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Feeling Low Energy And Tired All The Time? Try This Out!

By on April 19, 2015 in Health with 0 Comments

Feeling Low Energy And Tired All The Time? Try This Out! in5d

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by Andrea Schulman
Contributing Writer,

One thing that I’ve noticed over the years is that sometimes my habits have caused me to get into a low energy state. For example, perhaps I’ve been feeling down in the dumps about something, so I’ll sit or lay down a lot, lower my rate of productivity and generally “space out.” As a result, my energy slows and I’ve had a harder time pulling myself together. When this has happened in the past, I’ve gotten into a state of feeling low energy and tired all the time.


This low energy state can be hard to pull ourselves out of if we are unaware of how our actions contribute to our energy levels. While we might feel compelled to sit or lay down, be quiet, and veg out, these actions actually compound the slowing of our energy, and cause us to feel even more tired and unproductive.

Fortunately, I’ve found a remedy that works for me in low energy times. If you are feeling low energy and tired all of the time, give it a whirl and see if it works for you too!

Now, I realize that when your energy is low, some of the things I am going to recommend will probably feel like the absolute last things that you will want to do. So the trick is this, pick one thing from the list that feels like something you could do. Do it, take a break, and then pick another thing off of the list. Slowly, but steadily, keep crossing items off of the list, taking breaks as needed.

The reason that you will want to start small is that energy moves by the principle of inertia. The slower energy is going, the harder it is to make it go fast. The faster energy is moving, the harder it is to slow it down. So, the goal here is to gradually build up momentum, like those first few, slow pedals on the bike when you are just getting started and haven’t yet ramped up any speed.

That being said, here are a few things that I’ve found can speed up energy momentum. When you are feeling like you are in a low energy state, gradually pick items from this list. Look at them as individual pedals on the bike. As you take one after another, your energy will begin to build, and each task will become easier than the one before it.

Actions to Take When Feeling Low Energy

1. Get some sunlight and fresh air:


I live in Florida, so this one is a natural for me, but even if you don’t live in an area of the world with a great deal of sunshine, try to make an effort to get outside for at least 20 minutes. Sunshine and fresh air are naturally stimulating, and unfortunately, for so many of us, when we are down in the dumps we tend to stay inside, depriving ourselves of these natural energy boosters.

2. Listen to fast, upbeat music:

Put your headphones on or turn on the car radio and find some high energy music. Again, you will probably not feel like listening to high energy music, but listening to fast music will naturally get your blood flowing quicker.

3. Get some light exercise:

It could be as simple as a walk around the neighborhood, but exercise is critical. Make sure to get out of bed, or out of your seat and move around for a few minutes to get your blood circulating.

4. Attend to your personal grooming:

We tend to let our appearance go to the dogs when we are in a low energetic state. Even if you just get up for a few minutes, put yourself together, and go sit back down again you will feel a little bit stronger and more capable to cross another item off of this list.

Grooming also has the added benefit that it will make you more likely to leave your house when you are feeling down. Most of us don’t want to be seen when we are looking rough, so putting ourselves together makes the idea of being out and about less daunting.

5. Clean up a little:

Tidy up your surroundings. You don’t have to do a complete Spring cleaning routine, but look around for one small mess or area of clutter in your home or workspace and clean it up. You will feel better when you look around and things are cleaner and less cluttered.

The more things there are for you to clean up, the better. So if your home or workspace is very messy or cluttered, good! This gives you a lot more “pedals on the bike” to ramp yourself up as you feel ready to tackle them.

6. Run a quick errand:

Go to the bank, head over to the grocery store or get your hair cut. Get something on your “to do” list crossed off.

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7. Eat something healthy:

Eat some whole, organic foods that are nutrient and energy rich like blueberries, spinach, black beans, red peppers or any other kind of high energy food. Even if you prefer to eat potato chips and cookies, adding a few healthy foods into the mix will help build energy in your body.

Again, when we are feeling like we are in a low energy state, we usually become fairly listless and sit down, lay around a lot, and reduce our rate of productivity. This slows the inertia of our energy, making it harder to get back into a high vibrational state.

So, the goal here is to gradually build momentum. Pick one item off of the list above, do it, and then take a break. Then do another, and repeat the process. Eventually what will happen is that you will find your energy building and building until you are back into a higher vibrational state. After a little bit of initial work, items on this list will no longer seem overwhelming, and you’ll wake up in the morning eager to tackle what lays in front of you because you know it will actually make you feel good.

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Please keep in mind, I do realize that some people have medical and psychological conditions that may be underlying causes for low energy. With this being said, while I stand behind the actions listed above to raise your vibrational energy, these ideas are not substitutes for medical or psychological care. Use these suggestions in addition to any necessary, professional treatment.

Did you like these tips on how to combat low energy? Find more ways to raise your energy vibration on my blog or subscribe to my newsletter!

About the author: Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.

Image: Pixabay

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