How To Recognize And Resist Manipulative People
by Morag,
Contributing Writer,
2016 has been the year the veils lifted. The political and economic manipulations of the cabal have been exposed. Jedi Knights like Bernie Sanders in the US and Jeremy Corbyn in the UK, whistleblowers, activists, artists, writers and musicians have shone a light into the depths of darkness the elite inhabit.
With rational rhetoric, honesty and compassion we have been shown the cold, hard truth that the power elite are manipulators, people who have an agenda. They are darkworkers, energy vampires who use other people as resources for their personal gain.
Following the 2008 ‘crash’ people, in shock and fear, listened and obeyed the directives from the elite. Eight years later the world has been waking up to the food weapon agenda, the pharmaceutical industries assault on our freedoms and the horrific attacks of basic human rights.
We have bailed out the bankers and watched them get wealthier as we get poorer. This is across the board. The internet has blown the propaganda media machine wide apart with people able to find alternative routes for real news, investigation and discussion. The manipulation by the elite against the people for their own benefit has and is being exposed.
As the year comes to a close the Earth Warriors at Standing Rock have been joined by veterans, one of the most poorly treated groups by the cabal. This truly is the front line. The people versus the US military machine.
Politicians have been exposed as at best narcissistic sociopaths bred into a system of domination, at worst mere puppets dancing round on a stage to distract us from what is really going on. The manipulation of the masses from a global perspective is there for all to see.
We have also had to deal with the veil lifting in our own lives. Seeing the people around us with fresh eyes. Family, friends, colleagues…nothing is hidden now. As we wake up we see. We see through people’s masks. This is very hard. Where once we may have thought we were weird, should try harder, should put up with and accept the way we are treated, we now see the truth emerging.
When we strip everything back to energy, the frequency we and others vibrate at we are able to cut through convention, sentimentality, emotional triggers and psychological behaviours rooted in past experiences.
Just because someone is our partner, sister, school friend, work colleague or boss does not change how we should respond to them – yet it does. Manipulative people by definition want you to see a different image of them than their true self. Their whole game relies on you not being able to see through their mask.
Energy vampires must first establish their hold over you. Once they have this their wish is your command. Saying no, being calm, clear and confident from the beginning can send out a message to them that their game won’t work on you.
They need drama, drama allows them to drain your energy. If you don’t give them drama they will get bored. If you are firm and reasonable, there is not a lot of leeway for them. It can be done, more easily than we realise, to stop being manipulated. Like waving a magic wand once you wake up to it and see it, it loses much if not all its power.
So how do we spot if we are being manipulated? Our mind body soul system tells us. Here are 9 warning signs form our systems that we are being manipulated.
- Our heart rate increases when we think of them or are in their company
- We will experience physical signs of stress – dry mouth, sweaty palms, knots in our stomach, nausea, disturbed sleep.
- We will feel very tired after being in their company
- Our thoughts will be confused, chaotic and cloudy
- We will struggle to speak clearly, to communicate what we think/feel/want
- We will feel defensive yet not know why
- The energy drain will be felt in our core – we may feel depressed
- Our self esteem will be affected
- We may see loss of confidence in other area of our life.
Recognising our own responses will help us identify when we are being manipulated. Once you’ve identified the manipulative people in your life you then must figure out how to manage them.
The Martyr
Yes, this is surprising as martyrs are often mistaken for being compassionate, empaths, caring and kind. Not so with the martyr manipulator. These people use their martyrdom to extend control over the people around them, much like the submissive in S&M sets the boundaries, the rules of play. They may appear the weaker player but are in fact the ones really in control, the dom is dancing to their game.
Martyr manipulators will use phrases like ‘oh no, don’t you do it, I can do it, but…my back, my heart, my anxiety etc’ and you do what they want. Martyrs will work with silence, their tool of choice.
With martyr manipulators it’s what they don’t say, what they infer, leave hanging in the air, hint at, that gives them their power. You will feel confused, anxious to please and uncomfortable about what is not being said, you will fill in the blanks. This will take energy and effort on your part.
They are not authentic and your system will know this. Because they promote themselves as downtrodden, hard done by, unfortunate, or less fortunate than you they make you feel indebted to them as though you owe them something because their life is not as good as yours. This is not your problem. Step back. Leave the silences, ignore them, focus on your own needs.
In some ways martyr manipulators are the most draining because of their relentless negativity and professed hardships, but they are actually the easiest to stop. You simply stop caring what they think. That’s it, all you have to do. Then their weighty silences, meaningful looks, poor me body language and sly glances are meaningless. You don’t owe them anything.
Many people out there have and do overcome far worse hardships with a smile, a warm heart and hope. You are dealing with an energy vampire, no more, no less. Emotional blackmail is their language, silence is their weapon. Ignore them.
The Dominator
Better known as the bully. We’ve all met them, watched them form a far and if you’re unfortunate known them close up and personal. Whether they use passive aggression, micro management, verbal, emotional or physical abuse, their goal is to own you, control you and manipulate you.
Language becomes a weapon of mass destruction in these peoples’ mouths. They cause fear through intimidation. They need to feel superior to others to validate their own existence to themselves. The more power they have over people the happier they are.
Bullies are horrible creatures from the nasty office bully to the man boy soon to be king of the United States, bullies are to be avoided at all costs. The best way to beat a bully is to distract them and make them look the other way. Like Harry Potter when he fought the troll, you want it to stop looking at you because it will forget about you and focus on what is directly in its path.
Bullies are very linear, what is in front of them at any given moment is what they are feeding off. Stay out of their way.
The Snake
These are a different animal altogether. The snake will read you – your vulnerabilities, your weaknesses and he will use these to his advantage. He will manipulate just by being his slithery, slippery, charming self. Snakes believe the world owes them, they are short changed by life, they see the people around them as resources.
Snakes use charm, flattery and sly asides to encourage self doubt and worship of them. They are dangerous. Like wolves they will eat you up and spit you out as soon as you are of no use to them. They do not see you as human, certainly not as equal and will only think of you in terms of how they can get what they want from you.
Avoid snakes and if you’ve got one in your life wake up to the charm, see through the slithering smile and keep your cool. Snakes like the heat they don’t deal well with cool cats. Be a cool cat.
Narcissists are by definition selfish. They cannot see from any perspective but their own. They are therefore self serving at all times. They often lack any hint of empathy, compassion and kindness, they may be able to feign these attributes but this will only be if they gain something from it.
Others barely register on their radar – they only see/fee/ hear themselves. Everyone else are just extras in their own private movie, with them as the star. They, like all of us, decide and determine their own narrative, what is different form us is that everything they do, say, think and feel will be totally driven by their needs, wants and ego.
You cannot win against narcissists, you can only avoid and minimize contact. They cannot be changed, influenced or brought to some kind of understanding of others feelings. This is a psychological impasse. Karmically they are trapped in a hamster wheel of me, me, me. This type of individual will fool many, many people around them. Its a case of the better you know them the more you will dislike them.
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They will not be good friends – they cannot exchange energy, only take. Narcissists will not be good bosses, everything they do will be calculated to make them look better and this may involve stealing your ideas, talking themselves up and you down or being secretive and tricky in communication. As a family member this can be disastrous as putting space between families can be very difficult depending on your social, cultural and religious circumstances. They will not be there for you, they will not listen as they can’t. Their world is all about them, period.
The spectrum of narcissism is vast, like everything else in our convoluted universe. We can all manage a bit of selfie obsession but when it starts to drain you, walk away. Leave them to get on with their world.
The Sociopath
This person can and will have traits of all of the above. Totally selfish, service to self, and self obsessed. Emphasis on the word self. By definition they cannot, will not under any circumstances give. They will take. They cannot see anyone outside of themselves as of any importance.
Sociopaths are the hardest to spot as they camouflage themselves. They mirror or reflect the people they are with, disguising their true nature. Sociopaths are sociable, they thrive on drama and social worship. They are often concerned with their appearance and their public image.
Whether they are family, friends, or colleagues step away now. Minimize contact. Only bad things come from being around sociopaths. If you’re trapped at work with one, try and avoid being on your own with them, bring others into the dynamic to dilute their power.
Sociopaths range from mundane, to murderers and everything in between. Either way their brains are wired to only see themselves and all else in the context of how it or they can benefit them. They manipulate like the rest of us breathe, it’s part of their DNA.
Domestic violence illustrates the scale and spectrum of behaviours they can display. Manipulative people can be dangerous, they have agendas, this makes them a threat. At the very least they are not to be trusted as they cannot have any but their own interests at heart.
Karmically manipulators are trapped souls, stuck in their own energetic wheels of self obsession and self gratification. The empath, indigo, lightworker; the kind, compassionate, gentle folk, it is their light that burns brightest. Like moths to a flame darkworkers will be drawn to them. They will drain the light energy from you. Their world is dark, filled with an all-consuming need for attention that can never be satisfied. They always want more.
Lightworkers/volunteers are particularly vulnerable to manipulators. This is a very alien planet, many will have come from places where people are nice to each other. Amnesia, imprinting, memory games, nothing can fully prepare for the brutality of the third dimension.
As a result of this lightworkers, volunteers can be naïve and idealistic, unprepared for deceit, aggression, manipulation and hate, coming here is quite a shock to the system. Add this to the bright light of the volunteer, the lightworker and there is a recipe for disaster. The narcissist-empath relationship is a well known example of this dynamic. A vampire and their prey.
We see this being played out on a global scale which is scary and distressing. To experience the veils lifting in our own little worlds in some ways is harder. Realizing and accepting that your father, sister, husband, daughter, boss, neighbor, best friend or colleague is manipulating you for their own benefit with no concern for your health is a sad, shocking and traumatic experience.
The good news once you see them for what they truly are you can then begin to manage them. Whilst you are under their spell you are paralyzed, you cannot defend yourself. You are at their beck and call. You have no free will. Once you see it, their mask slips, their charm fades, their passive aggression fails, then you can take steps to protect yourself form them.
Predators, parasites, a virus on the planet? Dark energetic beings filled with fear and hate? Cruel, cold, calculating lizards or their kin? Or damaged karmic souls working their way through the mire of cosmic evolutionary transitions like the rest of us? Its a convoluted world and these labels, terms of identification cover a spectrum from the needy to the nasty and everything in between.
However their motivations are in a sense irrelevant. Basically you just don’t want to have these individuals in your life. If they are then you need to know how to identify them and manage them.
The biggest giveaway that you are dealing with a darkworker, an energy vampire, a manipulator is their language. They will use ‘I’ and ‘Me’ a lot; you will hear very little of ‘you, us, we, our’. This is not how they think.
When you spot this and if you experience any of the symptoms of being in the energy field of an energy vampire ask yourself one question: do I feel good about myself in this persons company? If the answer is no, step away from them. Do it slowly, strategically if you have to. Get help if you need it. Tell them to their face and strut away. It doesn’t matter how you do it, if you can, cut the chord. If they are family you may find ways of dealing with it and make sure you recharge after exposure.
Awareness, as always, is the first step to resolution and growth. Or simply survival. All souls have light and dark in them, its what way you choose to go…to turn to the light or turn your back on the light?
Channel your inner Jedi Knight, get your light saber out and cut those chords people. The Force has awakened, the energies stir, shift and change. The veils lift, the masks drop and we see the truth in people’s faces. May the force be with you friends in this challenging time of resistance, revelation and revolution.
Love and light.
About the author: Born and raised in Glasgow I graduated with an MA in English & Politics, then spent time traveling in Australia. I came home to study, graduating with an MSC in Business Marketing Management. I followed this with a PGCE in English and taught for a year in Glasgow before moving to East London where I taught English and worked as a Head of Year for 14 years. After the birth of my second daughter I left teaching and have been a stay at home mum for three years. During this time I have led guided meditation groups, retrained as a reiki healer and started my Facebook page awakening5dhealing. I am clairvoyant and clairaudient; I’ve been reading tarot for 25 years. I have always instinctively understood that this world was being run by a small group of men. A recovering Catholic, I experienced my spiritual awakening after breaking my leg three years ago. The realization that quantum mechanics is oneness changed my life. I now write, work as a spiritual healer using reiki, crystals and Starseed Tarot Cards and take part in local healing festivals.
Image: Pixabay
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