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Energy Update – Return Of Spirit -Take Flight

By on August 3, 2017 in Energy Updates

Energy Update - Return Of Spirit -Take Flight

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by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

Return of Spirit -Take Flight


‘Your hard work and determination over this lifetime has brought you here today.

This is the light at the end of the tunnel.

And although your journey is far from over, you have come much farther than most.

This signifies a renewal of the heart, mind, and spirit.

Your spiritual connection to Source is stronger now that’s it has ever been.

Trust in it, flow in it, and shine in it!


You have done the work.

So you deserve it!

Where there was a time when you may have questioned whether Spirit was even there, now you won’t.

This is your own sacred Return of Spirit.

You are moving into a new stage of your life where stepping out is important for your emotional, mental and spiritual growth.

Just as the butterfly is drawn to a flower’s nectar, you will find that getting out into the world and being with others, will be a source of soul food for you.

Your soul is ready to shine it’s light. It is only your human mind that feels it is not ready.

You cannot fight your destiny-you can only fight yourself.

It’s time to take flight.

Like it or not, if there is something we are meant to be doing, we will eventually find ourselves doing it, no matter how much we resist it.

So take a deep breath and take just one step forward to what brings you joy.

The rest will take care of itself


You have come a long way in your journey. No, it hasn’t been easy but you have made it through. Acknowledge, for just a moment, the strength and courage that you have discovered within you. See how much you have grown over this time, slowly blossoming into who you are today. This is the card of triumph, heart-felt connection, and mastery.

Hold your head high and feel proud of who you are. Your guides and Angels are certainly proud of you! Your hard work and determination over this lifetime has brought you here today. This is the light at the end of the tunnel. And although your journey is far from over, you have come much farther than most.

This signifies a renewal of the heart, mind, and spirit. Your spiritual connection to Source is stronger now that’s it has ever been. Trust in it, flow in it, and shine in it! Your beautiful heart is open to both giving and receiving the messages from the heavens. Your time has come – and it is now.

This is a time of manifesting your highest will. It is a time of truly stepping onto your path with confidence in what you are here to do, and how you are to do it. It is a time of hopes, wishes, and dreams coming true. True greatness of who you are is ready to express itself fully.

Now you can experience true empowerment, deep heart-felt connections with others and a feeling that all is right in your world. You have done the work. So you deserve it! Where there was a time when you may have questioned whether Spirit was even there, now you won’t. This is your own sacred Return of Spirit.

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It’s time to come out of seclusion. You no longer need to hide or try to protect yourself from the world around you. You are moving into a new stage of your life where stepping out is important for your emotional, mental and spiritual growth.

It’s time to start making new friends and social connections. You may find yourself join groups, take classes, or engage in social activities. Just as the butterfly is drawn to a flower’s nectar, you will find that getting out into the world and being with others, will be a source of soul food for you.

Through these interactions with people and groups, you will start to feel more confident in yourself. You will see and feel yourself blossoming in a very natural and comfortable way. The energy of the butterfly is gently, joyful, and purposeful. You will directly experience this energy and exude it, as you move out into your social surroundings. Not only is this an important part of developing self-esteem and a sense of belonging; it is a vital piece in your discovery of your gifts and special talents.

Your soul is ready to shine it’s light. It is only your human mind that feels it is not ready. Be brave and let yourself of of the cocoon of protection you have created. You cannot fight your destiny-you can only fight yourself. It’s time to take flight. You know how the Universe works. Like it or not, if there is something we are meant to be doing, we will eventually find ourselves doing it, no matter how much we resist it. So take a deep breath and take just one step forward to what brings you joy. The rest will take care of itself’. Cheryl Lee Harnish-Return of Spirit.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos

Ascended Earth Master
In6D human embodiment/8D in Spirit

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About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.All she shares is by experiencing first hand and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Linking 3D and 5D and Beyond, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia. She had a vision as a child when Christ came to her and lifted her up…and more recently was gifted her Spiritual Soul, when Christ came to her again as their palms touched with Rainbow energy….so she is able to see all that occurs in the Astrals and Multi-Dimensions in having two souls, double the information and insights. Having cleared her vessel from Spirit to Soul by going through the Abyss and back to be a clear vessel of Pure Divine Light, coming from Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty and Realness. Anastacia is Australian and was ‘tasked’ by Spirit to be part of teaching and leading Australia’s Ascension in linking our Spirit to our Soul, through our Emotions, as part of her role here as well. She has written many articles over the years and has been going within for 20 years, so much of what humanity is feeling and going through, she has already been through, while still experiencing her and Humanities Ascension as an Ascended Master.

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