Energy Update – New Doors are Opening!
by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,
New Doors are Opening! YOU ARE the KEY
Over the last 36hrs, energetically it has been like ‘tumbling down a hill’.
It was release after release in a way that I have not felt or experienced for years, if not ever.
In fact, it was like years worth of releasing and remembering a ‘time in the past’ when I felt like I did and a type of memory that flashed up with the emotions that came up.
It was really unusual and different even for me.
I can share that some very huge insights and ‘aha’ moments are coming through as a result of the processing, feeling and releasing over the past 36hrs.
I have had like ‘the next step’ suddenly be revealed to me for two situations that I have been asking Spirit about for quite a while now. With patience and love and continuing on with my life.
Where I ‘knew’ it wasn’t ‘time’ for certain areas in my life to ‘happen’ and I had surrendered and handed all over.
Then today it’s like 2 doors just ‘opened’.
The insight that came was that it was just like it was so ‘natural’ to understand as if it had already ‘been’ this way.
I am newly creating in words the ‘best way’ to describe these current energies. As the words I am using with these latest energies have not been written before.
As we have NEVER experienced this before. That is why I ‘write as I speak’. That is a big part of and the reason these updates are not grammatically ‘correct’. As there has been a few people comment on this.
Others understand very well and resonate strongly to the energy and feeling within themselves of the Divine and don’t get ‘caught up’ in the grammar. They are feeling from their hearts and souls and not coming from their ‘head’.
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So this is for those souls who resonate to what is being shared from myself personally. As not all will resonate and that is very okay.
The door(s) is ready to be opened and you are the key.
Bring the ‘Divine In’ in all you are and do.
Remember to come from one’s heart in Unconditional Love.
Continue to surrender and hand over ALL to Spirit in total Faith.
And trust trust trust.
Much Divine love to you, in all you are experiencing.
As we continue in these new and amazing experiences, which are very challenging at times, as we lead up to the 888 energies.
As always I am right here with you.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
Ascended Earth Master
In6D human embodiment/8D in Spirit
About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.All she shares is by experiencing first hand and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Linking 3D and 5D and Beyond, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia. She had a vision as a child when Christ came to her and lifted her up…and more recently was gifted her Spiritual Soul, when Christ came to her again as their palms touched with Rainbow energy….so she is able to see all that occurs in the Astrals and Multi-Dimensions in having two souls, double the information and insights. Having cleared her vessel from Spirit to Soul by going through the Abyss and back to be a clear vessel of Pure Divine Light, coming from Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty and Realness. Anastacia is Australian and was ‘tasked’ by Spirit to be part of teaching and leading Australia’s Ascension in linking our Spirit to our Soul, through our Emotions, as part of her role here as well. She has written many articles over the years and has been going within for 20 years, so much of what humanity is feeling and going through, she has already been through, while still experiencing her and Humanities Ascension as an Ascended Master.