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Energy Update – Old Timeline Looping

By on November 15, 2017 in Energy Updates

Energy Update - Old Timeline Looping

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by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,
Australian Correspondent,

Old Time Line of our TOTALITY doing a ‘LOOP


With the recent 11/11 energies and the 10/10 gateway energies and old timelines that have ‘fallen away’ – we are now re-feeling the Ancient of times past when we came to a space ‘similar’ to this and its like we ‘didn’t make it’ back then.

This message is from and of the Divine, that came through…I will not be able to fully explain this further with any ‘back-up’ as I usually do in the human linking to Spirit. Apart from what I sharing here that is coming through myself as I am sharing this here and now.


This is an old loop that has come up, re presenting itself of a way of BE-ing in our Totality.

That if we do not change something in its ‘totality’ of we ‘did’ or how ‘we were’ in the past – this loop will continue to re-repeat as in like a ‘Holding Pattern’ until we shift through this for ourselves!

The word like a ‘Pause’ is coming over and over again. So if one feels at a ‘pause’ in their life, what has come through, is to go in and feel deeper as to what they are yet needing to look at or shift (There is more to this, but I just wanted to share briefly on this, as this is very big right now and may be covered in the near future).

I do not know ‘how long’ this will ‘take’ or be for souls as this is so individual and further information may come to light on this in which I will share as guided as I do.


As this is an overall of BE-ing ourselves.

This is so very huge and it’s a little ‘hard’ to put into words further right now – as this is coming up and through as I write and share with a personal experience I am guiding another soul with right now, during this post!


To allow and bring this energy and information through to you. 11:11 Double Energy.

With this soul, they previously spread their energy and white light over their family…this is what we ‘used’ to do as Angels.

Yet, I was let know, this was the start of the ‘downfall’ of the beginning! (This is what the Divine has said with this remember. For ‘what ever it means’…don’t ‘shoot’ the messenger lol, those ‘days’ need to be over!).

That now in the human, we are unable to do so, with those close to us, from an Ancient time of when we did that, that we are each ‘carrying’ inside or within ourselves! As in, we did this in Spirit and we need to do things ‘differently’ now in linking with the human!

As this is not viable or healthy to do so in the human!

I know we ‘know’ this but this is DIFFERENT. This is Double!

Each old loop is just so personal.


In this persons situation that we are ‘doing’ right now in this healing while writing this post, it is about deeply deeply FORGIVING THEMSELVES.

Of having or starting to finally link their Spirit to their Soul in the human recently and getting ‘very real’. As it is a process!

Our ‘last’ bit of ‘stubbornness’ and resistance’ and to FORGIVE OURSELVES is what has come through for humanity from this!

To ‘finally’ ‘put the stick down’.

This resistance is us blocking ourselves from us moving forward.

Of an old timeline loop that is here, that is being re-presented for us to shift and change – an old loop of a TOTAL Way of BE-ing.

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Any more than expressed here is for those to feel and resonate to and for themselves. As this is all as guided and I am being ‘let know’ of in messages of/from the Divine and from my personal experiences as they are coming through right now.


The flower essences that have come for humanity (that one can read and feel and tap into their crown chakra) for and with this are:


  • spiritual discernment
  • accessing gifts from past lifetimes
  • release of negatively held psychic energies
  • clear spiritual communication


  • courage
  • tenacity
  • adaptability
  • strong faith
  • enhancement of survival skills


  • Ability to cope
  • Comfort, reassurance and courage

And also Mustard.

People in this state often list all the reasons they have to feel happy and contented, but still everything looks black and hopeless to them.

The remedy helps to dispel the clouds so that we can once again appreciate the joy and peace in our lives.

Even I have shifted an old loop of a timeline of my Totality in how I am proceeding ahead with humanity…so if this is new for me, then…

**The energy of this post is from another Master as well, 11:11 Double energy = Double Divine Healing. Add to this the Flower essence vibrations that have come through with all of this as well = Triple = Trinity Energy**

Much love to you in all you are, have been and WILL BE.

A newer ‘version’ of an upgraded YOU!


There is a lot of forgiveness that is needed also, with mainly our mothers at the moment, that is coming up time and again – that is linked with this Time-Line ‘loop’.

*Just now as I wrote and share this, I have been given what I call the ‘tap on the shoulder’ – where I go away overnight to process and receive something very very big that is coming through for humanity, to share with you all soon*

As always I am right here with you. As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

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Anastacia Kompos

6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
Australian Correspondent in5d
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available

About the author: Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both – of the Divine – through human embodiment of being in 6D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2017. Copyright © 2016-2017

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