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Huge Energetic Shifts – Simple Tips for Integration

By on October 19, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Huge Energetic Shifts – Simple Tips for Integration

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by C. Ara Campbell
via Wake Up World

There is a ton of energy that is moving in our world right now, which is causing big shifts in our reality. You can feel it energetically. It’s been really ramped up lately.


These shifts in vibration can manifest in many different ways. Becoming hyper-sensitive to smell, to taste, to everything around you. You’re like a finely tuned instrument that can feel and read everything. You’re tapped into the energy of others huge right now, and you’re really in touch with what they are throwing at you. You feel every facet of it, truth or lie.

It can show up as a need for detoxing, for changing eating and drinking habits, completely changing your normal routines. There can be short tempers and attention spans, feeling spaced, sleeping issues, old body pains re-surging and old heart wounds flaring. Environmental changes, weird weather patterns and energy just “feeling” different. Things have a feeling of endings and new chapters opening up

These can be signs of huge changes about to appear, huge cosmic occurrences, and solar flares. These can be a sign of a time of expansion and of awakening to a new more in alignment perspective in our world and like any Phoenix flight, it starts with the inferno, which causes us to experience shifts in our world.

What can you do?

1) Spend some time alone
Do it in nature, do it the bathtub, do it in a gym; do it in a place that makes you happy. This is a good time to get with yourself and make sure that you know what it is that you are wanting without the affects of others energy around you. We are coming to a huge time of bringing into the world what it is that we are wanting our future to look like. You need to be in touch with what that looks like for you.

2) Do something creative
Write, paint, sculpt, sing, dance, cook, bake, decorate, draw, garden. Creative energy has the ability to not only relax us but tap us into a non-resistant state. This puts us in a much better place to receive and move with the energy that is surrounding us. It gives us a chance to relax and flow instead of putting up blocks.


3) Detox and cleanse
Take a sea salt bath, step away from electronics, step into nature, turn on some Himalayan salt lampsir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=ur2&o=1, give up heavy foods, smudge your space, clear away clutter. By going “light” you can alleviate some of the heaviness that is so thick right now. It also puts you in a place of being more receptive to messages and intuition right now. It can cause some ease and get you back to some natural rhythms if you are feeling really off or your sleep has been badly affected.

4) Listen to your inner compass
Need to sleep? Do it. Feel inspired to work? Do that. Feel like hiding and listening to music? Yes! Follow what it is that you are being guided to bring to yourself right now, only you know what it is that you need to nourish the changes that are occurring within and around you. Honor your own path.

5) Grounding
Grounding or “Earthing” is a great way to reduce stress and even aid sleep. Spend time in nature with your feet on the Earth and your face in the breeze, eat some root veggies, use some grounding crystals (blue kyanite, black tourmaline, black obsidian, hematite, smokey quartz), try an earthing mat, picturing your feet growing roots deep into the earth giving you a solid foundation.

Huge Energetic Shifts – Simple Tips for Integration

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6) Center your energy
Do something to center your energy or give you an energetic reset. Yoga, meditation, light some candles, time in nature, time near water, time with animals, a nap. Anything that brings you back to a place where you are centered and not all over the place.

7) Sit with your heart
When energy gets chaotic like this, we can disconnect from our feelings and emotions. Stay present with what is unfolding in this place for you. Be connected with your feelings and express them. If you need to release and cry, honor that. If you need to go out into the bush and scream, do that. In all that is unfolding in front of us we need to first be tapped into ourselves. Let’s dance along!

Yes, there is a lot going on right now, but there is nothing that is written in the stars and cosmos that we cannot dance to. This is a time that is leading into a big shift in our worlds. Believe in yourself and in the power of your dreams.

You were born to do this.

Much love and light,
C Ara

About the author:
I am a visionary writer, teacher, painter, poet and photographer dedicated to awakening and living divine feminine truth. I am deeply connected to the divine, and have been channeling guidance from the unseen world since I was very young. I have been intuitively soul coaching as long as I can recall using these spiritual elements and natural energies.

I am the founder and writer at The Goddess Circle, creatrix of online lunar events and Goddess downloads, as well as “The Sisterhood Circle” which is dedicated to the support and nourishment of the divine feminine. I have had a lifelong passion with reading tarot, working with the energy of the Moon and planets, and tapping into the magic of the Earth energies for healing. I am a practitioner of Shamanic and natural based spiritual practices.

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Image: Pixabay

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