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Facing Challenges? Congratulations, You Are The Lucky One – Here’s Why!

By on May 26, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Facing Challenges? Congratulations, You Are The Lucky One - Here's Why!

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by Gunjan,
Contributing Writer,

What if I tell you the struggles and challenges you are going through are here for a reason and you are extremely lucky. Do you know why?


We all unconsciously know we are born for so much more and this knowing is growing stronger day by day as humanity is ascending to a higher dimension. We are entering a new age. The Golden age also known as Age of Aquarius.

Ascension is moving from a lower density living to a higher state. Its evolution from our lower level consciousness to a much higher level so we can attract our higher destinies. These are a very important times for all of us. People are waking up to the truth, to the illusions, to the lies we have been told that we are limited to our body. No we are multidimensional beings creating our realities with our thoughts and emotions. We all have the god given power of manifestations.

Why are you facing challenges? Here’s why?

We are energy beings vibrating at a certain frequency and we attract to us who is a vibrational match to that frequency, we block our desires from manifestation because of our negative beliefs and patterns.

Universe is clearing away all the debris, the stuck negative energy from your body that is stopping you from attracting your wishes and desires.

Through these challenges you are being asked to confront your deepest fears, so you can transmute them into wisdom and Love.


Struggles and challenges are a sign you are misalignment. You are being pushed into harmony with your higher self and highest good. Universe knows your potential and its helping you clear away any negative beliefs that you hold about yourself, so you can come into full alignment with your truth, your path, and your amazing destiny.

Your energy field is being cleared of any past life wounds, traumas, and negative belief patters so you can embody new positive beliefs and patterns.

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This is a very transformative times for all of us. Be patient with the process. I know it’s not easy. I have been there done that. We all are waking up one by one. As you come out to the other side you will be a different person all together. Face the challenges head on and clear yourself of any stuck energy so it can bring your highest destiny into fruition.


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About the author: I am Founder/Editor at sharing my knowledge & views on Metaphysics & Women Spirituality . As a child I always felt different & tried fitting in but every time I did ,someone inside me resisted ? Who was she ? It was my soul crying for help ‘ You are here on a purpose fulfill that , live that , be that ‘ This Indigo starseed always had this inner knowing there is more to life , this search for meaning lead me to self help communities which in turn triggered my spiritual awakening in 2015 & finally in Feb 2017 Universe Helped me break free from the societal conditioning . 

Image: Pixabay

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