Energy Update – TIDAL WAVE of LIGHT
by Morag,
Contributing Writer,
The cosmos and interweb are buzzing with news of a tidal wave of light coming our way. Already here, it’s momentum will build with the new moon on the 13th. Gaining pace, lighter fifth dimensional frequencies will bring tidal waves of upgrades. The Solstice, 21st June, will herald a cosmic turning point. Reaching its peak on the 24th June, karmic manifestation. The full moon 27th will mirror and magnify all that we have learned. Prepare cosmic friends. We are better equipped now for these incredible waves of light energy. Be open to upgrades. Be protected in love. Raise your vibration to the fifth dimension, add your light to the rivers of lighter wavelengths flowing through and around Gaia. Add your energetic voice to the cosmic tidal wave of light as it streams into us and through us. Welcome recalibration. Process your evolution. Cultivate inner stillness. Meditate love frequency.
The onslaught of matrix deprivation and despair is overwhelming all who have awakened their conscience. Disturbed by images and rhetoric of hate, greed and deceit. To be awake is to look into the darkness every day. On billboards and buses, the screeching screen in our living room, online and on tap, constant drip drip of demonic forces seeping into our daily realities. We take responsibility for unplugging. Awareness is the first step. Acceptance the second. Surrender and release the final destination. The all seeing eye in our hands monitors us, listens in, tracks us, makes us an algorithm. Turn the tables, use the interweb as a platform for good. Spread love like a virus. Share, challenge and observe, research and expand knowledge. Be a voice of reason, compassion and fun. Laugh at cute kittens. Energy goes where intention flows.
We can turn the tide of hate, fear, distrust and anger. We can pull this beleaguered planet and her emotionally damaged, karmically stunted people up out of the mire of darkness they have been steeped in. Weighing Gaia down, locking her and her people into 3rd and 4th dimension never ending power plays. The infiltrators require we remain drenched in dark, heavy frequencies. To be fearful, furious, bitter and envious is to give them what they want. To rebel is to be in love vibration despite the onslaught of fascist police state aggression. To continue to believe in peace in spite of constant war. To believe in abundance knowing it is withheld from the majority of the global population. We can change the world.
Prepare for bouts of intense low energy, as the ebb pulls back. Don’t fight this, flow with it. Release fear wherever it pops up. Acknowledge it. Make peace with it. Surrendering to universal love flow is the release of fear. It is understanding we belong to a far greater multi dimensional world than the little boxed in one we’ve been given. Our inner world manifests as our outer world. When we are forgiving, compassionate caring and gentle we invite these emotional energies into our lives. Self respect means protecting ourselves from those who mean us harm. From those who paint smiles over sneers. We recognize when we are being taken advantage of. When our input far outweighs our return. Pull up the draw bridge on vampires who drain us, parasites who feed off us and hybrids who seek to control us. We may be trolled, tracked or blocked. We may be bullied or intimidated for our refusal to bend to another’s will. We may be pushed into tight claustrophobic corners as others seek to pin back our wings.
Ask for protection every day from higher self, from anything that may cause us harm. Cut cords of negativity. End preordained contracts that no longer serve us to our highest path. And watch as your world shrinks and magnifies at once. People we may never have suspected of wishing us harm, disappear from our lives. Micro managers back off. Angry people feel averse to our shield of love and move away. In the spaces they leave love floods in. Love for ourselves. Love for our lives, our very existence. Love for this lifetime, it’s unique and profound potential for growth becomes our focus. We seek to evolve. We regain energy we didn’t know we were losing. Our spirits lighten. We welcome our days instead of dreading them. We embody mindfulness. We stabilize our energy with healing. We share love, we receive love, we are love.
We are destroying the new world order. We are creating a new world. We see what is being done to destroy human rights and human sovereignty. We see the clamping down in the technological age of a slave race by its masters. Masculine energy out of control, on the rampage, raping and pillaging all it comes across. This is a call to all those in their feminine energy or cultivating their feminine energy. The time is now to open your heart chakra to love. To step into your power. Ignite the goddess within. The feminine must push her way back into balance with the masculine. Upgrades offer all of humanity a chance to expand their consciousness. To those awake, share love, receive love, be love. Be lit in a dark sky for those gasping for breath, struggling to the surface. Welcome interaction with strangers whose light touches yours. Ignore the packaging. Move away from beings emitting dark signals they will latch on and drain the light of light warriors. Be protected in shield up love vibration.
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Send out ripples of light, fuse with cosmic waves of lighter frequencies. Align. Breathe in peace. Exhale everything negative. The summer solstice is on her way closely followed by the peak of a tidal wave of light. June’s Full Moon will drench us in lunar light clearing all shadows, mystical and magical in her majesty. Celestial events are key to cosmic ordering out of chaos. Nature’s cycles are our cycles. Planets, oceans and intergalactic intervention cause and create frequency fluctuations. Dimensional realities can be affected by cosmic occurrence. We are in the center of an interdimensional maelstrom of opposing wavelengths, realities, perceptions of existence. Note old rituals, born of the earth, ancient knowledge etched in the skies. Trust and use peaks in lighter energy to embed your vibratory field in higher wavelengths. Tune up your mindbodyspirit dial to love frequencies.
We are immersed in the great shift. The event is happening. Embrace all upgrades under the protection of your higher self. Prioritize self care to maximize energetic evolution. The time is now. Be light. Be authentic. Be protected. Be love. Be grounded beautiful people. Spread your light far and wide, protected from the dark, illuminating the shadows and raising the frequencies on planet earth one awakened and glowing soul at a time. In light and love cosmic surfers x.
I connect to love light energy.
I ask my higher self to protect me from all lower frequencies.
I walk in the footsteps of the goddess.
I ignite my inner goddess.
I bring goddess love and magic to this lifetime.
I anchor my goddess light to Gaia’s grid.
I embrace all upgrades available to me at this time, under the protection of my higher self.
I draw strength in love vibration from the goddess Gaia.
I am grounded in gratitude, in light and in love.
About the author: I am a dedicated café conspirator, lightworker, metaphysical explorer, teacher, writer and earth mother. Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland, I spent time traveling in Australia and Europe before moving to East London. After 15 years as an English teacher and head of year in comprehensive secondary schools I left teaching to become a stay at home mum. I retrained as a meditation teacher and reiki energy healer, using crystals and starseed tarot cards for healing and channeling. Between night feeds and school runs I have been writing and blogging about life, the universe and everything. You can find me on Facebook, wordpress and youtube at awakening5dhealing. Much love and light beautiful people.
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