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Energy Update – Triple Energies Parts 3 & 4

By on October 28, 2017 in Energy Updates

Energy Update - Triple Energies Parts 3 & 4

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by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,
Australian Correspondent,

For those who choose to read of me sharing my personal and unique experiences as a Trailblazer/Ascension Pioneer/Template for Humanity in linking our Soul to our Spirit – of the Divine:


With feeling the Triple energies and for myself all-in-one-day yesterday and then sharing what I have in the previous posts Pt 1 & 2, I too have been Triply exhausted and I had a brief lay down and some sleep.

I had what I call a ‘real-dream’ and I was let know ‘something’ by an ancestor of mine. I felt it so deeply within all my being and Beyond with an intake of breath, that with this intake of breath, I woke up carrying this feeling and energy through with me here and now, am still feeling this! Very Deeply.

The message was: We have jumped 30 years!

There is SO MUCH going on with this Triple energy I have shared about, that many are feeling, and that many will also be feeling they need more rest as this continues.

This may be over the next 3 days we will be continuing to feel these current Triple energies as well (I usually do not like to put a ‘time’ frame on anything, yet am sharing this is the feeling I have, at this moment, and this can change at any time ;-).

I am now sharing these new personal energy updates as-I-go through them, here on the Blue Beyond and now also on in5d.


As many are now more ‘ready’ for this information that I share from linking our Spirit with our Soul as a Trailblazer and template for humanity with this. As in, for those who feel and respect the resonations of the Divine coming through in what I share, that is ‘exclusive and unique to the Blue Beyond/in5d – as a ‘first’ for and with humanity, without going into the ‘Oh I went through that last week’ lol.

I will continue to share more as it comes 😉 and other further insight as to what the ‘jumping 30 years means’, as guided by the Divine, through my personal experiences in all I AM.

As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos

Triple energies Pt 4

We are currently in a ‘gap’ or a lull of the Triple energies that came through recently (Pt 3). This is for us to process and assimilate the energies – we are currently feeling in both Sprit and Soul right now.

It was like we were go, go, go with the Triple energies that we are currently feeling and now it is like the complete ‘opposite’.

Of feeling a ‘gap’ or a lull – within this.

This is really going to ‘test’ those who are coming from their heads or are pushing for ‘results’ or ‘wanting’ to ‘move ahead’, of themselves and not Divine guidance as to resonations for ones Souls Divine Journey

Surrender, release, and let go as the only resistance we ‘come up against’ will be ourselves and wanting to rush or push forward right now. It really is about Letting Go!

As the feeling of impatience can come through. Especially if one has been ‘on-the-go’ with energies and feeling so much and processing so much.

A feeling of ‘wanting to do something, but not knowing what’ – a ‘restlessness’. While feeling so drained and burnt-out.

If we continue to ‘push’ as we may have in the past, we can also have something ‘occur’ physically that is providing us an opportunity to slow-down.

I had a ‘dream’ recently where I was given a message that I could have broken my leg. I knew I had ‘headed this off’ for myself, this time. As a little over a year ago, I fell down a step at home, knocked over a statue and feel onto my knees. I broke my ankle in 3 areas and tore a ligament and a tendon. It slowed me down alright!

As before this I remember I went a bit ‘blank’ and do not remember the lead up to the fall. Just that it ‘brought me back to earth’ in a very big hurry as this shook me up a little, as to the ‘why’ did this occur.

It allowed me an opportunity to realize that I was not aware consciously that I would walk around a little quickly. As that was ‘just me’ in going about doing the things I do. I was feeling and processing in Spirit and Soul, yet in the human physical body, I was moving at a quick pace.

After this, I was very very conscious of slowing my walking around my house (and everywhere) down a notch or two. And due to having to then drive an automatic car for 8months and having to slow down, to take care of my ankle, I have now continued this being aware of my steps, as in my walking pace, to this day!

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I know of a few people personally that this has ‘happened’ with recently, after this recent dream. One is now in a wheel chair as they damaged their foot/ankle and the other had a nasty fall, again injuring their lower extremities.

It is an ‘art’ of shifting ones natural internal energy of feeling impatient, on a constant basis lol. Yet when one is ‘aware’ of this, then one can ‘work with this’, or work in with themselves, by acknowledging this and then breathing and consciously slowing oneself down.

It is a ‘great awakener’ when this occurs, for one to slow down and needing to adjust their lives and to (maybe) realise, that to continue at the ‘pace’ they were, was detrimental to them, in some way.

So it is a ‘mixture’ of what we are feeling right now, a drained/burnt out feeling, floaty from all the energies ‘above’, yet also feeling ‘good’ as well and then also feeling impatient.

Bloating and wanting to eat more has been heightened as well in the physical, as we are ‘processing’ so many energies right now.

Many are still ‘dealing’ and processing with these energies for themselves, through dreams, more so than in their waking lives. In situations that one may not be ‘able’ to heal what they need to, with other souls in person. And due to this, are having more rest and pulling away from others to do so.

As we have had many many ‘energies’ come through, yet this is the first time in my experience that we are now feeling these Triple energies not only in Spirit but now, also in the Human as well!

This is explained more in Pt 2, where in the past, we would feel 1 energy process in Spirit and then we would feel this integrate in the human, the Soul. It took a little ‘time’ to process and assimilate this.

With these Triple energies, it is Triple in the human, linked with Triple in Spirit all at once, and all at the same time…no wonder many are feeling a ‘burn-out’ and drained, as we have a ‘very good reason’ to be feeling this way right now.

So within all one is ‘doing’ in their lives, allow for these energies, by understanding it is Triple. As when we do this, this allows us to honour this ‘process’ and accept this and then we ‘go with’ this and to not resist or ‘fight ourselves’ on or with this. As this then can add to feeling more exhausted by doing so.

As we continue to ‘trust’ in the flow of the Divine and continue to breathe through any restlessness, boredom or impatience, allowing ourselves to flow through these, as we release what is or has been ‘pent up’ inside, of what we not have been ‘aware’ of that is needing to release.

Or all else that we have not been conscious of, that is also needing to be released by slowing down and ‘making the most’ of this ‘gap’ or lull. And allowing ourselves to nurture and take care of ourselves if we are feeling burnt-out.

As this Triple energy and all we are feeling, will ‘transpire’ to a Triple growth breakthrough!

I am looking forward to sharing more on this soon!

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As always I am right here with you.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos

6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
Australian Correspondent in5d
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available.

6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
Australian Correspondent in5d
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available.

About the author: Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both – of the Divine – through human embodiment of being in 6D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2017. Copyright © 2016-2017

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