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Tag: music

25 Ways To Get Grounded!

25 Ways To Get Grounded!

By on August 2, 2018 in Health with 0 Comments

As the energies streaming into our planet from the Sun and the Great Central Sun continue to intensify at a staggering rate, the importance of GROUNDING becomes more and more crucial. For those suffering from a seemingly endless stream of Ascension symptoms, grounding is an absolutely necessary practice to help your physical body and to increase your quality of life. Here are 25 easy ways to ground:

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The Mysteries, Myths, And Magic Of Meditation

The Mysteries, Myths, And Magic Of Meditation

By on December 5, 2016 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening

by Morag, Contributing Writer, What is meditation? Meditation is prayer, before the kabal took the heart from it. Meditation is sacred ritual before it became outlawed as wiccan and wicked. Meditation is being one with nature before we were plugged in to the 3d matrix. Meditation is being still, at peace, present and connected. We […]

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Do You Have These 6 Psychic Senses?

Do You Have These 6 Psychic Senses?

By on April 25, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We have five main senses; sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. We also have psychic senses. Typically we align these with our 5 basic senses because it makes them easier to understand and to train. We also add in a 6th sense into the psychic sense list because there is a higher sense of intuition that is important when studying psychic abilities.

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Grounding Techniques For Empaths

Grounding Techniques For Empaths

By on November 20, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

For Empaths and Sensitives, in these trying times, it is a challenge for us to stay grounded as we are constantly being bombarded with a real mix of negative, external emotions. Even if we stay home and don’t venture out of our personal sanctuaries, our empathic antennas are picking up so much of the pain from the outside world. Because of this we can easily become consumed with depression, listlessness and apathy and lose sight of what our roles here are to do.

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10 Reasons To Embrace Your Inner Weirdness

10 Reasons To Embrace Your Inner Weirdness

By on November 5, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by James McCrae, TheMindUnleashed “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde High school was hard. Not so much the classes. The classes, at least at my high school, were a breeze. The hard part about high school was navigating the social cliques and doing anything possible, including great leaps of effort and […]

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Huge Energetic Shifts – Simple Tips for Integration

Huge Energetic Shifts – Simple Tips for Integration

By on October 19, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

There is a ton of energy that is moving in our world right now, which is causing big shifts in our reality. You can feel it energetically. It’s been really ramped up lately.

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21 Ways to Love Yourself Up!

21 Ways to Love Yourself Up!

By on October 5, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Did you ever find yourself putting so much energy into other people that you don’t find time to love yourself?

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Communicating With Your Spirit Guides

Communicating With Your Spirit Guides

By on August 15, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Are you frustrated because all your friends are communicating with their Guides, Angels, or Oracles, but you get nothing? The remedy may be simpler than you’ve ever imagined. Here’s how it works.

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This Is What Happens When Water Is Charged With Music Energy

This Is What Happens When Water Is Charged With Music Energy

By on August 15, 2015 in Health

by Valerie, Learning Mind Physicist from Kazakhstan Vladimir Ivanov charges water with the help of music. Such water, he says, has unique healing properties and can be used as an adjunct to traditional medicine. The scientist uses the works of Bach, Mozart and other great musicians to charge water. Healing essence The fact that water […]

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Astrology and Music

Astrology and Music

By on August 14, 2015 in Astrology with 0 Comments

If one were to think in terms of musical frequencies emitted by each planet in a specific sign, a person’s horoscope would make a specific kind of harmony or music. Then, when brought together with others (people or even planets that continue to move through time), the music would be either enhanced or become cacophonic. In fact, the music is constantly encouraged to adapt and rearrange itself to fit the stronger pattern.

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Feeling Low Energy And Tired All The Time? Try This Out!

Feeling Low Energy And Tired All The Time? Try This Out!

By on April 19, 2015 in Health with 0 Comments

One thing that I’ve noticed over the years is that sometimes my habits have caused me to get into a low energy state. For example, perhaps I’ve been feeling down in the dumps about something, so I’ll sit or lay down a lot, lower my rate of productivity and generally “space out.”

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