - Our JIgsaw Puzzle Has Come Together!

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by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

A Quick SHIFT of energy came through not long ago (2.40pm AEST April 28TH) – so much so that within 10minutes I was packed and left to go away over night as I am called to do so (or being given the ‘tap’ on the shoulder as I call it) by the Divine when I am receiving something new for humanity – that being away from ALL is very necessary.


As I sit here I am reflecting that over the years it was a two months heads up (tap)…then one month..then weeks, then days..and this time is was a ‘tap’ of: you need to go and go right NOW lol.

How blessed am I that my family I live with know and support me in who I am and how I live and I am able to do this.

I am guided to share where we are at as I still have my notes from the next post that was ‘on its way’ about what I saw yesterday as it happened in the astrals and multi-dimensions of:

Our jigsaw pieces finally, finally coming together as I have been seeing and saying about our jigsaw pieces for so long now.

Actually here are my notes that I wrote DURING BEING IN THIS ENERGY AS IT CAME THROUGH as I felt and experienced this come through for humanity (and I was not the only one).

Usually I would then form a post around this yet with the ‘tap’ from Spirit to go again, I will share these here now instead. And if a further post follows, it does. There are those that these notes are ‘enough’ for them ;-).


When I write while seeing and receiving in ‘that moment’, I say read it ‘like a script of a movie’ and visualise as you read as those that have, have had healings for themselves by doing so :-).

This is bringing through 6D Energy in Soul and Spirit linked of the Divine as you read and do this. Many are now needing this vibration and I am ‘happy’ to share in being in 6D Embodiment – as you are so worth it!


The jigsaw pieces are coming together!…for so long I have seen jigsaw pieces filling the size of the whole sky looking out

They are coming together and are now forming a shape of a human body!

It’s in shadow? now as the pieces are being put together….they are in the shape of a human??

As they ‘click’ (that word was very specific) together the shadow human body form is reactivating??

And now shifting to glowing??

I can now see a huge ‘Golden Egg!’ – of abundance was the message! How exciting is this!

This is in process right now

As the pieces come together I can now see an old template from underneath is shattering!

This is on a Universal Level!! I have not seen or felt this before…I wish I could show you what I am seeing…the ‘ring’ has expanded outwards to include our whole universe!! This is just sensational to see!

*NEW* Universal Master Healings may be coming from this!

We are creating such an abundance that has not been created before on such a global scale expanding out to a universal level – I can feel my energy has expanded out as well!

We have to link spirit to soul to get this!! That is everything!!

That was what came at that time. Here I am sharing more notes of info that has come to light since then, that again would usually have been in a post as well:

A deep shadow part of ourselves that we were not even aware of is being released – the overall conglomeration of the ‘shadow’ of the human puzzle pieces now forming together for a new ‘glowing’ human and spirit.

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After I received all of that in the human and spirit, it came to ‘light’ in a healing during that experience, that there are souls whose heart or solar plexus has shattered energetically.

This has shattered, in different ways for each person. I am yet to see if it is other chakras with others.

Let me share more – due to this, old faint echos of the past have come up and out to be released…and to navigate through this we need to stay true to where we are at now…if we do this, and shift, shift, shift our energy as written in a recent post, then we ‘move’ through this quite ‘quickly’.

The doors of the old are now closed in many areas of our lives remember – BB Pt 6

Last night I had a very interesting and unusual dream and as I (and you) do so much in the astrals in our ‘sleep’ for me to have a dream such as I did is quite rare.

It is about releasing something in/for our new lives a death of fear of the old that needs to be released. I am not ready to share the dream and may not as I am still processing it. That is why what I just shared is brief.

Chakras with souls who are moving into a bigger phase and stepping it up energetically who are ready to take the next step up and out with and for humanity have had their solar plexus or heart chakras shatter very recently! I can feel this!

Am assisting two powerful Master souls in the last 48 hours, as one’s heart chakra shattered and the other their Solar Plexus!

Both were pushed to beyond the extreme of the old to the point those chakras shattered!

They have both been repaired and healed with ongoing support of balancing. This was a *new* Universal healing!

What else this means I do not know – yet….remember this is in linking our Spirit to our Soul in the human and this is right here and now as it happens. That is why I have not written books as this is flowing ascension energy as it is coming in and needs to be ‘live’.

I just know that this has been so big for those who are here at the ‘front-line’ of the ground crew.

We have made it though!!

We are here..we are doing this…we are making a difference as we are literally the change!

I will now feel what else is going on and continue on being a vessel of the Divine in service.

As I live what I share ;-).

Much love to you and will share more soon.


Blue Beyond
Ascended Earth Master, Teacher, Guide – in Service of the Divine and Gaia – for and with humanity.

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About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.All she shares is by experiencing first hand and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Linking 3D and 5D and Beyond, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia. She had a vision as a child when Christ came to her and lifted her up…and more recently was gifted her Spiritual Soul, when Christ came to her again as their palms touched with Rainbow energy….so she is able to see all that occurs in the Astrals and Multi-Dimensions in having two souls, double the information and insights. Having cleared her vessel from Spirit to Soul by going through the Abyss and back to be a clear vessel of Pure Divine Light, coming from Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty and Realness. Anastacia is Australian and was ‘tasked’ by Spirit to be part of teaching and leading Australia’s Ascension in linking our Spirit to our Soul, through our Emotions, as part of her role here as well. She has written many articles over the years and has been going within for 20 years, so much of what humanity is feeling and going through, she has already been through, while still experiencing her and Humanities Ascension as an Ascended Master.

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