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High Frequency Waves Invite Soul And Heart Claims

By on May 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

High Frequency Waves Invite Soul And Heart Claims

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by Jelelle Awen,
Contributing Writer,

HIGH frequencies lately….the kind of frequencies that can hold wonderful space for the emotional body processes that want to come up and be FELT as you continue to awaken your soul and bring your higher self into your human body. The word ‘gamma rays’ doesn’t mean much to me mentally, yet in the body it feels like a wonderful HUM, like a natural caffeine buzz that brings clarity, renewed focus, and increased energy juice for ANY activities that are connected to your service of love here as the expression of your soul purpose. It may be more difficult to sleep during these high influxes, yet being accepting of this and ‘riding it out’ seems to help a lot. Use the non-sleeping time to clarify and create the NEW golden earth life you want to experience more and more.


These higher frequency photonic energies are illuminating and making more vibrant the higher heart or cosmic heart bandwidth as it beams out in crystalline rainbow rays from the center of your chest. This open heartedness, so warm in the heart feeling extends to those who you are intimately connected with in relationship, those you are serving love with, AND the collective consciousness too. The cosmic heart opens as the 3D heart frequencies in the emotional body are healed and transmuted. These lower frequencies are there because of traumas and woundings that you experienced this life that didn’t get digested at the emotional body level WHILE they were happening.

These traumas create stuck places or what we call ‘parts’ that are freeze framed there emotionally. During sessions with people, these stuck places are often projected to me and I can ‘see’ them and feel them even before someone shares them with me. It is usually the Inner Protector that ‘shares’ them with me in this way in order for them to be finally felt and healed and moved beyond. Through negotiation and connection with your Inner Protector, they begin to share WITH you too and you can go into these scenes with your heart open to feel what is real and so the energy that has stuck can be moved on, transmuted, and integrated.

These higher frequency energies are also drawing soul tribe and soul family members together at a fast rate with immediate sense of resonance and connection. Like a honing beacon that ‘goes off’, soul family are discovering each other through following guidance, intuition, and paying attention to synchronistic events. The longing for soul community is being amplified in the collective, seeming to bring an end to the ‘lone wolf phase’ that so many people needed and chose during their awakening process. The ‘work’ of deconditioning from 3D experience of birth family wounding, from programming around duty and obligation, from karmic binds and ties continues to happen as you discover that formerly nourishing grounds in relationships that are based in these lower vibrations are losing their draw for you.

The compartmentalization that has been necessary to some degree while your soul woke up is being flooded by love waters in order to collapse the inner compartments that remain. Bubbles are being burst that your 3D self and Inner Protector have created around you so that your soul frequencies didn’t ‘disrupt your life’ too much. The ‘status quo’ parts of you have been able to maintain connected to 3D reality (such as careers, geographies, relationships) are being strained, pulled on, and pushed on. You may find that you are more frustrated, more consciously unhappy, and more impatient as this process is happening. These feelings are coming from the parts of you that are getting ready to let go of 3D conditioning and lower frequencies for good as you move more deeply into your higher dimensional expression here.

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Serving love is pressing on you as you feel the cosmic invitation for ALL of us to claim our sacred calling and soul purpose reason for BEing here. This invitation can bring up anxiety, fear, resistance, and tension in parts of you that, again, are trying to protect you from being hurt or ‘getting too big’. These parts of you remember and have access to your soul legacy and the strains and pains you experience in other lifetimes around expression of your soul purpose. Persecution woundings, fall of Atlantis and Lemuria experiences, dark night of the soul frequencies….these are some of the energies coming up to be felt by you as you navigate the claim of your soul purpose.

Plus, the emotional body can ‘kick up’ layers of unworthiness, Inner punisher messages of inadequacy and corresponding shame as you step into your soul purpose work. If you can connect your service of love with your soul family, it can help ease some of these things and certainly (as I am always advocating) to FEEL what is REAL in your emotional body and soul as it lives in these parts of you helps hugely too.


Hold space for yourself during these energies, trust your intuition and higher guidance (however you experience that), allow your feelings to have space in your BEing, and reach out to whomever feels like your soul family community, risk to be vulnerable, risk to make changes into the unknown. All of this will serve you as you navigate the love and light waves crashing into our shores during this VERY exciting transitional era in our sacred human embodiment experiment here with Gaia!

Jelelle AwenAbout the author: Jelelle Awen is an emoto-spiritual teacher, sacred feminine and union facilitator, soul scribe, waySHOWer, galactic love ambassador, and co-creator and teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of Keep Waking Up!: Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyondir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B06XS9JKD9 and an upcoming book to be released on June 1st, Sacred Human, Arising Wonder. Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc. Visit our patreon page to offer a money donation to support our offerings at

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