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How To Embody Your Sacred Femininity

By on April 17, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

How To Embody Your Sacred Femininity

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by Jelelle Awen,
Contributing Writer,

The sacred feminine, the divine feminine embodied, the woman living more and more from the place of fifth dimensional (and higher) consciousness….She can be a mystery, an arising question to live into more than about clear definitions or set answers. There is a sense that her energy invites and draws others as she serves love WITH in all areas of her life and in most moments.


She lives from a sense of personal integrity and authenticity, having embraced her inner shadow with love and courage, and inspires others to BE the same. She leads with vulnerability, her strength coming from bringing what is real in her heart and soul. She invites others into a possible resonant ground that reflects a mutual truth possibility rather than contending or trying to prove that she is right. She is able to take action on what is necessary to be done in order to serve love as an expression of her soul purpose and connection to Divine Source.

The sense of what it IS to be an ascending and awakening human in female form seems to be a deepening, spiraling, non-linear process. There are curves and turns, offering the next layer of discovery or another ‘round’ of experiencing a pattern or loop repeating itself and offering another piece of our puzzle. As we awaken, and especially in the 4D transition phase, we may become less polarized in our gender expression as we burn away and let go of what is not who we really ARE in feminine expression but rather what we have been conditioned to be. We are invited to feel what is NOT actually authentic femininity, what seems to come instead from a wounded masculine expression or place of BEing or aspect inside of us.

Holding space for women and my own process around embodying my sacred femininity, healing the emotional body, awakening the soul, integrating karmic aspects from other lifetimes has offered me a higher perspective on the patterns and themes that often play out in this process. The word ‘sacred’ is important as a key marker of movement in this process is from being SCARED of the inner feminine to being SACRED with it….. holding it with an increasing sense of reverence and curiosity.

A key differentiation place in this process is to become conscious about the template we received from our birth mothers, other significant female caregivers, and birth sister(s) relationships. It can be very illuminating to ask the questions: What was the templating I received from my mother around what it means to be a woman? What templating did I receive from other female caregivers and from my sister(s) around what it means to be a woman? How does the energy and messages of this templating impact me now in all areas of my life? How does this energy express in my relationships?

Connecting with your ‘inner birth mother’ can lead to great healing and separation. A simple way to do this is to write a letter (and outloud during meditation too if you want) to your inner mother telling her how you experience her energy in her life and invite her to write back. You then begin a written dialogue together with you asking her questions about herself and discovering more about this energy that lives inside of you as you ‘took it in’ like a sponge your whole life. As you connect with your inner mother, you will begin to ‘defuse’ or separate from this energy, allowing for more objectivity about it and with more arising of your authentic essence. It may not be possible for you to embody your authentic or genuine frequency of femininity while in relationship with your mother and a phase of taking space from the relationship may be necessary to experience more clarity, perspective, and growth.

Another key aspect to the sacred feminine embodiment process can be connecting with wounded masculine energies that you have taken in and embodied. This can especially present itself in an inner protector aspect, a usually masculine feeling and looking energy that expresses as a guardedness and uses weapons of protection such as energetic shields, swords to jab and pierce (internally and toward others), etc. Negotiation with the inner protector allows for more authentic gender expression of femininity as this aspect often guards the inner feminine and conscious negotiation with it can lead to deeper embodiment and access.


Connecting with energies of the Divine Feminine in different frequencies as Ethereal guides provides a new templating to replace the ones you are letting go of. I have mainly experienced connection with Divine Feminine guides showing up in the energies and forms of Mother Mary, Magdalene, Kuan Yin, and Kali/Dark Mother. Experiencing these guides (and however She shows up for you) during meditation allows for an infusion of multidimensional yin frequencies of comfort, nurturing, creative alchemy, sisterhood, stillness, healthy sexuality, passion, desire, and much more. These frequencies serve as healing balm to the places inside that experienced the wounded feminine and still suffer around it.

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Another aspect of embodying the inner feminine is connecting with and healing karmic and archetypal wounded feminine soul themes such as non-vulnerable priestess, pious nun, matriarch/queen, warrior, medicine woman, witch, and more. Karmic playouts can express in persecution wounding experiences (both as the persecuted and the persecutor) that greatly suppress or impact your ability to express your soul gifts as a woman teacher, way-shower, and healer, for example. Or another example is feeling how sisterhood wounding or traumatic experiences from other lifetimes may influence your relationships with women now. The push away from or the surrender to patriarchy is a big one for most of us with ways that it energizes and plays out in the now and impacts our gender expression.

Embodying the sacred feminine is holding space for the emotional reactions and previously undigested emotional frequencies that come up from the emotional body during the awakening and ascending process. It is also making space for and surrendering to the ‘rumble’ of death and rebirth of the feminine that wants to move through your life and clear out what no longer serves you or serves love. Rebirth can only happen with death or with letting go. Letting go of frequencies that don’t match you anymore in all areas of your life, making changes at a rate and pace that is self loving WITH negotiation with parts of you if possible allows for the blooming of your inner feminine from a small seed to full, ever arising expression of your BEing in female form.

Here is a video with me and SoulFullHeart Facilitator Kalayna Colibri talking about sacred femininity embodiment, our monthly group calls for women and space holding sessions, healing from wounded feminine templating, and much more:

Jelelle AwenAbout the author: Jelelle Awen is an emoto-spiritual teacher, sacred feminine facilitator, soul scribe, wayshower, multidimensional bridge, lover of love and co-creator and teacher of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of Keep Waking Up!: Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyondir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B06XS9JKD9 and an upcoming book, Sacred Human, Arising Wonder. Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

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