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22 Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Trying To Communicate With You

By on February 18, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

22 Signs Your Spirit Guide Is Trying To Communicate With You

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Are you feeling a little extra in tune with the universe lately? Maybe you’ve been noticing some peculiar coincidences or experiencing some unusual sensations. If so, there’s a chance that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you! While it may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie,  we all have spirit guides looking out for us. So, let’s explore some of the possible signs that your guide may be trying to get your attention. Who knows? You might just discover a whole new level of cosmic connection.

What is the difference between spirit guides and guardian angels?

Spirit guides are entities who help guide you through life, offering wisdom and compassion along the way. They are not associated with any religious tradition. They’re simply spiritual beings who have chosen to guide you or may be ancestors who have a special connection to you.


Guardian angels are associated with religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. These celestial beings are appointed by God to protect and watch over you, offering guidance, comfort, and protection. They are divine messengers that provide spiritual guidance to help you navigate through life’s challenges.

Both spirit guides and guardian angels are non-physical entities that offer guidance and support to individuals, but they are distinct concepts in many spiritual and religious traditions. Regardless of which concept resonates with you (or both), it’s important to remember that you are never alone on your journey and that you have sources of support and guidance available to you.

1. Dreams

Your spirit guide may choose to communicate with you through vivid or recurring dreams. These dreams may seem different from regular dreams, as they may feel more intense, have a clearer message, or seem to stick with you long after you wake up.

When you dream, your mind is able to tap into a different level of consciousness, making it easier for your spirit guide to connect with you. Your spirit guide may use symbols, metaphors, or even direct communication to convey a message through your dreams.

Pay attention to any recurring themes or symbols in your dreams, as these may be clues from your spirit guide. Write down your dreams in a journal and reflect on the emotions and feelings you experienced during the dream. This can help you better understand the message your spirit guide is trying to convey.

Also seeTop 40 Dream Symbols, Interpretations, And Their Metaphysical Meanings


2. Feathers

Have you ever found feathers in unusual places or in a specific pattern that seems to be too coincidental to ignore? If so, this may be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. Pay attention to the type of feather and its color, as this may have a specific meaning for you.

For example, finding a white feather may symbolize a message of purity, while a black feather may indicate a need to let go of negative energies. A blue feather may represent communication, and a green feather may suggest growth and healing.

Also seeBird Feathers – Spiritual Meanings and Colors

3. Synchronicities

Have you ever noticed that certain patterns or coincidences keep popping up in your life? Maybe you keep seeing the same number sequence, or you keep running into the same person in unexpected places. These synchronicities might not just be random chance – they could be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you.

Your spirit guide might be using these repeated patterns to get your attention and send you a message. Try to pay attention to the meaning behind the synchronicity. What thoughts or feelings come up when you notice these patterns? What is happening in your life when they occur? Keeping a journal can help you track these synchronicities and explore their deeper meanings.

Also see11:11 Synchronicity – Repetitive Numbers and Their Meaning

4. Number sequences

When you begin to see repeated number sequences like 111, 222, or 333, take notice, because your spirit guide may be trying to communicate with you. This can be a powerful sign that they are sending you a message, so pay attention to the numbers and what they might mean for you. One common interpretation is that the numbers are a reminder of your connection to the divine and that you are on the right path. Other interpretations might be more personal, so trust your intuition to understand the message that is being sent to you.

Each number has its own unique meaning, so it can be helpful to look up the significance of the number sequence you are seeing. For example, seeing the number sequence 555 might be a sign that a major life change is coming, while 888 can signify financial abundance. Trust your instincts and listen to your spirit guide’s messages, and you may find that the number sequences you see offer valuable guidance and insight into your life.

Also seeNumber Sequences From Our Spirit Guides

5. Animal encounters

When you experience repeated encounters with a particular animal, it may be a message from your spirit guide. Perhaps you see the same bird outside your window every day, or a certain animal crosses your path multiple times. These encounters can feel like more than just coincidence and may hold a deeper meaning. Pay attention to the behavior of the animal – is it acting in an unusual way? Is it trying to get your attention? Animals are known to be messengers and can offer guidance and insight into your life. Take note of the type of animal and its symbolism in different cultures or spiritual practices to gain a deeper understanding of the message. Trust your intuition and allow the animal’s presence to guide you towards the message your spirit guide is trying to convey.

Also seeAnimal Symbolism, Totems And Dream Analysis From A To Z

6. Intuition

When you have a strong feeling about something that you can’t quite explain, it may be your intuition talking to you. Your spirit guide may communicate with you through your intuition, guiding you towards certain decisions or actions. You may feel a sudden urge to do something, or a nagging feeling that you should avoid a particular situation. These intuitive messages from your spirit guide may be subtle, but they can be powerful and should not be ignored. By learning to trust your intuition, you can strengthen your connection to your spirit guide and receive guidance more easily.

Also seeHow Do I Make The Most of My Intuition?

7. Electrical interference

If you’ve been experiencing unusual electrical interference, it could be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. They may be manipulating the energy in your environment to get your attention. Pay attention to any patterns or repetition in the disturbances you experience, as this could be a message from your guide. Take note of the time of day, location, and any other environmental factors that could provide additional clues about the meaning behind the interference. Don’t be afraid to ask your spirit guide for clarification or assistance in understanding the message they are trying to convey through this method of communication.

Also see30 Signs That You Are Wired Differently Than “Normal” People

8. Aromas

When you smell a familiar and unexplained aroma, such as a loved one’s favorite scent, it may be a sign that your spirit guide is communicating with you. This can happen even when there is no logical explanation for the scent, and it can often be associated with a feeling of comfort or reassurance. It could be a message from your spirit guide reminding you of a loved one who has passed, or it could be a message to pay attention to a particular situation or person in your life.

Pay attention to the timing and circumstances surrounding the aroma, as this may provide further insight into the message your spirit guide is trying to convey. It could be a way for your guide to remind you of their presence, or to provide guidance and support as you navigate life’s challenges. Trust your intuition and inner guidance to help you interpret the message and take the necessary actions to align with your highest path.

Also see: 72 Immediate Ways To Benefit From Aromatherapy Today

9. Physical sensations

As you go about your day, you may suddenly feel a tingling sensation or goosebumps for no apparent reason. These physical sensations can be a sign that your spirit guide is near or trying to communicate with you. You may feel the sensation on different parts of your body, such as your arms, legs, or back. The sensation may be subtle or intense, and it may last for a few seconds or longer.

When you experience these physical sensations, take a moment to pause and tune into your intuition. Ask yourself if there is something important that your spirit guide is trying to convey to you. Pay attention to any thoughts, feelings, or insights that come to you. Trust your inner guidance and allow yourself to receive the message that your spirit guide is trying to communicate to you.

Also seeHow Do I Know If My Guides Are Contacting Me? 5 Tips And Tricks For Tuning In

10. Music

When you hear a song or melody repeatedly, it could be your spirit guide trying to communicate with you. Pay attention to the lyrics or the emotions the music evokes within you, as they may hold a message from your guide. You may find that the music brings you comfort, reassurance, or guidance. You may also notice that the song comes on at particularly meaningful or synchronistic moments in your life. Keep an open mind and trust your intuition when it comes to interpreting the messages you receive through music. Your spirit guide may be trying to connect with you in a way that resonates with your heart and soul.

Also seeAmazing Singing Plants Phenomenon

11. Coins

You may have noticed coins showing up in unusual places or in a pattern, such as always finding a penny on the ground, or finding coins with specific years or images. This can be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. It’s their way of letting you know that they are with you and supporting you. Take a moment to acknowledge the coins and thank your spirit guide for the message. You can also set the intention to be more aware of other signs and signals that your guide may be sending you. Remember to trust your intuition and pay attention to any feelings or thoughts that come up when you encounter these signs.

Also seeA Penny For Your Thoughts: A Chance Encounter Teaches A Valuable Lesson Of Accepting Money And Wealth

12. Voices

If you hear a voice or whisper that cannot be explained, it could be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. This can be a startling experience, but try not to be afraid. Your guide is there to help and support you, and may have an important message for you.

If you hear a voice or whisper, take a moment to be still and listen. Pay attention to what the voice is saying or the tone in which it is speaking. Is it urgent or calm? Is it a man or woman’s voice? Does it sound familiar?

Once you have listened to the voice, take note of any message or feeling that you receive. It could be a warning or guidance, or perhaps a word of encouragement. You may not fully understand the message at first, but trust that with time, it will become clearer.

It is important to remain open and receptive to the possibility of hearing from your spirit guide. Remember to trust your intuition and listen to your inner voice. Your guide may communicate with you in many ways, so be open to any signs or signals you may receive.

Also seeHow To Develop Psychic Abilities!

13. Visions

If you find yourself having visions or seeing symbols in your mind’s eye, it could be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. These visions may appear as random or abstract images, or they may be more detailed and meaningful. Your spirit guide may be using this visual language to convey important messages to you, or to provide guidance and support.

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Pay attention to any recurring symbols or images that you see in your visions. These may hold special significance and can provide clues to help you understand the messages your spirit guide is sending. Try to stay open and receptive to the messages that are being conveyed, and don’t dismiss them as mere imagination or coincidence.

In order to receive more clear and accurate messages, it can be helpful to quiet your mind and open yourself up to receiving guidance from your spirit guide. This can be done through meditation, journaling, or other spiritual practices. As you become more attuned to your inner voice and the subtle messages from your spirit guide, you may find that your visions become clearer and more meaningful, providing you with valuable insights and guidance on your spiritual journey.

Also seeDo THIS Right Before You Go To Sleep To Open Your 3rd Eye!

14. Hunches

When you get a sudden feeling or hunch, it may be a way that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. This feeling may be different from your usual thoughts or emotions, and it may come on suddenly and without explanation. Trusting your intuition can be an important way to receive guidance from your spirit guide. You may have a sense that you should take a particular action or make a certain decision, even if it doesn’t seem logical or rational. This feeling may come from your spirit guide, who is trying to help you navigate your path in life. Paying attention to your hunches and following them can lead you to new opportunities and experiences.

15. Cloud formations

Cloud formations are another way that your spirit guide communicates with you. If you notice shapes or symbols that seem meaningful to you, it could be a message from your spirit guide. For example, if you see a heart-shaped cloud or a cloud that resembles an animal, this could be a sign from your guide that they are with you and watching over you. Pay attention to the feeling you get when you see the cloud and the symbol it represents. Does it feel like a positive or negative message? Trust your intuition and keep an open mind about the ways that your spirit guide may be trying to communicate with you. Remember, your guide is always there to support and guide you on your journey, and it is up to you to stay aware of the signs and messages they send your way.

16. Colors

When you keep seeing the same color repeatedly or in unusual places, it could be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. For example, you might notice that you keep seeing the color blue, whether it’s in the sky, on objects, or in your dreams. This could indicate that your spirit guide is trying to convey a message to you that is related to the qualities associated with the color blue, such as calmness, stability, and communication.

Alternatively, you may notice a specific color associated with a particular situation, such as seeing green when you’re trying to make a decision about money, or red when you’re feeling angry or passionate about something. This could be your spirit guide using the color to help guide you towards the best course of action or to help you understand your emotions.

In some cases, you may also see a particular color associated with a loved one who has passed away. This could be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to let you know that they are watching over you and supporting you from the other side.

Also seeThe Spiritual Meaning Of Colors

17. Goosebumps or chills when you think about a certain situation or decision

If you experience goosebumps or chills when you think about a certain situation or decision, it may be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. These physical sensations are a way for your guide to alert you to something important or to give you a sense of confirmation about a particular choice you’re considering.

Pay attention to when and where you feel these sensations, as they may provide clues about what your spirit guide is trying to communicate. Trust your intuition and use these sensations as a guide to help you make decisions and navigate your path in life.

For example, if you are considering taking a new job and you feel chills when you think about it, it may be a sign that this job is a good choice for you. Alternatively, if you feel uneasy and get goosebumps when thinking about a certain situation, it may be a sign that it’s not the right path for you to take.

18. Feeling a sudden change in the air or energy around you, such as a sudden gust of wind or feeling a shift in the atmosphere

When you experience a sudden change in the air or energy around you, such as a sudden gust of wind or feeling a shift in the atmosphere, it could be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. This is because spiritual entities can manipulate energy and the elements in the physical world to get your attention.

When you feel a sudden shift, take a moment to tune into your body and observe your surroundings. Notice any physical sensations, such as goosebumps, chills, or tingling, which may indicate that your spirit guide is nearby. Pay attention to your intuition and any sudden insights or inspirations that come to you.

You can also try asking your spirit guide a question and then waiting for a response. Be open to receiving the answer in any form, whether it’s a physical sensation, a synchronicity, or a feeling of clarity or understanding.

If you are unsure whether the change in energy is a sign from your spirit guide, take some time to meditate and ask for clarity. Trust that the answer will come to you in the way that is most beneficial for your growth and evolution.

19. Noticing a sudden change in the behavior of animals or pets around you.

If you notice a sudden change in the behavior of animals or pets around you, it could be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. For example, your cat may suddenly start staring intently at a specific spot in the room or your dog may start barking at an empty space. Alternatively, you may notice that birds or other animals seem to be following you or appearing in your path more often than usual.

When you experience these kinds of animal encounters, take a moment to pay attention to what the animals are doing or where they are appearing. Try to tune in to your intuition and see if there is any message that your spirit guide may be trying to convey to you. It could be a message of warning, encouragement, or simply a sign of their presence.

You may also want to research the symbolism and meaning behind the specific animal you are encountering. For example, if you keep seeing owls, you may want to look up the spiritual meaning of owls and see if it resonates with any messages or guidance you may be receiving from your spirit guide.

20. Hearing a word or phrase repeatedly in your head or from others

If you keep hearing a certain word or phrase repeatedly, pay attention to it as it may be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. You may hear the word or phrase in your mind or repeatedly from others. It may feel like a coincidence, but it could be your guide’s way of drawing your attention to something important.

Take a moment to reflect on the word or phrase and consider its meaning in relation to your life. Does it relate to a decision you need to make, a situation you’re facing, or a direction you need to take? Trust your intuition and allow yourself to be open to the message your spirit guide may be trying to convey through the repeated word or phrase.

21. Seeing orbs or flashes of light

If you have been seeing orbs or flashes of light, it could be a sign that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. These orbs or flashes of light may appear as a sudden movement or as a stationary object that disappears quickly. It may be a sign that your spirit guide is nearby, and is trying to get your attention.

When you notice these orbs or flashes of light, try to be open to the messages that your spirit guide may be trying to communicate with you. You can take note of the time, place, and context of when you see these orbs or flashes, as this may provide clues to the message your spirit guide is trying to send.

You may also want to pay attention to any feelings or thoughts you have when you see these orbs or flashes of light. Sometimes, your spirit guide may use these visual cues to help you connect with your intuition and inner guidance, which can help you in your life’s journey.

Also seeAll About Orbs

22. Feeling like someone is trying to get your attention, even if you can’t see or hear them.

If you ever get a feeling that someone is trying to get your attention, even though you can’t see or hear them, this might be your spirit guide trying to communicate with you. This could be a subtle feeling or a strong sensation, but either way, it’s important to pay attention to it. You may feel like someone is watching you, or you may feel like someone is standing near you, even though you can’t see anyone. You might also feel a sudden change in the air or energy around you, which could indicate that your spirit guide is trying to connect with you.

It’s important to trust your intuition in these situations and be open to receiving the message your spirit guide is trying to convey. You might try asking your guide questions and listening for a response, or simply being open to whatever message they have for you. Remember that your spirit guide is always there to help and support you, and communicating with them can be a powerful way to gain insight and guidance in your life.

In conclusion

The signs that your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you are all around you, if you just take the time to look and listen. Whether it’s a gentle touch, a song that keeps playing in your head, or a sudden aroma that brings back memories, your spirit guide is always there, ready to help and guide you on your journey. So embrace the signs and trust that you are never alone. Your spirit guide is always by your side, watching over you with love and care.

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Image: Pixabay

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