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The Mysteries, Myths, And Magic Of Meditation

By on December 5, 2016 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening

The Mysteries, Myths, And Magic Of Meditation

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by Morag,
Contributing Writer,

What is meditation?


Meditation is prayer, before the kabal took the heart from it. Meditation is sacred ritual before it became outlawed as wiccan and wicked. Meditation is being one with nature before we were plugged in to the 3d matrix. Meditation is being still, at peace, present and connected.

We meditate when we walk in nature. We meditate when we color in. We meditate when we dance, free and connected to the music. We meditate when we quieten our ego and hear our soul. We already do it. If you step off the grid, step into your bubble of present you are tuning your cellular frequency to the universal frequency of peace, love and abundance.

When we hug a loved one we are raising our vibrations to the love wavelength. When we laugh we are releasing denser energy, lightening our energetic load. When we make love we are embracing the universal flow of love. When we smell our child’s hair we are fully present, mindful and grateful. The emotion, the vibration of gratitude, like love, can connect us to the higher dimensions, by its very nature it is present, graceful and humble.

When we sit down, comfortable though preferably with the chakras open, lying down is good for some people, we choose to connect, to meditate. Using our breath we can raise the vibrations of our cellular system in turn raising the energetic frequency of our whole being. This enables us to tune in, like a tuning fork, to different wavelengths of energy.

The matrix manipulates us into breathing in a very shallow way, barely into our throat.  When people experience panic and anxiety they are told to breathe into a paper bag. This is because it slows our breathing down, helping us to reach a calmer place. This inner equilibrium is the space we start from to meditate. Using long deep breaths we can calm our system down and raise our frequency.

As our ego (you know…that annoying voice that goes on and on in your head) faces this calm stillness it can freak out. This lessens the more you meditate as the ego is programmed to fear anything it doesn’t know so familiarity calms it. The ego also fears this stillness as it is trained by the matrix to be ‘doing’ not meditating.  We are to obey, conform, work, rest and play. Not connect to the universal love vibrations of the multi verse. Reassure your ego, give it a hug, tell it to quieten down and have a rest, everything is easy.


The ego will continue to pop thoughts of doom and gloom, fear, insecurities, anxieties and stresses into your mind, breathe these out. As you inhale draw in love, peace, calm and positivity as you exhale release pain. Say in your head ‘I breathe in love I release tension and doubt’. Do this for as long as you want or need or have time for.

This is meditation. Reaching a state where your ego is quiet, your body is connected and your mind is open. Where you go from there is entirely up to you. Deep relaxation, chakra balancing, guided healing visualizations, higher self and guide meetings…the multi verse is your oyster.

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You can ask your guides for love and protection, for healing and guidance for you and your loved ones. You can send healing heart led love energy to people and places. You can anchor your light to the  Gaia grid. You can float on a cloud in a rainbow chakra shower.

Meditation is one of the keys to awakening, transition, alignment and eventually ascension. If you are a lightworker, starseed, indigo or Rainbow it’s a way of phoning home. It’s a way of detoxing from the system, of expanding your heart and your mind, releasing stuck karma and growing as a spiritual being.A key to evolutionary growth, wisdom and enlightenment and in a practical sense a brilliant way to manage stress, anxiety and tension. Meditation is the Jedi tool to awakening the force within you. Embrace it, harness it and own it, making it apart of you.  Can I get an Ommmm up in here! Ommmmmmm!.

Namaste _/\_.

About the author:  Born and raised in Glasgow I graduated with an MA in English & Politics, then spent time traveling in Australia. I came home to study, graduating with an MSC in Business Marketing Management. I followed this with a PGCE in English and taught for a year in Glasgow before moving to East London where I taught English and worked as a Head of Year for 14 years. After the birth of my second daughter I left teaching and have been a stay at home mum for three years.  During this time I have led guided meditation groups, retrained as a reiki healer and started my Facebook page awakening5dhealing. I am clairvoyant and clairaudient; I’ve been reading tarot for 25 years. I have always instinctively understood that this world was being run by a small group of men. A recovering Catholic, I experienced my spiritual awakening after breaking my leg three years ago. The realization that quantum mechanics is oneness changed my life. I now write, work as a spiritual healer using reiki, crystals and Starseed Tarot Cards and take part in local healing festivals.

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