Tag: animal

Ascension Symptoms For Pets And Animals
The animal kingdom is going through the ascension process too! Knowing what some of their ascension symptoms are can help you better assist them through the process. The more of us that can become aware of this and help out, the better care can be provided for our animal friends.

20 Questions To Determine Whether YOU Are an Extraterrestrial!
The following are 20 “Are You An Extraterrestrial”questions created by Scott Mandelker, author of From Elsewhere: Being E.T. in America and Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan, from which this updated version is taken: Scoring Your ET Identity For each YES answer, give yourself 5 points and then total your score. For every […]

Animal Ascension Symptoms
Many online articles and videos talk about the energy shifts that are happening now, and specifically, how the Earth’s ascending resonant frequency is affecting humanity. What most of these references do not mention is how these changes are also affecting our animal friends. Animals, domesticated or wild, have a much stronger link with Mother Earth that most humans. It stands to reason, therefore, that they are experiencing ascension symptoms of their own

Starseed Characteristics
1) An aversion to bright unnatural lighting, yet solace found in natural sunlight. 2) An aversion to reptiles, amphibians, and snakes. [Reptilian seeds often are obsessively attracted to these however] 3) Sensitivity to extreme hot or cold. 4) An extreme sensitivity to pain. 5) A feeling of being very different from most others. 6) A […]

Huge Energetic Shifts – Simple Tips for Integration
There is a ton of energy that is moving in our world right now, which is causing big shifts in our reality. You can feel it energetically. It’s been really ramped up lately.

Animal Symbolism, Totems And Dream Analysis From A To Z
When an animal appears to you in a dream or out in nature, what is the symbolism of this particular creature? Nothing happens by coincidence and these animals are here to teach us lessons. Find out below the answers to animal symbolism!

20 Questions: Are YOU an Extraterrestrial?
The following are 20 “Are You An Extraterrestrial” questions created by Scott Mandelker. For each YES answer, give yourself 5 points and then total your score. For every “somewhat” answer, give yourself 3 points.

Using Animal Energies To Enhance Your Life
by Linda Terhune Have you ever wished you had the joy of a dolphin, the wisdom of an owl or the feeling of freedom that an eagle has? Have you ever dreamed of an animal “out of the blue” and wondered why? Well, with the wisdom of the ancient Native Americans, you can obtain the […]

In5D Radio Animal Communicator and Healer, Els Basten – Ep. #5
On Monday, April 22nd, 2013, in5d Radio’s special guest was animal communicator and healer, Els Basten, who let us know exactly what our pets are thinking about, what our relationship means to them and much more! Els is an animal communicator & healer with a fascinating story involving illness, spiritual breakthroughs and healings. Via spiritual, […]