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Now And For Eons Lies And Deception Controlled Humanity

By on June 21, 2018 in Awareness

by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.,
Contributing Writer,

HUMANS believe lies and deceptions forced on us thru genetic manipulation, religion, governance, monetary control and false Gods, implanted in our minds, thru genetics or DNA switches and worship brainwash. Kingship thereafter is an innovative control of one hostile alien, Annunaki at Sumeria down to 21st century, the result of their extraction of copper and gold worldwide. Mining strike and work stoppage of Anu pilots forced into mining made Anu replaced them with mammal slaves, hominids with alien DNAs, clones created by Anu children, Enki and Ninhursag. They are our gods with different names in different continents printed.

Hard water is an objective of visitor hostile beings and ‘Nibiru’s’ (NASA’s planet X) enslaving humans. They are hidden Gods as they lived with us earlier that explains humans talking and walking with gods. Hard water is required for fusion bombs effectivity and extinction effect and transport fuel for land and air ships. Two hostile beings with fusion bombs annihilated the Reptoids, dinosaurs 65M years ago and hydrogen completed annihilation of all living beings saving copper and gold. Much later, hostile reptilians rule thru strange words in religious bible of beliefs and deceptions, engraved in stelae and step buildings, in clay stone tablets or brainwash. Kingship or pharaonic titles for chosen powerful nations fell to chosen heirs or selected humans. Much evolved Reptoids, original earth dwellers from inner underground cities repulsed and drive out hostile beings from the planet’s surface. But hostility continues as they return to harvest their ‘crops ‘of human slaves, copper and gold for their own uses after making six generation guinea pig humans extinct . We are the seventh generation, more controlled and enslaved.


Kings, queens, heirs travelogue routine, even weddings are main stream media (MSM) news, their expenditures budgeted by people’s wealth are played for adulation of dreams and fantasies We love them so much, like gods of religions as they are implanted in our minds. Stranglehold on humans is strengthened as programmed thru religion, kingship, health and ideologies combined by governing military powers for effective control. Surface world is a mess, polluted requiring healing and cleansing facing the fate of asteroids or extinction level, the result of false teachings and resource exploitation of our beautiful pristine former Eden planet.

Syria president Assad disclosed in his speech that ‘Deep State’ (dark government) is in control of USA since President Nixon of US. Trump with allies, ordered the bombing of the Syrian Army as the terrorist financed by USA, UK and France are almost defeated. We add, since US Presidency of Truman and Eisenhower, they exchanged fusion bombs and stealth bombers in exchange for copper, gold, human guinea pigs to replenish alien dying stock, inculcate fear-war and terrorism as disclosed by US/Canadian and US retired military personnel.

BELIEFS brainwashed human kind. Believe you are weak, with original sin, cannot create nor innovate, idiots, you are. Believe you can die to kill or murder other believers for sex, you can. Believe you eat flesh and drink blood, and your consciousness absorb it. They are statements that haunt humans since eons for extraction of our resources thru slavery. They are taught by dark controlled speakers, evangelists, priests in pulpits, papacy, read at step buildings twice a week , broadcast on radios and viewed on televisions, MSMs and on to cell phones cum TV computer, digitized to the 21st century, aided by radio and microwave frequencies, with internet combinations connecting with our electrical brains. Humans are stuck at cellphone or ipads, no interaction or talk except text messages at coffee shops, malls, at home. Fellowships and group discussions are lost. Frequencies and electrical gadgets control us thru our electrical brains, switched on to their toys. But the magic of these toys connects us worldwide to innovative ideas, a brand of sharing love to all that is a factor in major awakening efforts by Source, a blunder of strategies by low vibration beings. The internet is fast exchange and distribution of ideas and concepts.

At cleansing times, our hearts and minds will receive magnetic light waves, connect us to the divine mind, divinity. Choice of belief is yours alone and determines removal from slavery mindset. Cast implants out as light workers with overflowing energies attract lower vibration beings trying to snatch energy and pull you down.
Light bodies dwell on Humankind for an experience of Source living veiled, in duality, programmed, deceived, accepted fate, fooled, gullible, easily swayed to do bad. Rackets sprout from beliefs where religions and corrupt government steal people’s money. Religions are not taxable but said to be the best business model created by evil humans as declared by some organizers, sprouting like mushrooms stealing money for false beliefs teaching from fake books. The Romans are experts and used it. Ancient libraries of Alexandria, Egypt and Nineveh, Iraq confirmed these facts, where excavation continues on underground libraries buried by the sands of time from nuclear blasts. At 325 AD at Nice, Emperor Constantine made it religion and government business as control model to instill Roman policies and collect large revenues and taxes. Some countries segregated religion from government, collected revenues from donations and taxes.

Western powers of military might in the guise of wars not reaching their shores bomb and destroy museums, artifacts and records to hide the truth. It is controlled by deep state- families per Syrian Assad, ruling for 450,000 years. Colonizer UK apologized deaths of citizens, intelligence errors in Iraq in 2017, a very subtle way of avoiding detection of deceit. Have you seen USA political leaders apologized, laughed, watched 9.11 declassified bombing pictures released to MSM. Alternative media has plenty of these pictures.

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LIES AND DECEPTIONS are forced and inflicted on us but sound funny if you know the truth. Some lies and deceptions to wit are: ”Pagan” rituals of eating flesh and drinking blood, gong to heaven to sit at the right hand of father or mother in a throne’, killing persons of other faiths to enjoy company of other sex after death; ascending to heaven; humans have original sin, all sinners.


For selected chosen few, rulers, kings and queens, intelligent beings, can do anything with our hosts Earth,…. lies and more deceptions Ask our Pope and leaders to teach us the truth on pagan rituals, they can’t, they defend it attacking human consciousness, are in the pockets of Controllers. Understand religion, hierarchy and gold and dollar vaults can feed the poorest of the poor of earth in 3 years and still rich, nothing reduced as wealth flows from collections the world over. Simple case in point, they cannot decide the fate of ‘Blessed Alfredo Obviar’, my mentor on beliefs of helping children as ‘child teachers’. Popes change decisions on saint qualification, very funny, even a basketball player face is turned saint venerated by the religious for lack of research, funny for the spiritual world.

Humans tolerated, embraced beliefs, forego being inherent innovative and inventive loving beings. They simply obey and lost analytical abilities. Destruction of Mother Earth continues inclusive of elementals: water, air, ether, fire. Humanity polluted Earth, our hosts to suffocation and near extinction. Truth and peace will now rule our world as All That Is has put a stop and end to lies. Deceivers are on the run. The individual starts to realize who he is thru incoming light opening our eyes to the divine mind. Source Energy releases the constriction in our hearts and creates an enlightened being thru an array of rainbow colors of healing and cleansing lights.

SOURCE comes with harmonic and adaptive magnetic light energies thru Giant Red Magnetic Sun to drive the effects of dark manipulations on souls and cells, the game changer “ healing incompatibilities of our form.” The demarcation line has been set by Source between 3D and 5D and the final decision to enter the shift portal is yours. Integrate our energies with over flowing light, the light of freedom.

UNIVERSAL LAW as expounded by Dr. Georgi Stankov, M.D. in short phrases (extensive in his books before 1990) are quoted and explained as axioms for our understanding, out of deception and exploitation. Teachers scold us in 1959 in Algebra and Geometry classes when we questioned teachers on equations and theorems. But you still end as their favorites for being winners in top regional and national competitive games and examinations as school representative or as professional. This is diversion topic but Dr. Georgi is questioned by his peers or the other way around, on his axioms on universal law. Learn it by heart. In essence, Creator = Creation, Creation = Creator. On a high plane, Energy = All That Is. ONENESS!! Understand these Axiomatic statements from within yourself, are within us, the gnostic stairway keys to higher vibrational plane.

Think again, gnostic knowledge seeks you and will not be learned until you search for truth, gnosis within yourself, at innermost sanctity of your spiritual heart and mind thru quiet-solitude, thence you connect with divine mind. Realize awakened humans absorb magnetic light waves while agnostics are slow as their hearts are closed and constricted to truth and light. Philippines 110M people is 95% controlled by the Roman “Empire” till this very moment. Assist me pray we awaken one per cent of them and they can contribute to a renewed collective consciousness for humankind.

Freedom and unconditional love are within our reach. Touch and feel it my friends, it is at your doorstep to a programmed illumination to Oneness.

Light from ANGEL V. ORNEDO JR.

About the author: ANGEL JR. shares acts of love, light and unity consciousness. With Capitalist, he had provided livelihood to where he can at PH, SEAsia-ME, a concept that a “full stomach learn new ideas.” Read Knowing the Infinite Creator by author at Xlibris, or or link with him at or listen to universal channeling, link at

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