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Fifth Dimension Has No Rules Of Permanence

By on October 28, 2020 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Fifth Dimension Has No Rules Of Permanence

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Are there any rules of permeance in the Fifth Dimension?

by Paul Dobree-Carey,
Contributing Writer,


Permanence is the purpose of cause and effect of manifesting in Third Dimension. It provides meaning to what you do. It demonstrates your creations to Others so that you may share what you have personally created – that was the intention!

Within the dream / thought-form state of the astral world of faster frequencies of Fourth Dimension, what is no longer focused upon, no longer holds existence. You think, it exists. You stop thinking, it stops existing.

All created matter is a combination of parts held together by infinite intelligent consciousness – the consciousness holds the parts together by attraction – the energy of attraction is what you know as Love. Love is the energy that attracts all things to each other. Love is the flow of conscious energy without resistance. Order leads to familiarity, which leads to contemptousness, which leads to disintegration, which leads to chaos which leads to new growth.

The Law of Abundance states that to attract that which you desire, you must create the vibration within you that you wish to attract. The resonance of the vibration will attract to you all that has a similar vibration.

Feelings arise from the thought processes based on your perception of the world around you and the manifested results of your thoughts becoming vibrations which you experience as emotions. Emotions allow the movement of energies to take place – combine these with the universal building blocks (particles of substance) and the key-code fire words (breath of intelligence) and you have the creative power behind the Universe.

The world around you is created by your own and all others projections – the result of conscious emotional focus. When you wake in the morning, you have an expectation of the world you will see around you and that is what you get back. This gives you the perception of permanence. How you feel determines what you wish to remain permanent – through attraction or resistance.


Your attachment to this world is created by the intent of your conscious energy as intention. If all around you are creating their own worlds based on expected rules and regulations, then all will ‘experience’ a similar existence. Each expects those around them to do what is expected of them, to play their role, to act their part, for everything that happens to meet their expectation.

How negative it feels when others don’t fulfill the expectation of the individual.

Fifth Dimension Has No Rules Of Permanence

Fifth Dimension has no rules of permanence. The energies provide for a flowing fluid like existence. Create what you need when you need it through the desire of intention, but be prepared to let go of all your creations when they no longer serve purpose. In a world of limited resources, there will always be sufficient to go around if the resources are shared and not hoarded as a form of permanent ownership. It

serves no purpose for one person to own one of everything, if everything is not owned, but shared instead. The more that one person owns, the less that can be shared amongst all. In an ever changing world, permanence is a conceptual illusion of the mind, easily created and easily taken away.

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Loosen your connection with permanence and you will let go of the feelings of jealousy, envy, possession, greed, pride, poverty, lack and victim consciousness.

Instead, create a world around you in which you flow through the enjoyment of yours and Others’ creations. In time, those of similar resonance and frequency will join with you within the same world you have created for your Self.

One person can change many things, but not One person changes All.


The world will not change all at once for All, – it will change One by One until All become One. It has always been so.

Until then, share the moment, share the gift of Life, share your Love, share your Self.

With Loving Blessings ❤

Paul Dobree-Carey / polaris ab

messages, events and articles –www.Polarisab.Com

Online sessions – Paul is available for soul guidance consultations to assist with connection to higher dimensional aspects of self, manifesting and understanding life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.

Image: Pixabay

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